The latest baked!Popular gold stocks collectively "dumb fire" in July, but the gold stock group of this brokerage company rose more than 10%for three consecutive months!

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.29

The rebound momentum for two consecutive months in May and June this year ended in July. With the close of Hong Kong stocks at 4 pm on July 29, the "transcript" of the gold stock group in July was officially released.

According to the statistics of each city, the average increase in the 356 gold stock targets in the market in July this year was -0.56%, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 4.28%, and the CSI 300 index fell 7%.

Although the overall market environment is not good, there are still individual brokerage's gold stock portfolio achieved good returns in July with the successful betting. %, 9.18%. According to statistics from each city, the monthly yield of the Oriental Fortune Securities Stock Portrait has ranked first in the industry for three consecutive months.

Photo source: Photo Network-500761795

At the same time, the cumulative yield of five securities companies' gold stock groups in July was less than -7%, of which the cumulative yield of the Dongguan Securities Gold Stock Portrait in July was -10.53%. The monthly yield has been ranked in the top 5 in the industry for three consecutive months.

Judging from the cumulative situation from January to July this year, Caitong Securities, open source securities, and Shen Wanhongyuan's monthly gold stock portfolio cumulative yields are positive. 9%.

On the other hand, according to statistics, from January to July this year, the cumulative yields of Founder Securities and Dongguan Securities' gold stocks were lower than -30%.

Popular gold stocks collectively "dumb fire" in July

Generally speaking, this year's track stocks are the targets recommended by the gold stock portfolio of various brokerage firms. For example, in June, the sector of the concentration of track stock stocks such as automobiles and power equipment has become the main thing that drives the income of the gold stocks in June. factor.

From the perspective of the distribution of the gold stock industry in July, the industry that ranks among the most frequently ranked is still the sector where the track stocks are concentrated. Electronics and vehicles, the progress of electric equipment has improved compared to June.

Although the trend of the track stocks in July was weaker than June, and the food, beverages and medicines had more obvious adjustments in July, but in general, the track stocks could still win the market in July. According to CHOICE data statistics, in July, in the case of application in the case of the industry, the yields of the automotive, defense military industry, and the power equipment industry index were 5.1%, 1.95%, and-0.38%, respectively.

According to statistics, the highest increase in the Golden Stocks Shen Ling environment in July, the full month's increase was as high as 94%, and nearly 30 percentage points of Golden Stocks, which exceeded the highest increase in June, were recommended to be Zhongtai Securities. In addition, the July Golden Stock Tongfei shares and Langtai shares recommended by Kaishang Securities and Dongxing Securities have reached 61%and 49.9%, respectively. The common points of these three bull stocks are the new shares listed last year, and only one brokerage company is recommended.

However, the performance of popular gold stocks jointly recommended by many securities firms in July is not very optimistic. In July, the most recommended gold stocks for securities merchants have changed from Moutai, Guizhou to China. According to statistics from each city, a total of 16 securities firms have recommended China for exemption in July.

In addition, the number of golden stocks with a large number of securities merchants in July also includes Guizhou Maotai, Wuliangye, Hang Seng Electronics, Oriental Fortune, Poly Development, Qingdao Beer, Luzhou Laojiao, China Air China, Zhenhua Technology, Migrating Communication, Tianci Materials, Materials, Materials, Materials, Materials, Materials, Materials, Songcheng Performing Arts, Meituan-W, Longji Green Energy, Gibi, Guolian Securities, TCL Central, etc.

It is worth mentioning that in July, 4 brokerage gold stocks were recommended by Guolian Securities. Earlier, in addition to Oriental Wealth, the gold -stock combination of securities firms usually rarely use other brokerage stocks as key recommendations.

Judging from the actual performance in July, the above -mentioned popular gold stocks performed poorly in July. In addition to moving far communication, all other gold stocks fell. Wuliangye, Hang Seng Electronics, Oriental Fortune, Air China, Zhenhua Technology, Tianci Materials, Songcheng Performing Arts, Guolian Securities, and TCL Central have all reached double digits. "Popularity King" China in China fell 9.23%in July.

The division of yields in the combination of securities firms

Although the overall market environment is not good, in July, the gold -stock group of individual brokerage companies still achieves good returns in July with the successful bet. They were 10%and 9.18%, respectively. The reason is that in the July Gold Stock Portrait of Oriental Fortune Securities, there is a travelery and longitudation of the track stocks. In July of the open source securities, the gold -stock portfolios are the ramp shares Yinlun shares and Disaixi.

Data source: every city

According to statistics from each city, the monthly yield of the Oriental Fortune Securities Stock Portrait has ranked first in the industry for three consecutive months.

On the other hand, according to each city statistics, in July, the cumulative yield of the gold stock portfolio of 5 securities firms was less than -7%, which were Dongguan Securities, Soochow Securities, Yuekai Securities, Founder Securities, and Guoyuan Securities monthly. The gold stock portfolio, of which the cumulative yield of Dongguan Securities Gold Stock Portrait in July was -10.53%. It is worth mentioning that the monthly yield of the Dongguan Securities Gold Stock Portrait has ranked the top 5 in the industry for three consecutive months.

Data source: every city

From January to May of this year, the gold stock groups of each securities firm were generally in a state of "less loss than anyone else", and this situation has improved from June.

From January to July this year, the monthly gold stock portfolio of Caitong Securities, open source securities, and Shen Wanhongyuan's three brokerage firms was positive, which increased a brokerage company from January to June. The yield is close to 9%. Data source: every city

According to statistics from each city, from January to July this year, the accumulated income ranking of the industry's ten golden stock groups were Dongguan Securities, Founder Securities, Soochow Securities, Yuekai Securities, Great Wall Securities, Guojin Securities, Huatai, Huatai Securities, Southwest Securities, and Monthly Monthly Gold Stock Portrait. Among them, Founder Securities and Dongguan Securities' gold stock groups lost more than 30%from January to July this year. In addition, the yields of the gold-stock portfolio of Soochow Securities, Yuekai Securities, and Guoyuan Securities were lower than -25%in the first July.

Data source: every city

As of the end of April this year, the cumulative yields of the monthly gold stock groups of Guojin Securities, Founder Securities, Soochow Securities, and the monthly gold stock group of the Yuan Dynasty were -33.1%, -33%, -32.51%, and -30.06%, respectively. This is also the first time this year, the cumulative yield of the gold-stock portfolio of securities firms is less than -30%.

In the rebound of May to June, the yields of the four securities companies' gold stocks also recovered. However, after the decline in July, the cumulative yields of the monthly gold stock portfolio of Founder Securities and Soochow Securities have the signs of returning to the low level during the year. -28.78%.

Daily Economic News

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