These 20 episodes should bear legal consequences for violations of laws and regulations!

Author:Lanshan Published Time:2022.07.30

During the prevention and control of the epidemic, the masses need to work hard to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work. What are the obligations should ordinary citizens perform during the prevention and control of the epidemic, and what legal liability should they assume without fulfilling their obligations? The public security organs collected 20 questions about legal knowledge about the prevention and control of the epidemic, for the large -scale people to learn and advocate compliance.

Question 1: People who are included in the scope of nucleic acid detection, what are the consequences of not participating in a unified tissue nucleic acid detection for no reason?

Violation of the legal obligations stipulated in Article 12 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the people's government. It is an act of obstructing social management. According to the provisions of Article 50 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law", in accordance with different circumstances, it can be warned and warned. Punishment of public security management such as fines and detention; violation of the provisions of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, and refusing to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the Hygiene Epidemic Prevention Institution in accordance with the "Infectious Disease Prevention Law" Article 330 of the Criminal Law and punishment for the crime of preventing infectious disease prevention and treatment.

Question 2: Entering communities, supermarkets, vegetable markets and other relevant places, refuse to cooperate with health information verification, and refuse to cooperate with the status register regulations. What are the consequences?

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, according to the circumstances, they may be warned and fined; if the circumstances are serious, they may be detained. Those who cause the new coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination of the crime and punishment of the crime of preventing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Question 3: Will you bear legal responsibility if you don't wear a mask when you go out?

Residents take public transportation, entering and exiting the gate of the community, and refuse to cooperate with the persuasion of managers to wear masks, or residents in central and high -risk areas do not wear masks. Can be warned and fined; if the circumstances are serious, they can be detained. Those who cause the new coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination of the crime and punishment of the crime of preventing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Question 4: Residents in the "No Get Out of the House" residents violated the "Guidelines for Health Management" and went out and gathered without permission?

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, if the circumstances are serious, they may be detained and a fine.

According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, those who cause new coronary virus to spread or have serious danger of transmission to obstruct the crime and punishment of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. The transmission of new coronary virus may constitute a crime of harming public safety by dangerous methods.

Question 5: What responsibilities should I assume the survey of epidemiological epidemiography conducted by the disease control and public security department?

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, according to the circumstances, they may be warned and fined; if the circumstances are serious, they may be detained. Those who cause the new coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination of the crime and punishment of the crime of preventing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. If the violence and threat methods hinder the staff of the staff of state organs (including the personnel engaged in the prevention and control of the epidemic in state organs), the epidemic investigation is carried out in accordance with the law.

Question 6: During the epidemic period, how to deal with violations of traffic control regulations?

According to the "People's Republic of China Road Traffic Safety Law", the driver violates the provisions of the temporary traffic control regulations of the traffic management department and is forcibly passed, a fine, and can be detained.

Question 7: After the centralized isolation is over, if you do not accept health monitoring and management in accordance with regulations, what are the consequences?

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, they may be warned and fined; if the circumstances are serious, they may be detained and fined. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, those who cause new coronary virus to spread or have serious danger of transmission, in order to obstruct the crime and punishment of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Question 8: What are the consequences of concealing the condition, concealing the itinerary information (especially the history of living in key areas), concealing the history of close contact with confirmed cases or suspected cases?

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, they may be warned and fined; if the circumstances are serious, they may be detained and fined. According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, those who cause new coronary virus to spread or have serious danger of transmission to obstruct the crime and punishment of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. If the transmission of new coronary viruses may constitute a crime of harming public safety by hazardous methods.

Question 9: What responsibilities should residents and enterprises do not cooperate with the disinfection related to the prevention and control of epidemics?

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, according to the circumstances, they may be warned and fined; if the circumstances are serious, they may be detained. Those who cause the new coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination of the crime and punishment of the crime of preventing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. If the violence and threat methods hinder the staff of the staff of state organs (including the personnel engaged in the prevention and control of the epidemic in state organs), the epidemic investigation is carried out in accordance with the law.

Question 10: Fictional facts, concealing the truth, and in the name of selling masks, medicines and other protection and prevention, how to punish public and private property?

