Dongguan's first single ancient tree famous wood comprehensive insurance settled in Nancheng

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.31

Ancient trees have witnessed urban development, carrying strong nostalgia, continuing the context of the city, and protecting them. The Dongguan Municipal Government issued the "Administrative Measures for the Protection of Ancient Tree Famous Wood in Dongguan City" in 2017, requiring the functional departments to do the protection of all ancient trees.

Dongguan Nancheng Street has fully implemented the requirements of the forest system work and innovative work ideas. Recently, the Nancheng Agricultural Technical Service Center and the PICC's Dongguan Branch signed an ancient tree famous wood comprehensive insurance contract to provide 1.65 million yuan in risk protection for the 26 ancient trees on the street. This is the comprehensive insurance of Dongguan's first single ancient tree famous tree, which has the characteristics of comprehensive protection scope, high guarantee standards, and convenient claims. This will better compose a new chapter of the sharing of trees and people and the city.

The first order of the ancient tree insurance insurance

On the morning of July 29th, on the side of the pond in Danyan Village, Nancheng Street, several ancient trees were lolly and crowned like umbrellas, green onions. In the pond, the lotus leaves are linked and the lotus flowers are pleasing to the ancient trees. Under the ancient trees, the old people in the village were sitting on the stone pier and witnessed an important historical moment. Here, Dongguan Nancheng Agricultural Technical Service Center and the PICC's Dongguan Branch held the handover ceremony of the ancient trees famous wood comprehensive insurance contract.

Nancheng became the first town street to be covered by ancient trees in Dongguan, showing the responsibility and responsibility of Nancheng Street. It is understood that the previous leaders of Nancheng Street attach great importance to the protection of forest resources. Forest resources such as ancient trees are particularly important for the city's central areas of inch inch, especially since November 16, 2017, the municipal government issued " After the implementation of the management measures of ancient trees in Dongguan City and the comprehensive implementation of the forest system last year, the leaders of the street party and government as the first forest and Lin Chang, personally implemented the deployment related work, requiring the functional departments For the forest system of protection, Nancheng Street arranges special financial funds to subsidize the ancient tree owners' units for ancient tree maintenance every year.

Hong Wanyi, director of the Nancheng Agricultural Technical Service Center, said that ancient trees have witnessed the development and change of Nancheng. The healthy growth of ancient trees has a pivotal role in building an ecological livable Nancheng. It should be used to fundamentally solve the problem of the normalized maintenance of ancient trees and the worries of eliminating the ancient tree owners. After actively communicating with the human security company, the street forestry authority boldly innovatively tried to work new ideas. Tree name insurance.

The insurance amount reaches 1.65 million yuan

"Among the 26 ancient trees insured, 15 banyan trees, 5 water weng trees, 3 mango trees, 2 longan trees, and 1 kaplet trees; the highest age of the tree is more than 300 years. , Nancheng's choice of such a high standard insurance plan is because the ancient tree resources are very valuable, and they are known as "green living fossils". In the center of Nancheng, the ancient tree resources are more precious. In order to better implement the protection work and reduce the economic burden and enhance enthusiasm of the ancient tree owners' units, on the premise of obtaining the consent and funding of the relevant leaders of the street, the 26 ancient trees on the street have been fully covered and insured with high standards for insurance. Insured plan.

This time, the ancient tree comprehensive insurance includes the scope of protection scope of ancient trees' rescue liability, third -party property loss liability, and third -party personal casualties responsibility. According to the insurance terms, in the liability of ancient tree rescue, due to natural disasters, accidents, and pests of pests, the dumping, inclined, withered, dry and dry branches of ancient trees, or branches of the main branches, or branches (including the leaf of the target targets (including the target leaves of the target leaf slices The large range of leafye insects) caused a certain degree of damage to a single plant target, and compensated the necessary and reasonable rescue costs that occurred. In public responsibility, ancient trees Mingmu caused a third party's personal casualties or property losses due to natural disasters, agreed litigation expenses, and the need to reduce or reduce the liability for compensation for third -party personal casualties or property losses. The reasonable and reasonable expenses are compensated by insurance.

It will play a demonstration and leading role

Chen Guofeng, assistant to the general manager of the Dongguan Branch of the PICC Property Casualty Insurance, said that the company provided the ancient tree name protection plan provided by the company to Nancheng Street, with a comprehensive guarantee scope and high guarantee standards. On the other hand, the maintenance of funding to ensure the safety of the personal and property of nearby residents. At the same time, it also effectively protects the ecology of the South City and contributes to the construction of Green and Beauty Dongguan. The insurance claims are very convenient. Once the losses are within the scope of protection, the community directly calls the company's customer service phone, and the company will immediately send someone to the scene to deal with it. In order to highlight the responsibility of guarantee and facilitate claims, the company also hung an nameplate on the ancient trees underwriting, listing the reporting call and providing 24 hours of uninterrupted services.

Hong Wanyi said that the "Administrative Measures for the Protection of Ancient Tree Famous Tone in Dongguan City" stipulates the responsibilities of the forestry authority and the ancient tree owners' units. Protecting the ancient trees of ancient trees is also the responsibilities of every citizen. Through the implementation of this insurance work, in the future work, the forestry authorities, ancient tree owners' units, insurance companies, and every participant must have their own duties to protect the ancient trees together.

Guo Renfei, the second -level director of the Ecological Protection and Repair Section of the Dongguan Forestry Bureau, said that Nancheng's purchase of insurance for ancient trees and the forefront of the city will play a role of demonstration.At the end of this year, Dongguan will launch a new "Administrative Measures for the Protection of Ancient Tree Famous Tone", which will encourage the purchase of insurance to the ancient tree to launch multi -party forces to protect the ancient trees.(Deng Yiling, Zhou Xiaoling, Yang Guang) Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Zhu Guangyu

School pair | Pan Liling

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