Tribute | their different "August 1st"!

Author:Listening to FM Time:2022.08.01

They used to be

Glorious People's Boy Soldiers

Defend the motherland and protect the homeland

Interpret the honor of soldiers with blood youth


Take off the military uniform

They work hard, dedication and dedication

Use the spirit of not fading

Renewal style

If there is a war, you will return to the call

This is when every retired soldier leaves the barracks

Oath of the party and the country

Since then, since the rotary of the local epidemic in Chengdu

They charge again

Put on "Volunteer Red" and "Protection White"

Interpret it with practical actions

"Retired without fading" soldiers

Today is the "August 1st" Army Festival

Let's take a look at them together

Cute and respectable resistance to resistance


The veteran of the sealing area

Zhu Guangqing, a security officer of Chenggao Corporation, is a party member and a veteran. "Usually talked about it, there is something to do with things and reliable", this is the evaluation of his colleagues. This time, Chengdu Traffic Division supports the prevention and control of Caotang Street's epidemic in Qingyang District. He is the first batch of volunteers in the company and actively invited to enter the high -risk seal control area.

Because residents in the seal -controlled area cannot go out, volunteers often have to run outside the building, upstairs and downstairs. In July, it was sweaty on the outdoor station for a while. Volunteers wore two layers of protective clothes as "steamed sauna". However, as long as the streets have tasks and the masses have demand, Zhu Guangqing has a request, and he often sees that he trotes through the building and the gate.

He said that as an old soldier, this is nothing to suffer. In order to allow the streets and the masses to find him at any time, when he is standing, he usually sits at the door of the unit he is responsible for, and he is like a sculpture. Sometimes he can't get hot.

When Zhu Guangqing learned that an elderly man was unable to go out to buy food because of the sealing control of the community, and did not use his mobile phone to order, he docked the community as soon as possible, and delivered meals to the households at a fixed time every day to solve the urgency of the elderly; Another resident has an impatient toothache and not sleeping overnight. He also took the initiative to coordinate with the community to help buy anti -inflammatory painkillers and send it to his home. When the masses expressed gratitude to him, Zhu Guangqing left a sentence "should" and continued to work in work.

Take the initiative, serve the "epidemic" line

Xu Daoming, retired soldiers, party members, is currently a toll squad leader of Chenggao Co., Ltd.

In the early morning of July 30, Xu Daoming received an emergency notice that the epidemic prevention and control situation in Chenghua District was severe, and volunteers needed to go to the front line. Therefore, he departed on time at 6:00 in the morning and arrived at the designated service community at 9:30 — Donghua Community V guest.

As the team leader, he was responsible for understanding the information of the building and reasonably arranging the tasks of the members of the group to complete the distribution. The entire community implements static management. One of the units of more than 260 households is fully closed. Because there are many people and a large task, more patience and responsibility are needed. He did not leave any effort to provide services to community residents, and was unanimously recognized by everyone.

During the service period, he asked the team members to have a "convergence" psychology, always targeting resident expectations, while protecting himself. Especially for some old community residents, after a few days of seal control, they disrupted their living habits and rhythms. He always persuaded himself, calmly, and eliminating the contradictions of seal control and habits.

The veterans do not retreat, and the forefront of resist

Deng Bo, as a member of the Communist Party, a 39 -year -old veteran, has always maintained the excellent style of a soldier in the ten -year charging work. He unite his colleagues and help others. If you have a life in his eyes, he will not let himself be idle. His hard work is always full of passion and passion. He is an enthusiastic person in the eyes of colleagues.

This time, he supported the resistance of the disease, Deng Boyi took the initiative to register without hesitation, resolutely came to the high -risk point of the high risk, and assisted with colleagues to seal the community in an orderly manner for nucleic acid testing, material distribution, and on -site order maintenance. The arrival of the first car is more than nine o'clock in the evening. In just one hour, nearly 300 cases of vegetables were removed. Eight of them were sweaty in the unpredictable protective clothing. It's right. But they are still enthusiastic and encourage each other to shout: "Everyone go back to rest early today, we will continue to fight tomorrow!"

Deng Bo (first right)

Where we didn't see

There are also many retired soldiers

Fighting on the front line of resistance


Let us pay tribute to the cutest people!

I wish the "August 1st" Jianjun Festival Happy!

(Chengdu Traffic Investment Group)

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