Xingren Ping: Use care and rationality to cool down the city

Author:China Renmin Socialary Media Time:2022.07.31

For the past few days, Hunan has continued to have high temperature weather in many places, and the maximum temperature has reached about 40 ° C. But no matter how hot the weather is, there are always people who have to stick to their posts. Police on duty, sanitation workers, courier brothers, urban management team members, social workers and volunteers ... It is precisely because of their efforts that the city can operate in an orderly and normal operation.

They insist on working at high temperatures, although the nature of special industries and special positions, but we must see that at the individual level, the responsibility behind this adherence is the best interpretation of urban civilization and urban spirit; in society; in society; in society At the level, all kinds of infrastructure and public services have undergone high -temperature "baking" inspections and strive to protect the smooth and orderly production and life of production and life. On the other hand, how to care and feed back the workers at high temperatures not only test whether the city is human and humanistic, but also test the relevant system construction and system construction. "Long" and "short" are magnified one by one.

Coping high temperature weather is a test of social governance capabilities, and also "bake" to test our determination to guard each other. Everyone should do their best to be the guardians of urban civilization together. For example, consciously saving electricity, reasonably set air -conditioning temperature, reduce electricity consuming electrical standby power, try to use peaks as possible, and make a green and low -carbon lifestyle from dripping. For another example, in public places to abide by the norms of etiquette and public order, do not lose patience due to dry weather, and uncivilized behaviors such as breaking red lights, littering garbage, and argument in mouth. Civilization is cultivated from the inside out, and the level of civilization index should not fluctuate with the temperature of the weather. On the contrary, the more we face the "roasting" test, the more we need to think more about, more understanding and tolerance, and more watches and help. This is the deserved meaning of members of a civilized society.

According to the latest meteorological forecast, in the next week, high temperature weather in our province will continue. Doing a good job of high -temperature weather safety prevention work is an important task at the moment. Relevant units throughout the province should be tightened by the security of the security, responsibility, responsibility, and responsibility, and abide by the soil. The sense of responsibility is not to be "enhanced, the bottom line of thinking is strengthened, the bottom line of thinking, taking strong measures to cope with high temperature weather, removing hidden dangers of various types of risks, and guarding the safety of the lives and property of the people. At the same time, workers who persist in the front line of work should be carried with care, protecting their physical and mental health, and supporting the "parasol" for workers with love and system.

The temperature of a modern city and the width of a social rule of law are often reflected in the details of civilization. Faced with high temperature, we must maintain rationality and reduce the city with the details of love and civilization.

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