Prevention and control upgrade!In response to the issues that everyone cares about, relevant departments bring the latest answers →

Author:Published by Chengdu Time:2022.07.30

In the early morning of July 29, the Xinhuangguan Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention Headquarters issued a notice on comprehensively strengthening social control and control. The announcement proposes that the community with positive cases in Fuqing Road Street in Chenghua District implements "not leaving home and on -site services". Calls management and other measures in district courtyards outside the streets are implemented.

So, in the context of strengthening control measures throughout the region, how can residents of residents under the jurisdiction be guaranteed? In this regard, Xiaobu interviewed relevant departments such as the Municipal Health and Health Commission and the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Question: After the management and control of Chenghua District, how should the residents in the district be guaranteed?

Chengdu Health and Health Commission: In response to the severe and complex prevention and control situation in our city, in order to further do a good job of medical service guarantee for key groups in the temporary management and control area of ​​Chenghua District, the Chengdu Health and Health Commission refers to the "" The Municipal Health and Health Commission "" Implementation of the implementation plan of key crowd medical services under the emergency status of Chengdu. Mention in the scheme:

1. In principle

In principle, the patient's medical institutions in the jurisdiction solve the need for medical treatment and minimize cross -regional consultations and personnel flow. In response to the needs of residents, Chenghua District should plan to set up sufficient temporary medical points as required, arrange for the 24 -hour protection point of general doctors, nurses and special vehicles, and provide medical treatment services for residents in the temporary management and control area in a timely manner. Chengdu Second People's Hospital (Longtan Hospital) and Chengdu Sixth People's Hospital in the area under the jurisdiction shall immediately start the emergency plan according to instructions, and the internal area of ​​the Tengkong Hospital will be used as a special specialized recruitment zone for special key groups. Meet the basic medical needs that the masses urgently need during the prevention and control of the epidemic, and do their best to protect the health rights and interests of the people.

2. Fresh the regional medical channels to play a role in medical treatment

While doing a good job of medical services in the region, it is necessary to open up medical channels outside the region. According to the principles of supporting support, the designated treatment hospitals adjacent to the adjacent areas of Jinjiang District, Qingyang District, Jinniu District, Wuhou District, Qingbaijiang District and other adjacent areas must be fully opened in the special key groups in the temporary management and control area of ​​Chenghua District in accordance with the emergency plan to ensure the rapid rapidness Give full play to the need to solve the need to solve the effect of medical treatment. In accordance with the principles of municipal support, the Municipal Chinese and Western Medicine Integrated Hospital, the Second Municipal Hospital (Qingyun, Longtan Hospital), the Municipal Third Hospital, the Fourth Hospital of the Municipal Hospital, and the Municipal Fifth Hospital shall set the special independent areas in the hospital to do it. Take the preparation of patients with temporary management and control areas in Chenghua District. Strengthen communication and collaboration within and outside the region, and comprehensively improve the ability of medical services.

3. Strengthen the expansion of pre -hospital transfer and scheduling ladder 120 emergency hotline

The Municipal Emergency Command Center should strengthen the emergency duty and duty, and schedule the seats according to the epidemic situation. For the crowd 120 for help, the Municipal First Aid Command Center should answer it in time, and arrange the 120 emergency unit to protect it according to the specific circumstances. Enter the temporary management and control areas to carry out the emergency transfer of patients with critical illnesses, and resolutely open up the "last meter" for medical treatment.

All medical institutions must firmly establish the concept of people's supremacy and life first, and do everything possible to ensure the reasonable medical needs of key groups. At the same time, Chenghua District should implement the main responsibility of the territorial area. While coordinating the medical resources within the region, we must actively do a good job of communicating and connecting the medical organization of the hospital with a designated treatment of the hospital. Patients, relevant personnel and medical institutions who do not obey the unified command and scheduling, will be held accountable seriously.

Question: After the management and control of Chenghua District, how to do a good job of safety and transportation guarantee in the jurisdiction?

Chengdu Public Security Bureau: After the management and control upgrade of Chenghua District in the early morning of July 29, all members of the Chenghua District Public Security Bureau quickly arrived in place to work in place, and deployed 35 high -risk and 25 central risk -risk communities in the global police. The 10 border roads in the area under the jurisdiction of the Fuqing Street, and resolutely ensure that the classification and control measures are implemented in place. At the same time, more than 10 patrol teams were deployed within the jurisdiction of Fuqing Street to fully maintain the social order of the streets of the regional streets and deal with the disposal of emergencies at any time; strengthen the 7 × 24 -hour network inspection, comprehensively investigate the hidden dangers of risks, and resolve contradictions and disputes.

At the same time, after the prevention and control upgrade of Chenghua District, the Traffic Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also formulated and issued the "Notice on Implementation of Temporary Traffic Control in Roads in Chenghua District" as soon as possible, in accordance with the principle of "global management and control, highlighting key points, classification management" , Comprehensively strengthen road traffic guidance and management, invest a total of 532 police force, set 112 traffic control points scientifically, and invest 350 temporary traffic security facilities. It will dynamically adjust the control scope and control points according to the epidemic prevention and control situation, and ensure the entire efforts to ensure the road. The traffic order is safe and orderly.

