Unlimited ban!It's completely cool

Author:Voice of Zhejiang Time:2022.06.16

The copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact it in time

Recently, Douyin officially issued an announcement: The platform found in inspections that the individual accounts were to achieve marketing goals. They blatantly took social hotspots and associated the Tangshan incident in a false shooting and interpretation way to obtain traffic.The above behavior seriously disrupted the platform order and affected bad.In this regard, the platform has been banned unlimitedly for the first time, "Shun ** Ran", and 81 false videos are removed from the shelves.

According to local public security sources, the person involved in the case has been arrested and the case is being handled.

Data-nickName = "The Voice of Zhejiang" Data-ALIAS = "ZHEJIANGZHISHING" Data-SIGNATURE = "What you hear is happening. The Voice of Zhejiang, synchronize with the news." Data-from = "0" />

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