[Epidemic prevention and control of Kangle in Action] The epidemic is you and I work with the moat

Author:Kangle County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.08.01

The epidemic is you and I hand in hand to protect the river

All Zhicheng City Anti -epidemic

Every time the flowers bloom, there are countless efforts to grow; every harvest of fruit trees is desperately dedicated by countless branches and leaves; at present, countless white soldiers carry the heavy responsibility with mortals. We don’t know your name, but we always remember what you look like ...


On July 20, 2022, it was an unforgettable day for us. Just today, we received a call from the leader's sudden call and told us that we were drawn to work. We came to the isolation point with an extremely embarrassing mood. Although we were nervous and scared, the epidemic was the order. In this war that had no smoke, we must face the difficulties and become a solid Great Wall that blocks the raging virus! There is no order, but everyone immediately entered the state of preparation. From the count of medical supplies to the allocation of medical staff to the allocation of medical staff to the reserves of living materials. Everything, every detail, we have to do it. We must not have a little bit. In the face of such situations, we are in a heavy and scared mood, but we can only put these behind these, and our sense of mission and responsibility makes us only meet the difficulties. That night, we received a notice from the superiors that we needed to collect 165 close -up personnel. We worn the protective clothing at the fastest speed and came to the entrance of the isolated person. Holding work is tedious and tense, but we dare not have a slack, and we all have twelve points of spirit, and the body temperature is measured in an orderly manner. It has reached 6 am. Because I was too nervous and busy, I didn't feel the passage of time. Although we were sweating and exhausted, we couldn't rest. The disinfecting mission of the entire building was waiting for us to complete. The charge of the battle sounded again. We carried a heavy disinfection barrier with a thin body to continue to the next battlefield, a whole twelve floors, every inch of the ground, each of which we could contact, we carefully eliminated Because we know that the serious responsibility of work is the serious and responsible for the lives of the people.

Just completed the anti -killing work of the entire building, and the epidemic prevention and control and blocking war launched again, requiring us to reach the nucleic acid collection work at the quarantine point at the fastest speed. Here, we are not only a medical staff, but also cleaners, disinfection staff, medical waste treatment officers and counselors in our hearts. Although the overloaded work makes us physically and mentally exhausted, when we think of the ruthless virus shrouded our homes, hurting our compatriots, our family, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends, those compatriots who were damaged by the virus were still The deep water is torment, and the sense of responsibility and mission emerges. We must not stand by. We are the Great Wall of Steel in front of the virus. We vowed to fight against the disease.

The epidemic is command, prevention and control is responsibility, and we are racing with time and virus. Although the working environment of medical and nursing is a difficult working environment, the situation is complicated, and the risks are huge, what we feel the most is not to be trapped and fatigue, but to move and responsibility. When we wear a thick protective clothing to the ward to pick the nucleic acid, the eyes of the eyes under the goggles will be blurred by the water vapor blocked, and the road will not be clear, but when we hear the words and a word of gratitude and one A positive look makes us feel that everything is worth it! There are also moves from the rear: county -level leaders' care and condolences to us in the cold, the meticulous logistics support provided by the inner point, and the guidance of Teacher Luo's tirelessness, all of which are the spiritual power we can persist. Here, we are sincere Thanks to them!

Of course, what moved us the most was colleagues who fought side by side with us. Luo Chunmei, Chen Guohua, Ma Lingjie, Shi Xueyan, Fan Xiangyu, Ma Fenfen, Bali Ping, Luo Wenjuan, Ma Zhenbang, in this war without smoke, we are colleagues and comrades. Tacing, a look, a movement, we can know what to express each other. Luo Chunmei and Teacher Chen Guohua are our predecessors. The kind of dedicated and fearless spirit exuded on them made us unforgettable and harvested valuable friendship.

Every time when we take off the protective clothing, we see the clothes and masks soaked in sweat on the face and make deep tension. Tears rotate in our eyes. Encourage each other and walk through the day again.

On July 30th, the first batch of isolation personnel had been unlocked smoothly and saw a long -lost smile on their faces. We were relieved and showed that the epidemic hindering war achieved a staged victory. The biggest reward for hard work. Ordinary work, ordinary us, although the work of the isolation point is busy and trivial, our gains are priceless.

Persistence is victory, persistence can victory, and persistence must win. I believe that as long as we are united, we will defeat the epidemic. I hope the mountains and rivers are not good, you and I are safe!

Kangle County People's Hospital

July 31, 2022

Author: Ma Ling Jieshi Xueyan

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