Under the bell | The elderly activity room of the community is not opened and it is rented?Property deny

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.30

Citizen reports:

Recently, some residents in Lianzhilu Hydropower Community in Lianhu District reported to the "Bell Tower • Minsheng Hotline" column that since the beginning of 2019, the elderly activity room in the community has stopped opening up. place.

Reporter survey:

On July 27, the reporter went to the community to see that the elderly activity room was located on a two -story building in the northeast corner of the community. The wooden sign of the "old cadre activity room" was hung on the wooden door. The age of the elderly is more than 30 square meters. Part of the glass of the 3 -palace window of the room in the room is fixed with tape, and some glass shakes as soon as it winds. Because of the leakage, the top wall of the indoor wall has fallen off in many places. There is a dilapidated table tennis table in the middle of the elderly activity room, with mixed mattresses, cabinets, pots, pans and pans stacked around the room.

Master Zhang told reporters that there are 4 residential buildings in different units in the community, which are managed by 3 property companies. This building where the elderly activity room is originally belongs to China Water Conservancy and Power Materials Xi'an Company. The elderly activity room is a venue provided by the unit for retired employees. It is also the only elderly activity room in the community. "In the past, the elderly activity room was open for free. After the unit's family building was transferred to Xi'an Lianhu City Service Group Co., Ltd., the property company closed the activity room and it has not been opened."

Resident Master Hu said that the table tennis table and a cabinet of the elderly activity room are leftover items left by the activity room, and the rest of the items are the private items of the staff of the transmission room downstairs. At the end of May this year, the property company once took people to the elderly activity room to rent and was intended to rent. They were currently unclear whether the elderly activity room had been leased.

On the same day, the reporter contacted Xi'an Lianhu City Service Group Co., Ltd., and the staff told the reporter that this problem also needs to be reported to the relevant leaders. On July 29, the reporter contacted the company again, and the staff told reporters that their company took over the family building of Xi'an Company, China Water Conservancy and Power Materials in early 2019. The elderly activity room of the residents is located on the second floor. It is necessary to go up through the outdoor steps. Considering the safety of the elderly, the property company will close it.

The staff member denied that the property company would rent an elderly activity room and said that a property company staff currently provides property services to the building. There are 56 owners of the building. But the actual payment was less than 30 %. Due to the severe leakage of the elderly's activity room, the company does not have the funds to repair it, and it does not have conditions even if they want to open.

Subsequently, the reporter contacted the community where the community was located. The community staff said that according to the preliminary visit and investigation, the building did have low property fees and poor property services. Property companies and resident representatives negotiate. Because most of the houses in the building have changed the households and unpaid funds of the property, the coordination has not been reached. The community will contact the property company as soon as possible to coordinate and solve the problem.

Community staff also said that the community often holds cultural and sports activities in multiple communities and public places in the community to guide residents out of the community and participate in community activities.

Supporting: Li Dongfeng, a reporter from Xi'an Newspaper All Media Li Dongfeng Intern He Wanting

Edit: Andy | Review: Situ roll

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