The lively venue big shop

Author:Corps Daily Time:2022.07.29

● Gao Yongming

In July 1958, the Seventh Nongqi Division established four Xiaye Lands (now the Eighth Division, One, One, Three and Three Regiment).

In 1963, a comprehensive store with a few hundred meters long, a red brick -based foundation, and adobe walls were built. , Hardware Store, Xinhua Bookstore, etc., don't look at this comprehensive store in civil engineering, but at the time, it was spectacular. The staff and the masses were used to call it a large shop.

Later, with the development of the field, the tofu workshop, soy sauce vinegar, and grain and oil workshop were built behind the large store.

Near the Spring Festival in 1969, I was assigned to four work in Xiaye. The next day when I arrived in the company, I came to the market with a few classmates to buy a house, towels, soap and other daily necessities. At that time, buying cloth tickets, sugar tickets for sugar, soap tickets for soap, bicycle tickets for bicycles ... so although it is a veritable shop, not all products can be bought here.

I remember once, I came to the barber shop to get a haircut and saw the team in front of the department store in the big store for a long team. I found out that it turned out that it was a batch of white flowers with red -bottomed white flowers from Urumqi. At that time, there were few fabric flowers, so as soon as these flowers arrived, they attracted many female employees. Everyone took the fabrics stored at home to line up to buy flowers.

At that time, the busiest shop was the barber shop. Because there are only this regular barber shop in the audience, there are two hairdressers here. I only remember that I am older named Ren Wenxian, ancestral home of Henan, charity, and not many words. When the shaving and shaved service, I entered the dreamland. It can be seen that the master's haircut skills are skillful.

Later, many company employees had to run a trip because of the reason, and sometimes because there were many people, they couldn't wait to line up that day, and they had to run the second trip. The manual haircut push or haircut scissors, although the trimmed hair is not good, can also solve the problem of hair length for employees.

With the gradual increase of life needs, hardware stores have become places where employees are often gone. Lu Jinsheng, an employee of the fifteen teams, has three children who go to school. Because of doing homework and reviewing homework at night, his family will ignite two kerosene lamps every night. Go to the hardware store to buy kerosene.

In winter, in order to keep warm, the staff of the employees and the masses must use the windows of plastic fabrics. At this time, the sales of plastic fabrics of hardware shops are very large. Some employees who cannot buy plastic cloth use sacks and old cotton cloths with sacks and old cotton cloths. Making cotton curtains, although the house is warm, but there is no sufficient light.

Not only that, hardware stores also provide iron furnaces, iron fire walls, stove hooks, stove shovels, iron chimneys, iron buckets, and iron steamers for the company's room. These products sold by hardware stores are often used by employees and masses. Therefore, the business of Hardware Stores in the large shops in the market has always been popular.

Until the 1970s, in order to facilitate the shopping of employees and masses of the company, the large stores gradually set up small shops in some remote and larger teams, and sent staff to list the required commodities according to the needs of the employees of the company. Uniform supply and sales, the establishment of these small stores basically solves the problem of remote company employees to purchase daily necessities.

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