Beyond China 003 aircraft carrier?The "Vikrant" in India is finally delivered, and there are still problems with the problem

Author:Military secondary surface Time:2022.08.01

"Military and Military Secondary Point" Author: Da Yiwan

According to the Xinhua News Agency quoted New Delhi TV, on July 29, local time, the Indian Navy's first domestic aircraft carrier "Vikrant" held a delivery ceremony at the Kerchin Shipyard. In the technical documents, the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier finally ended the long construction process and officially joined the Indian Navy.

It is said that the ship will enter the naval headquarters in the eastern region of Vashacapartan, the ship, and enter the battle sequence of the Eastern Fleet. Systems and supporting carrier -based aircraft forces are tested.

23 years of "Vikrant" aircraft carrier of a sword

For the latest "Victor" in the Indian Navy, Da Ivan thinks, um, let's congratulate the Indian Navy. After all, the Indian Navy's aircraft carrier is really not easy. The relevant development plan of the Victor began in 1999, while only the United States, Britain and Russia at that time were capable of developing modern aircraft carriers in the world. If the "Vikrant" can be delivered as scheduled as the Indian Navy's earliest planning, in 2010 and service in 2011, and in 2011, then they can really have their own domestic aircraft carriers before France and China.

I remember that when Da Ivan was still in high school, a group of good -friendly friends from "Carrier -based Weapons" and "Military Technology Technology" mentioned the news that the Indian Navy wanted to build domestic aircraft carriers. At that time, the aircraft carrier also returned. It's called "Blue Sky Guardian". I remember there was news at the time that because India could not make steel for aircraft carriers, about 50,000 tons of aircraft carriers on the "Blue Sky Guardian" needed steel, all of which needed to be imported from Russia. In February 2009, the "Vikrant" began to lay keels in the Kachin Shipyard and officially started construction in the dock. The "fantasy journey" of Indian domestic aircraft carriers began.

I remember that before 2016, the biggest news about the aircraft carrier of "Vikrant" was how many times the aircraft carrier had been watering. After all, the number of downside of the recorded "Vikrant" has reached three times, and countless paragraphs have been derived from the Internet ...

After 2016, the biggest news of the "Vikrant" was "looking for differences." After all, the photos of the "Vikrant" taken by the Indian military fans are similar, and the construction of the ship island is very low. The ship's surface is covered with the sheds and scaffolding. The flying deck is not painted. It is also exposed with yellow paint or steel plate rust. Various ship noodles and shipping systems are not as shadows.

Until the end of 2019, with the assistance of the manufacturer's universal power technicians, the Victor was counted as the LM-2500 gas turbine ignition test task. The Indian Navy's confidence rose and decided to start the trial of the "Vikrant" in 2020. I did not expect that the plan was delayed because of the raging "new crown pneumonia" epidemic.

However, since 2020, the construction of the "Victor" has indeed accelerated a lot. The carrier island and the noodles have begun to be new. Some sheds and scaffolds have also been demolished. Rajanat Singh visited the Kerchin Shipyard. After inspecting the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier that was built, the Indian Navy gave a clear statement that he was determined to basically complete the "Vikrant" at the end of 2020. Building at the same time starts trials at the same time.

Although the so -called "trial voyage at the end of 2020" by the Indian Navy, it finally turned into a trailer with the "Vikrant" on the Karara River. It's almost the same. In the end, after 12 and a half years of bitter construction, the Indian Navy finally tried the first trial of the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier near August 4th to 8th, 2021.

Although during the trial flight, the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier made another "big news". Under the conditions of low sea conditions, the navigation and banks were found to have a serious "hoe" vertical phenomenon, which seemed to mean There are defects in the design and construction of the ship's center of gravity and the underwater part. However, the Indian Navy did not continue to start a trial voyage for the moving. After three trials, the "Vikrant" was basically completed the test of the entire ship system, the aviation system test and the joint training of the ship. It is considered to meet the delivery requirements.

Although the Indian media had previously disclosed that the Indian Navy was ready to officially receive the "Vikrant" on August 15, the Indian Navy seemed to have some monkeys, and they were unwilling to wait a day. In the income pocket, avoid night dreams. Anyway, the Indian Navy's aircraft carrier starting from planning to officially delivered for 23 years has finally finished its construction process. And we are more truthfully said that if you consider the Chinese Navy's 002 aircraft carrier, there are still 1143.5 aircraft carrier design traces, the "Vikrant" can also be said to be the first modern aircraft carrier in Asia.

The problem of the "Vikrant" still exists

Although the "Vikrant" has been officially delivered to the Indian Navy, it is obvious that even the problems it face has just begun, let's say the following:

Some experts analyzed that the aircraft carrier has not been equipped with blocking cables and radars, and carrier -based aircraft take off and land at all. It is not so much a large ship ...

