Zhejiang Luzhou has built over 2.34 million carbon accounts to start a co -construction carbon account system

Author:Colorful Guizhou.com Time:2022.06.16

Event site. Dong Yixin Photo

China News Service, June 16th (Dong Yixin) June 13th to 19th is the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week. The reporter recently learned from Luzhou, Zhejiang that the city has established a carbon account for 2.342 million enterprises and individuals (records of carbon discharge accounts). In addition, the local co -construction carbon account system has been opened. It aims to implement the full process of production and life, accurate and low -carbon governance by building a multi -span application scenario with "double carbon brain+digital intelligence control" as its core. Efficient and coordinated.

Touched the company's "carbon family bottom" to promote low carbonization transformation

Luzhou, located in the western part of Zhejiang Province and the source of the Qiantang River, is an excellent ecological area with a forest coverage rate of more than 70%. It is also a high -carbon industrial area in Zhejiang. The development contradictions are prominent.

In the context of the "Carbon Dafeng, Carbon neutralization", the Luzhou carbon account has covered 6 major areas of industrial, agricultural (forestry), energy, construction, transportation, and residents' lives, and promoted the entire society to reduce and reduce carbon.

"At present, Luzhou has rely on carbon accounts to find out the 'carbon family' first." The relevant person in charge of the Luzhou Development and Reform Commission said that in 2021, the city carried out rectification and improvement of 241 high -carbon inefficient enterprises, and 6101.4 was free from 6101.4. The land and 120,000 tons of coal have been promoted to invest more than 6 billion yuan in low -carbonization transformation.

For example, Zhejiang Mingwang Dairy Co., Ltd. precisely find out the emission reduction point through carbon accounts, upgrade the low -production capacity production line, and accumulate a total of 6268 tons of carbon dioxide; Zhejiang Huakang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. monitor its energy consumption and carbon exhaust situation through real -time monitoring , Accurately find out the emission reduction point, take distributed installation of photovoltaic and other emission reduction measures, about 1522 tons of coal in 2021.

The city also uses a new generation of information technology to rely on big data platforms to work hard to open up data from functional departments and financial institutions to achieve data collection and summary. On the basis of data collection, the carbon emission accounting method is integrated, carbon emissions value is generated, and label management is carried out according to the preset standards.

Based on the carbon account of 6 major areas, the city also established corporate carbon credit information and personal carbon points credit mechanisms, innovatively developed carbon account financial products, re -measured the evaluation of the value of the economic subject from the "carbon dimension", and accurately credit the issuance of green financial loans to implement the implementation, and implement it to implement the implementation. Differential constraints incentive mechanism, targeted supporting financial preferential policies.

As of now, 27 financial institutions in Luzhou have carried out piloting piloting of carbon account financial application scenarios, and a total of 19.5 billion yuan of carbon account loans were issued.

Enhance people's participation to guide carbon reduction low carbon

In Luzhou, the carbon account, like a bank account, is becoming a standard for business operations and residents' lives.

On March 23, the "Specifications for the Recycling of Recycling Carbon Improvement of Domestic Waste Resources" was introduced in Luzhou, which is a specification for carbon emission reduction work for resource resource use of domestic waste recyclables of residents.

In this context, the city cooperates with a local domestic garbage recycling enterprise to develop the application scenario of "zero waste life", formulate the accounting standard for domestic waste recycling carbon reduction, and recycling waste paper, metal, plastic and other life in residents On the basis of market -oriented recycling prices, a certain personal carbon points are given to form a portrait portrait portrait portrait.

In addition, local banking financial institutions also guided various banking financial institutions to explore online, offline, and system -in -system linkage applications for banks' personal carbon account balances to exchange equity through points to attract the initiative to increase personal carbon points.

As of now, the application scenario has matched 31,500 active users, a total of 18,000 tons of domestic waste, and a total carbon emission reduction of 20.025 million tons, a total of 227 million carbon points.

Everyone has carbon reduction portraits, carbon emission reduction data can be visible ... Today, Luzhou carbon account has begun to achieve results. At present, the city's joint carbon account system will use the power of digital reform to exert greater efficiency.

"In terms of digital reform, Zhejiang has created a dual -carbon digital wisdom platform with 'data multi -source, vertical and horizontal, efficient collaboration, and closed -loop. The three major functions of helping the government accurately control carbon control, promote the transformation of low -carbon transformations of enterprises, and guide personal low -carbon life. "At the event, Wu Hongmei, deputy director of the Zhejiang Development and Reform Commission, said.

According to its introduction, as of now, the dual carbon platform has completed the establishment of system architecture and core data, and the cockpit dynamically displayed the total carbon emission, carbon emissions strength, total energy consumption, energy consumption in the province, area, and fields of Zhejiang Province Four core indicators of strength to achieve high -frequency monitoring of data. (Finish)

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