On July 28th, Lanzhou added a new local case "13+20", details →

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.07.29

On July 28th, Lanzhou added local cases "13+20"

From 0:00 on July 28 to 24, there were 13 new local diagnosis cases in Lanzhou (including 9 cases of non -symptoms from non -symptoms), including 12 cases in Chengguan District and 1 case of Yuzhong County; newly added asymptomatic infection infection; There were 20 cases, including 19 in Chengguan District, and 1 case of Yuzhong County. As of 24:00 on July 28, the epidemic reported a total of 475 local confirmed cases and 1665 cases of no symptoms.

On July 28, 18 cases of positive personnel were detected and detected by Lanzhou City.

On July 28, Lanzhou City sampled a total of 1.2878 million person -times, and all of them were completed. 18 patients were detected, all of which were segregated personnel. The 1425 people who tracked them and 302 were closely connected, and the corresponding measures have been implemented. As of now, Lanzhou has enlightened 198 concentrated isolation points and 19,887 rooms, with a centralized isolation of 13,195 people. On July 28th, 1733 people were dismissed, and 18,493 people were separated.

Details of the local "12+19" details of the local "12+19" details on July 28 →

From 00:00 on July 28 to 24, 12 new local diagnosis cases (including 8 asymptomatic infected cases were transferred to the diagnosis case) in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, all of which were concentrated isolation personnel; 19 new asymptomatic infections were added, all of which To concentrate the isolation personnel.

As of 24:00 on July 28, a total of 425 local diagnosis cases were reported in this round of epidemic conditions and 1,526 cases of non -symptoms were asymptomatic. 123 people were newly cured and lifted the hospitalization and lifting the observation of the isolation medicine, and the cumulative cure of 405 observations of isolation medicine was cumulatively cured.

Basic situation of new cases

Case Tian Moumou, female, now lives in Yannan Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, and is found to be a centralized isolation nucleic acid screening.

Case Yang Moumou, male, now lives in Baiyin Road Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, and has a centralized isolation of nucleic acid screening.

Case Zhao Moumou, male, now lives in Linxia Road Street, Lanzhou City.

Case Wang Moumou, male, now lives in Baiyin Road Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, and has a centralized isolation of nucleic acid screening.

The above four people have been consulting the experts and diagnosed as a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia. All of them are light cases. They have been transferred to designated hospitals for treatment. Related flow and investigation are ongoing.

Li Moumou and other 19 people had a consultation with the experts and diagnosed with asymptomatic infections of the new coronary virus, and they had been transferred to a designated hospital for quarantine medical observation. The relevant flow and investigation were ongoing.

As of July 28, Lanzhou City cured 509 cases of discharge and lifting the observation of isolation medicine

The State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism dispatched well -known experts in the country in the country in breathing, infection, and hospital sense prevention and control to form an expert team scientifically instructing Lanzhou to quarantine and treatment. The diagnosis and treatment mode, "one person, one policy" precise treatment.

As of 24:00 on July 28, a total of 2462 patients with positive infections were treated in designated hospitals and squares, of which 2140 were Lanzhou and 322 cases of Lanwai. On July 28, a total of 41 confirmed cases were healed, and 108 asymptomatic infected people lifted the observation of isolation medicine, cured 509 cases of observation of isolation medicine.

Lanzhou City will continue to carry out key personnel nucleic acid testing and overall planning to stabilize the economy and promote development

Lanzhou City will resolutely implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee's "epidemic situation to prevent, the economy must be stabilized, and develop safely", strictly implement the prevention and control measures of various epidemics, resolutely build a stubborn prevention and control barrier, and efficiently coordinate the epidemic situation Prevention and control and economic and social development.

Lanzhou City will continue to organize key personnel, inspectors, and inspectors who are willing to inspect the nucleic acid testing; compact the "four -party responsibilities", on the basis of strict implementation of various prevention and control measures , Promoting development.

On July 28th, the nucleic acid testing of the key population of Chengguan District, Lanzhou City did not detect the positive society

On July 28, the Chengguan District of Lanzhou City Organization conducted antigen testing and nucleic acid testing of key areas such as high -risk zones in the region, self -built houses, and community shops and other key areas and other key areas and other key areas and other key areas. The antigen detection 280532 parts were completed to complete 106,7487 of the nucleic acid samples, and those who were positive infected were not detected.

In order to ensure that the hidden dangers of risks are sieved, today, the Chengguan District of Lanzhou City will continue to organize nucleic acid screening to investigate potential risks.

Lanzhou Chengguan District issued 5.86 million yuan in rescue funds such as urban and rural low guarantee funds in August in advance

In order to ensure the basic lives of the people in difficulties during the epidemic, Lanzhou City City Guan District issued 5.86 million yuan in rescue funds such as urban and rural low -guarantee funds, urban and rural special support funds, orphan living expenses in August, and benefited 4,458 households and 1,4004 people in various types of difficulties.

Lanzhou Chengguan District issued the "Plan" to promote basic living materials for the industry for the industry to restore business in advance

The Chengguan District of Lanzhou City issued the "City Guan District Basic Living Materials Supply Supplie Industry Repentry Implementation Plan", and planned to resume work and production in advance.

The "Plan" from five aspects from 5 aspects, including resumption of work, return management, personnel protection, epidemic prevention measures, and purchase guarantee, to guarantee enterprises such as key supermarkets, guarantee markets, and central staple food kitchens, small supermarkets, convenience stores, vegetable stores, grain and oil The stores and other households, as well as the re -production standards of transportation protection enterprises such as logistics, express delivery, and takeaway, have clearly stipulated, and promoting basic living materials for the preservation of the industry to restore the business.

The Chengguan District of Lanzhou City will strictly follow the regulations of the Ninth Version of the New Crown Pneumonia, and standardize the delineation and unseaper of the high -risk zone in the middle and high risk zones to achieve "fast seal and quick solution."As of July 28, 72 high -risk zones were reduced to mid -risk zones, and 53 medium -risk areas were reduced to low -risk areas to prepare for the restoration of economic and social order and re -production and re -production.Lanzhou City solves difficulty in selling fruit and vegetable sales in a timely manner to prevent fresh agricultural products from being "difficult to sell"

The Lanzhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau always pays attention to the transportation of the production materials such as agricultural products, feed, and other districts and counties.Normally.Solving the difficulty and problems of vegetables and fruits in a timely manner, find out together, solve together, effectively prevent the problem of slow -selling agricultural products and the occurrence of difficulty in selling difficulties.

Source: New Gansu Client (New Gansu · Daily Gansu.com reporter Wang Yuchen Li Ping)

Edit: Wang Xuexiang Responsible: Zhu Wang School Trial: Xu Minzhi

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