The first is the construction of the "Vikrant" and did not really complete it. As early as 2020, we mentioned it more than once that the "Vikrant" ship's surface and shipping system was too absent. The E/LM-2248STAR carrier-based carrier-based carrier-produced alert radar manufactured by the tower company. This type of radar has a good paper performance and has the ability to form digital beams. However, it is obviously either delayed during the delivery period, or the Indian Navy's own integration problem, until the node of the Indian Navy is actually delivered to the Indian Navy. Simply welding. This means that the warning radar, which is the core of the "Vikrant" situation perception, has no loading ship at all, and it is obvious that it will affect the overall combat effectiveness of the "Vikrant".

The second is whether the "Victor" is not solved. After all, when the ship first sailed, the shot of "hoe" on the vast Indian Ocean was too deeply rooted in people's hearts. It does n’t matter if such a “hoe”, which means that the design and construction of the “Vikrant” may have congenital defects. I simply need to go into the dock to remove the ship, and welding a ball to go up;

Some people have previously analyzed that Indian aircraft carriers have forgotten the nasal nose, which caused the trial "hoe" ...

On the other hand, if the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier will be served on the sea with illness, then the ship can "hoe" at the sea under low sea conditions. The high -sea conditions of the low sea condition may be "buried". You can also say that a destroyer frigates can be buried. You can bury one aircraft carrier. Is this joke too much?

The third is that the carrier -based aircraft of the "Vikrant" is still blurred. The Indian Navy now has two fixed -wing carrier -based aircraft squadrons, namely the 300th Squadron and the 303 Squadron, both at the Gua Bang Hansa Navy Air Station. The two squadrons were originally equipped with 45 Mig-29K/KUB carrier-based aircraft, and now they have only been "fell" and only 40 are left.

Considering that the Indian Navy MiG-29K's bad, only 60 % of the proper rate, these aircraft can basically be stuffed with the Indian Navy's "Vikhamatia" aircraft carrier, "Vikrant" aircraft carrier The carrier -based aircraft needs to be arranged separately.

At present, a team of Boeing is testing the F/A-18E/F IN carrier-based aircraft at the Hansa Navy Air Station. /F IN and "Ge Ge Gust F3M" are not designed for the current "Vikrant". What's more, these two carrier -based aircraft are also far -sized and thirsty. It is impossible to place orders today and will be delivered tomorrow. This makes the "Vikrant" truly full of carrier -based aircraft, and it is equally complete as the "Vikhamatia". I don't know what day.

Earlier, there were big guys on the Internet calculated with maps: the size of the "Vikrant" 10m*14 meters of lifts, just to put the French "gust -gree" carrier -based aircraft ...

Therefore, in summary, the current "Vikrant" is delivered. Its "Asia First Autonomous Design Aircraft Carrier" (in fact, it is not an independent design. The name for Italian) is basically true. However, from "delivery" to "forming combat effectiveness", the "Vikrant" is too far away.

In this regard, the Chinese Navy started to work later than "Vikrant", but it was delivered at the end of 2019. At present, even the first PIA (regular incremental maintenance) loop has been completed. At present, it is said that the "Shandong" ship, which is about to form the "Liaoning" ship with the "Liaoning" ship, has to say something to say. After all, don't look at the shape of the "Shandong" ship exceeding 1143.5, but we have really formed combat effectiveness, and the carrier -based aircraft forces can basically be fully installed.

If it is really fighting, even the troops that are slightly worse in technology, but the combat effectiveness is full of combat effectiveness, which is far better than the flower rack that has long -term combat effectiveness such as the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier. Not to mention, the overall design of the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier and the level of the entire ship's technology are actually not very good, probably only equivalent to a enhanced version of the "Vikhamatia".

The size of the "Vikrant" and the "Fujian" is not a magnitude of magnitude

As for the "Fujian" aircraft carrier that the Chinese Navy is currently loaded, it is not even a semi -disabled "Victor". It may be that there is no one of the most comprehensive combat effectiveness in the history of the history. From the perspective of the construction progress, don't look at the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier that temporarily surpasses the "Fujian" ship. It has not achieved many people's predictions and believes that the "Fujian" ship join the Chinese Navy's service. "Nothing may not be able to make it.

However, from the perspective of forming combat effectiveness, maybe wait until the time when the Chinese Navy's "Fujian" aircraft carrier completes all construction and start trial.EssenceMaybe when the "Fujian" aircraft carrier completes the ship's coordination test and starts to join the node of the naval service, the "Vikrant" aircraft carrier may not be able to fill all carrier -based aircraft to start the battle for the cruise ... from a certain perspective, WeiThe Calan Special is really a bit like our Shandong aircraft carrier ...

Do not believe?Let's look at it.

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