Typhoon comes!Shandong will welcome heavy rain+thunderstorms or hail!

Author:Ai Guangrao Time:2022.07.30

Typhoon "Sanda" generates


The coast of East China will be affected by wind and rain

Southern Shandong situation

There are heavy rain+thunderstorms or hail

Typhoon Sanda No. 5 this year generates


Typhoon Sanda No. 5 this year was generated on the evening of July 28. Among them, yesterday (July 29) was located on an ocean about 740 kilometers north of Naha, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. At the storm, the maximum wind near the center is 8 levels (18 meters/s), the lowest air pressure of the center is 1,000 hundred Pache, and the seven -level wind ring radius is 120 kilometers to 180 kilometers.

China Meteorological Channel Meteorological Analyst Xinxin has previously updated the news on Weibo: "Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai and Shandong Peninsula to South Korea and Japan are potential landing locations. The situation may gradually be clearer on the 30-31. There will be a chance to develop into a typhoon in the future. "

It is expected that "Sanda" will move north to north at a speed of 40 kilometers to 50 kilometers per hour, and the strength will not change much. On the night of the 29th, it will be moved into the East China Sea. Weaken.

These two days

The coast of East China will be affected by wind and rain

Southern Shandong situation

There are heavy rain+thunderstorms or hail


As "Sanda" tends to my country's offshore, the coast of East China has wind and rain. Specifically-

In terms of wind: From July 29th to August 1st, the northern part of the East China Sea and the south of the Yellow Sea in my country has 6-8 storms, and the nearby sea surface passed by the Typhoon Center has a level 9 and a gust of gusts.

In terms of rainfall: On July 29th, there were heavy rain in the central and western parts of Liaoning, central and central Liaoning, central Jilin, northern Heilongjiang, southern Shandong, northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu, northern Hunan, southeast of Yunnan, northwest of Guangxi There are heavy rains in local areas such as southern Shandong, northern Jiangsu; some areas of the above areas will also be accompanied by strong convective weather such as short -term heavy precipitation, local lightning wind or hail.

Shandong continuous thunder shower mode


From the afternoon of the 29th to the 30th, Tai'an, Jining, Zaozhuang, and Linyi Weiyin was small to local heavy rain and heavy rain with thunder and lightning. There were thunderstorms or showers in other areas.

Dongying, Zibo, Weifang, Linyi, Rizhao and Peninsula areas 3 to 4, in other regions, to the north wind of the north wind 3 to 4, and the gust of gusts in the thunderstorms in thunderstorms.

From the night of the 30th to the day of the 31st, the weather in the province is cloudy and cloudy. Weifang, Linyi, Rizhao and Peninsula have thunderstorms or showers, and other regions have thunderstorms or showers. The south wind of the peninsula area is 3 to 4 in the north wind, and the south winds in other areas turn to the north wind of 2 to 3, and the gusts are 7-9 when the thunderstorm area is thunderstorm.

Guangrao's latest weather

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory@Shandong Weather Qilu.com

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