Fictional facts, concealing the truth, and in the name of selling masks, medicines and other protection and prevention, and fraudulent public and private property shall be convicted according to Article 266 of the Criminal Law. Production, selling fake and shoddy masks or medicines, or mixing and adulteration in related products, in order to charge, according to Article 140, Article 141, and 142 of the Criminal Law Article 145 stipulates that the crime of producing and selling fake products, the crime of production and sales of fake drugs, and the crime of production and sales of inferior drugs. Question 11: Persons with a health code are yellow and red code, and what are the consequences of observation of medical observation or home health inspection in accordance with regulations?

According to the provisions of Article 50 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, according to the circumstances, they may be warned and fined; if the circumstances are serious, they may be detained. Those who cause the new coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination of the crime and punishment of the crime of preventing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Question 12: For the prank, blog eyeballs, business purposes, etc., make false epidemic information, spread in public places such as the Internet, or know that false information can also help spread and spread. What kind of legal responsibility should be assumed?

According to the provisions of Article 65 of the Capital Corporation of the Emergency, they are ordered to make corrections and give warnings; if serious consequences are caused, business activities are suspended or revoked in accordance with the law.

According to Article 25 of the Penalty Management Punishment Law, detention may be detained and a fine can be punished.

Question 13: During the epidemic, how to punish prices and make huge profits?

According to the relevant provisions of the Price Law, the market supervision department shall confiscate administrative penalties such as illegal income, fines, suspension of business rectification, and revoking business licenses. For those who have a large amount of illegal income or other serious circumstances, those who seriously disrupt market order shall be punished with illegal operation.

Question 14: Do you have to bear legal responsibility for violation of the provisions of the prevention and control of the epidemic, throwing masks, protective clothing and other medical protection supplies?

Once the medical protective supplies such as throwing masks, protective clothing, etc. are discovered by waste, toxic substances, or other harmful substances containing infectious diseases, which seriously pollute the environment and punish the environment with pollution. Those who deliberately disseminate the new coronary pneumonia pathway and harm public safety shall be punished in accordance with the crime of public safety in danger.

Question 15: During the prevention and control of the epidemic, if the plot is serious or damaged, the plot of public and private property is serious, or to make troubles in public places, what consequences should they bear if the order of public places is seriously chaotic?

According to the provisions of Article 26 and 49 of the Penalties of Public Security Management, they may be detained and fined. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, serious consequences are caused by provoking crime and punishment.

Question 16: What consequences do you need to bear the risk substances such as illegal manufacturing, buying and selling, storage, transportation, mailing, carrying, using, providing, and disposal of infectious diseases?

In accordance with Article 30 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law", detained. For serious consequences, in accordance with Article 125 of the Criminal Law, criminal responsibility is investigated.

Question 17: How to punish dangerous substances such as infectious diseases such as preliminaries such as premium and disease, and not reported in accordance with regulations?

In accordance with Article 31 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, detained.

Question 18: What are the consequences need to be assured that the treatment of isolation or isolation is not overwhelmed by separation of isolation treatment?

In accordance with the provisions of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, if the treatment is refused or separated from isolation, the public security organs shall assist medical institutions to take compulsory measures for isolation treatment.

Question 19: During the epidemic, how to deal with toxic and harmful waste, how to deal with it?

In violation of the epidemic prevention and control regulations such as the Prevention and Control Law of infectious Diseases, the medical protection products, equipment, medical life waste, and other toxic and harmful substances containing new coronary virus pathogens are arbitrarily disposed of.

Question 20: During the prevention and control of the epidemic, what responsibilities should residents take out to participate in dinner, playing cards, entertainment and other gathering activities?

First bear civil liability. In accordance with Article 77 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, if the unit and individual violate the provisions of this Law, which leads to the spread and popularity of infectious diseases, and cause damage to the human body and property, it shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

Secondly, take administrative responsibility. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the People's Government. It is an act of impolting social management. ; If the circumstances are serious, detaining for more than five days and less than ten days, it can be fined below 500 yuan.

Finally, if you violate the provisions of the Prevention and Control Law, if you refuse to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the infectious disease prevention and control law, if the transmission of the new crown virus or is seriously dangerous The crime and punishment of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases shall be sentenced to imprisonment or detention of less than three years; if the consequences are particularly serious, it will be imprisoned for three years and seven years.

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