Chinese good poems • Zhenzhu Curtain | Late Twilight, relying on Gao Huaiyuan, Shukong Celebrity

Author:Sleeping Poetry Time:2022.07.30

True bead curtain, word name name. This adjustment shows the "Weinan Ci" in the Song Dynasty, or the creation of Lu You. This tone is based on the "True Bead Curtain · Treasure Top Slims to Spring Festival" as the orthodox. There are three other variants. The representative works include Lu You "Zhenzhu Curtain · Shancun Water Pavilion Disviation Road" and so on.

Zhenzhu Curtain · Shancun Water Pavilion is out of road

Lu You [Song Dynasty]

Shancun Shui Pavilion is different. Feelings, just like remnant spring winds. Putting on the ground, where do you know? The new frost in the mirror is empty, asking how time, and Taosao. The late twilight, with Gao Huaiyuan, Shukong.

Since ancient times, Confucian crowns have been mistaken. Regret that the year, do not return the boat early. Drunk Bai Pingzhou, watch the sunset gulls. The bass of the bark is abandoned, and only the green shirt is changed. Take care. Early on the river, a smoke rain.

Zhenzhu curtain (pear blossom)

Zhang Yan [Song Dynasty]

The green house welcomed the Qing Dynasty for a few nights, shaking the light, and the moon was dissolved like water. A cold, remembering Donglang leaning. Recently, there was no old rain on the lace, and it was lonely and burst into tears. Outside the candle. I was ashamed of red makeup, but I still sleep now.

Before Qi Shi Jiao standing the wind, Wan Chenkong and Duwa fluttered. Ya Dan is not coquettish, with exquisite spring. The lonely clouds are shallow, but in the palace of Tangchang. Yuan is. It was clearly wrong, Yu Rui at the time.

Zhenzhu Curtain · Yun Shen has no Shen Tingyu

Zhang Yan [Song Dynasty]

Yun Shen has no Shen Tingyu. Little curtains, Zhan Fangfei. The flowers in the dark water room spring, moisturizing a few rainy rain. Seeing that Su Diqing was not stable, he was lazy and went to the people. Take a break. And cook the piano books, Yiyi is still ancient.

Whoever saw Jingli was idle, the longitudation was not stunned, and the snow nest was worthy. Drunk wake up for a long time, what is the case. The Mao Shu stone bed was sitting in the same time, but was retained by the breeze. Want to live. Nai curtain shadow makeup building, 人 lantern.

Zhenzhu curtain (sixty people in life)

Chen Tou [Song Dynasty]

Leisurely is Nian Suiyun San. The bottom of the curtain is full of heart. In a hundred and twenty years, I laughed for only half. Blind salt is thin, euphemism is like, plum blossoms late. Accompany. Lao Shuang Ning Ning Ning, the coldness of the mountains and mountains.

Ten days ago in the spring, the small cup plate, also the model of life. Dance the knee dance on the knee, and the wine persuaded him. But Ren Zhenlai is a haunted, no dream, Sheng Ge Yaoyan. Shuangjian. Anyone who broadcasts all the time, romantic eyebrow cases.

Zhenzhu Curtain (Gift Hai Nanzi Baiyu toad)

Chen Nan [Song Dynasty]

Everyone in Jindan Pharmaceuticals. It must be awarded, heart pass. A white dragon liver, a cup of wine. Just for leaving nothing. Moved to Nanyu back to Beidou. funny. Seeing Jin Weng's girl, two fighting.

Several lead and mercury are mixed, watch the sea and the moon, and add the heat. One arrow through the three levels, square watch fairy hands. When the rabbit came to live, the turtle swallowed the snake. Do you know, the two Zhong Lu are my friends.

True Bead Curtain · Lights before the moon

Lu You [Song Dynasty]

Tour around the moon before the lamp. Meet Xiang Shengge and Splendid Cong. Only when you are well -known, you can see the heart. Qian Dai Jiao cicadas tone the wind, the most touching and always taking care of it. Go back. Want to spare the window deep courtyard, adjust the strings to promote the pillar.

Lefu's first renovation spectrum. Relief red dots green, leisurely golden. When the swallow entered the curtain, another spring and twilight. The side hat Yanzo has been under the slopes, and it is also remembered that Cui Hu was also remembered the previous year. Rest. Waiting for today's must be, good flowers.

True Bead Curtain · Lun Towel Ancient Watch Watch

Chen Tou [Song Dynasty]

Lun towels are ancient. Postermination, don't be a hero. The chest is the next time, and the scenery is all poetic. Jinbi Tower is newly built. Fairy. More free visits, Shizhou and Three Islands.

There are many wealthy people who cover their eyes. Looking at the fame under the knee, the moon is bright. Xiang Jian Fei robe has a strategy of serving, and winning the reward and laughing alone. Metropolis. The book in the museum is raised, and Yun Qiao is old.

Zhenzhu curtain (planting bamboo)

Wang Zhi [Song Dynasty]

Cui_ 夭 _ Cangyu. Flying to the foothills of Wutu Bay. With a smile and suddenly meeting, he even wrapped up and stayed. The west wall of the north pond, sucking green with the owner and green. Hate me, no sky cold cotton sleeves, leaning on bamboo.

Every time I meet Fei Xue Xiao Xiao, the wind is even more shocked, and it is clear. More than the moon, there is no vulgarity. Winter is accompanied by cold plums, and spring is also good. Fragrant. Only when the frost flew, there was Qiuju.

Pearl curtain

Gu Zhenguan [Qing Dynasty]

After the cherry banquet comes back. Zhengyan cage is light moon, and the window is picturesque. By the red medicine bar, the new hand hands on the same day. Sleeping the sigh of signs, seemed to remember, the star secret spell. still. For fragrant wandering powder, a few spring is thin.

Don't have a long time. The heart period is light, and the more sorry for deep pity. Ten years of Qiluo Qing, Fu yesterday Xiao Jiu wine. Whoever wakes up is hate, only the ground, Xiaofeng Yangliu. Do you know. In the past, an example of the ancient and modern times, the intestines look back.

Pay attention to sleeping, poetic habitat

Facing the sea, looking for light with black eyes. On November 16, 2015, the Poetry Society of Sleeping Poetry Club, the Poetry Club took the mission of "speaking for grassroots poets" and the purpose of promoting the "spirit of poetry", that is, the pursuit of the truth, kindness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spirit of poetry. Poetry friends have been published in the collection of poems "The Spring Blossoms of Sleeping Poems" and "The Grass Ying Ying Flying on Sleeping Poems".

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