August disease prevention tips

Author:Guizhou disease control Time:2022.07.31

In August, the weather was sweltering, mosquito and flies were prone to raw, the germ breeding quickly, and frequent outdoor activities of the crowd. It was a high incidence of rabies, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis and other diseases; Mosquito extinguish mosquitoes, go out and outdoor workers should beware of heat stroke. At present, the situation of the global new crown pneumonia's epidemic situation is still severe. It is recommended that when you go out, you should pay special attention to the prevention of rabies, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis and other diseases. Parents should pay attention to improving safety awareness during the summer vacation. Strengthen safety education, and beware of accidental injury incidents.



Rabies is an animal -derived infectious disease caused by rabies virus infection. Once the disease occurs, the mortality rate is almost 100%. The virus mainly invades the human body through damaged skin or mucosa. Dogs, cats and other animals such as rabies and cats infected with rabies virus are the most common infection paths. Most of the clinical manifestations are specific fears, water fears, seizures, and sweaty saliva. Rabies' incubation period is usually 2-3 months.

Suggestions for prevention and control:

(1) Management of infection sources (mainly the management of dogs). The key to prevent rabies is to scientifically manage pets. Families that raise pets should take the initiative to vaccinate the rabies vaccine for pets in time. Stray dogs or non -owner contacts.

(2) When walking out of the dog, you should use dog chains, mouth sleeves, etc. to control the scope and behavior of dogs to avoid the occurrence of dog wounded incidents.

(3) After being bitten and caught by animals such as dogs and cats, they should go to the medical institution as soon as possible to be exposed and specified. Use soapy water (or other weak alkaline cleaning agents) and a certain pressure of flowing water (such as tap water) to clean the wound for at least 15 minutes, and finally rinse the wound with physiological saline to avoid the residue of the soap or other cleaning agents; Dilute iodine, benzenezate, or other virus -linked skin mucosal disinfection disinfection or disinfection or disinfection wounds. Timely, standardized, and whole -process inoculation of rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin.


Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (commonly known as red eye disease) is a very infectious acute virus eye disease mainly caused by the type 70 of the intestinal virus. The disease is urgent, the incubation period, fast transmission, concentrated onset, and high occurrence in summer. The propagation method is mainly to spread through direct or indirect contact with the eye secretion of the infected person. The clinical manifestations are conjunctiva edema, congestion, accompanied by eyeballs, tears, and eye pain.

Suggestions for prevention and control:

(1) Pay attention to the hygiene of personal love, develop hand -washing hands and not rubbing eyes. Personal towels, washbasins, and handkerchiefs should be used alone to avoid cross -infection.

(2) If the family members are sick, all utensils should be disinfected and used separately, especially the towels should be boiled and disinfected. After contacting the patient, they use 75%ethanol to disinfect hands.

(3) Patients should consciously avoid entering public places or participating in social activities, home treatment and rest.

(4) Key places such as swimming pools, bathrooms, nursery institutions, and accommodation schools should increase the suspension interval to centralized management towels to avoid each other's contact with each other. At the same time, daily disinfection should be done.

(5) If the symptoms of eyeballs, congestion, tears, eye pain, etc. occur, you should go to the hospital for treatment in time to treat the doctor's advice.


High temperature and heat stroke

A heat stroke refers to the acute central nervous system and circulatory system dysfunction caused by human body temperature regulating dysfunction in a high temperature environment, which is high in summer. The symptoms of heat stroke are divided into severity. Light heat stroke can appear dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, red complexion, hot skin, and high body temperature. Once it develops into severe heat stroke (that is, heat irritation), the physical adjustment function of the body is exposed in a high temperature and high humidity environment for a long time. (For example, delirium, convulsions, coma), and severe fatal diseases of multi -organ dysfunction are the most serious types of heat stroke. Once the mortality rate is extremely high. Depending on the cause of the disease and the susceptible people, thermal radiation disease can be divided into labor -type thermal radiation and non -labor -type thermal radiation diseases. A large number of sweat, blood pressure, syncope, muscle spasm, and even conscious disorder, drowsiness, , Insert and other phenomena.

Suggestions for prevention and control:

(1) In high temperature weather, the elderly and those with basic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc., should pay special attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, and rest reasonable rest;

(2) In the open -air or high -temperature environment, workers must strengthen ventilation and cooling facilities, avoid direct sunlight, reasonably adjust the time of work, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and avoid excessive fatigue;

(3) Try to avoid the risk factors of high temperature (high humidity) and non -ventilated environment, reduce and avoid heat stroke, avoid going out at noon, when going out, wearing a sun hat, sunglasses, etc. , And apply sunscreen to avoid sunburn;

(4) Ensure sufficient rest time, diet reasonably, and timely replenish water. In summer, salt replenishment, light diet, and sufficient energy, do not drink drinks containing alcohol or a lot of sugar, eat more foods rich in protein and vitamin B, vitamin C;

(5) If the symptoms of heat stroke occurred by yourself and around you should call 120 in time, go to the nearest medical treatment, others should help the patient to the cool place; if severe heat stroke occurs, apply cold water to wipe the patient's body, cool and wet towelsOr the ice pack cold compresses the head, underarms, and the root of the thighs to quickly cool it down; when severe heat stroke (thermal ejaculation) occurs, the patient's muscles may occur involuntarily.Don't put anything in the patient's mouth, don't try to feed the patient. If the patient vomits, turn the patient's body to lie on the side to ensure that the respiratory tract is smooth and avoid misusure.August is still the summer vacation time. Parents should be vigilant and strengthen the summer safety education for children to avoid drowning accidents during swimming and water. At the same time, pay attention to traffic safety to prevent other accidental damage incidents.

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