On the morning of July 29, the Traffic Police Division of the Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice No. 1 to implement temporary traffic control on the roads in Chenghua District. In order to ensure the normal operation of the epidemic prevention work, the relevant vehicles related to the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control headquarters of the emergency pass or the area (including the district level) or above are engaged in the supply, the people's livelihood, the production and prevention of the epidemic prevention; Special vehicles such as rescue and rescue; vehicles that need to be emergency traffic to transport pregnant women and sickness, etc. will not be subject to temporary traffic control measures. Vehicles driving in other roads in the jurisdiction are requested to cooperate with epidemic prevention and obey the on -site police command.

Question: After the management and control of Chenghua District, how can the residents in the district be guaranteed?

Chengdu Commerce Bureau: After the announcement of the comprehensive strengthening of social control and control in the early morning of July 29, in the early morning of July 29, according to the unified deployment of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the Chengdu Commercial Bureau launched the emergency plan as soon as possible. Link and strive to do a good job of living materials for residents in the region. At present, all the living supermarkets, distribution and catering companies that guarantee the basic needs of citizens in the region (only providing express delivery services) will adhere to the opening. Residents in the region can also order online orders through major e -commerce platforms. In addition, all streets and communities in the region have pushed the online shopping QR code for enterprises to the community groups, and residents can also scan the code to order the required materials.

We will categorize organizational guarantee. The community of positive cases appearing in the streets of Fuqing Road in Chenghua District implemented a "not leaving home and on -site service". The community that did not occur in the case of positive cases implemented the "people who do not get out of the district, the peaks and the peaks are taken". In principle, the residents of the community are home. Community staff and volunteers will assist residents in the community to procure and supply and related security work.

The residential courtyard of the district except Fuqing Road Street under the jurisdiction of Chenghua District is implemented with closed management. Under the premise of strictly implementing personal protection, residents in the community may have one person per household. The proof and the entry and exit cards issued by the community shall buy living materials near the streets in accordance with the "orderly order and orderly streaming" method.

Question: In the context of implementing closed management in Chenghua District, how to open up the last "one kilometer" to residents?

Chengdu Municipal Social Governance Commission: Under the unified leadership of the leading group of the municipal epidemic prevention and control and the epidemic prevention and control headquarters, in the early stage, the Municipal Party Committee Social Governance Committee led the formulation of the "Plan for Community Prevention and Control and Control". In the early morning of July 29, Chenghua District upgraded the control and control Later, the Municipal Party Committee Social Governance Committee immediately launched the "Plan".

The first is to start the community epidemic prevention and control emergency response team. Quickly enable the community epidemic prevention and control 7 types of emergency response teams. 3235 community workers, party volunteers, and residents 'backbones immediately entered the combat state, and opened the "Four Insurance Persons" green channels, mobilize residents (courtyard) residents' self -management services.

The second is to improve the community "micro -grid" management service system. On the basis of the area grid, the microclocratic grid is divided, and the WeChat group covering the grid staff, micro -grid long, and micro -grid residents will be established to provide platforms and channel support for precise and fine prevention and control.

The third is to guide the setting of emergency guarantee places. According to the need to strengthen community prevention and control under the control of social facial tube control, guide and set up community nucleic acid testing, community risk personnel temporary isolation, community living materials transfer, community epidemic prevention materials, community medical service guarantee, temporary resettlement of high school risk zones, medical waste, medical waste Seven categories such as disposal make the isolation management and control work reasonable and orderly.

The fourth is to unblock the demand for residential service needs. Strengthen the special guarantee for the service needs of various special groups, and launch the "Special Caring for Caring for Caring" to provide basic services such as distribution of living materials, medical treatment, psychological care, and environmental hygiene. Residents with special needs have special personnel first after filling in the report Time docking and contact, and handle disposal as soon as possible to ensure that the response of residential service needs responses in a timely manner. For elderly people without smart phones, community staff and community volunteers have established one -to -one contact to ensure demand response.

Fifth, continue to use intelligent means, accurately control, and fine services. Use the intelligent community comprehensive information platform, make good use of the community epidemic prevention and control system, strengthen the circulation of information lines of risk personnel, promote paperless information reporting, online closed -loop control, and one -click directly to schedule. Belish at the grassroots level to empower governance.


Everyone must adhere to personal protection and health monitoring

Actively cooperate with the community's epidemic prevention and control requirements

Frequent ventilation, wash your hands frequently

Male masks must be worn

Learn the main points of epidemic prevention together


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Chengdu Commercial Daily-Chengdu Published Reporter | Zhang Ling Tuo

Chengdu Published Edit | Meng Niang Tian Dou

Do a good job of protection, repost well

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