Captured more than 1,800 people and lost more than 200 million yuan!Our province cracks down on the special action of rectifying pension fraud to promote the opening of the monthly publicity

Author:Harbin Net Police Inspection L Time:2022.07.30

Source: Zhejiang Public Security

On the morning of July 29, 2022 "accompany you to cool down, teach you to prevent fraud" Zhejiang Province's anti -economic crime education promotion month and combat the special action of pension fraud to promote the launching ceremony of the monthly activity of the monthly activity. Essence Nearly 300 elderly people from street communities from Xiaoshan District passed videos and sketches to listen to the police to prevent micro -curriculum and prevent knowledge and answer questions.

In April of this year, since the launch of the provincial province's special operation of the special operation of pension fraud in our province, public security organs at all levels of our province have attached great importance to the deployment of the provincial and cities. Campaign to rectify the clues and work of pension fraud. Since the special operation, the public security organs in the province have broken more than 260 cases, and more than 1,800 criminal suspects have been captured, and more than 200 million yuan will be restored for the masses.

In order to achieve greater results in special actions, further improve the awareness and ability of the elderly group to prevent economic crimes, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, and maintain social stability. In 2022, "accompany you to cool down, teach you to prevent fraud" in Zhejiang Province's prevention of economic crimes and propaganda monthly and combat the special actions of pension fraud to promote monthly activities. The theme of protecting the "silver -haired money bag" is to provide "pension services", invest in "pension projects", sell "pension products", claims "house -care for house", acts on behalf of "pension insurance", carry out "pension help" help "Fraud, fund -raising fraud, illegal absorption of public deposits, organizational leadership, and contract fraud in the name of infringing the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, the illegal absorption of public deposits, organizing leadership of MLM, and contract fraud, and other illegal and criminal activities that seriously infringe on the property rights and interests of the elderly are the focus of publicity. Rich, diverse means, and publicity activities for the masses. Reveal the crime method, spread prevention skills, focus on showing the effectiveness of public security organs to fight against crimes, help 12 million elderly people in the province to raise awareness of anti -fraud, stay away from pension services, product traps, and create a safe and secure pension environment.

Typical Case


Wu Moumou and others in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

On April 20, 2022, at the work of the Haiyan County Public Security Bureau of Jiaxing City, the suspect Wu Moumou and others claimed that the "energy pyramid" could provide positive energy, eliminate diseases and other means to seduce the victims to buy the so -called "pyramid". On April 27, 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, the province conducted a case investigation on the case. After investigation, the criminal gang claimed that the "energy pyramid" could provide positive energy, dispel disease and wicked evil, to deceive the elderly to buy low -quality red wine and beverages at high prices, and to accompany the "energy pyramid" according to the purchase amount. The legitimate rights and interests of the elderly have been infringed, and the case has been worth 109 million yuan since January this year.

The company seized the urgent needs of elderly groups for health and good luck, promoted the so -called "water pulse waves" theory through online media, fabricated the "Dragon Glot" to measure energy bands and water pulse waves, and diagnosed whether there is potential harm. The ridiculous theory and experiments, the so -called "energy pyramids" have the mystery of undertaking the universe energy, relieving the harm of the water vein, and the dispersion and avoiding evil. With the "energy pyramid", it can change the special effects of destiny. APP, through online and offline recruitment members, selling low -quality red wine and drinks, and accompanied the "energy pyramid" based on the purchase amount, eventually achieved the purpose of collecting money.


Zheng Moumou, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

On May 26, 2022, the Yueqing Public Security Bureau of Wenzhou City found that the suspect Zheng Moumou claimed that the country to realize the common prosperity of the country to realize the common prosperity of the country, and the deposit can be cash back high to trick the elderly Invest in the "Common Rich Rural Revitalization" project. On May 26, 2022, the Yueqing Public Security Bureau of Wenzhou City in our province conducted a case investigation on the case. Crusting such as deposits and other means seriously infringed the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly.

Criminal gangs seize the information of the elderly group of rural elderly groups on national policies, under the guise of the country's "common prosperity", by making the video of counterfeit national leaders, forging documents of the country's rural revitalization departments, and promoting the propaganda staff to pull WeChat groups. The so -called "common prosperity rural revitalization", fabricating the fact that the project can be cash back high, and ultimately achieve the purpose of collecting wealth.

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