coming!Zhoukou Early News (July 29, 2022)

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.07.29

Today's weather: On July 29, 2022, Zhoukou is cloudy, temperature is 24 ° C to 31 ° C, north wind, about 3.


On July 27, Sun Shougang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Deputy Governor, went to Zhoukou City to investigate economic operation, the development of the inland port, and the project construction work, emphasizing the need to implement the province's economic operation scheduling and optimize the business environment work TV conference. Spirit, firm confidence, facing difficulties, fighting for the third quarter, laying a solid foundation for the realization of "full -year red".

Caring for disadvantaged groups and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of disabled people are an important symbol of the progress of social civilization. Our city requires that relevant units should further highlight the problem orientation of the problem, the result orientation, improve the list of legal liability, the list of self -inspection, the list of rectifications, and do well High -quality development.

Recently, the electric vehicle (two rounds) of the city center of Zhoukou City, which was suspended due to the new crown epidemic, was launched again. The concentrated card and installation time is from July 26 to August 25. If you miss this time, unlicensed vehicles will prohibit driving on the road in the central city. In this concentration card, 30 numbers and intelligent management modules are set up in the urban area to concentrate on the installation of outlets. The general public can handle it nearby.

On July 27th, the Office of the New Crown Pneumonic Urban Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Crown Pneumonia in Zhoukou City issued an emergency reminder: immediately take the initiative to report, carefully choose travel, consciously abide by the prevention and control regulations, develop good health habits, and vaccinate vaccines as soon as possible.

On July 27, Fugou County and Luyi County all issued urgent reminders to find a related personnel related personnel in Kaifeng Qi County's asymptomatic infection.

From July 29th, the Taihao Mausoleum Scenic Area officially resumed the opening of the park (indoor is not open during the epidemic). Purchase method: Appointment to buy tickets in advance.

On July 28, the Luyi County Urban Authority issued a notice to decide to carry out centralized disinfecting and anti -epidemic prevention work in urban areas. Calling time: July 28th to July 29th, every night from 10:00 to 3:00 am the next day. Scope of disinfecting: Public areas along all main roads in urban areas.

July 28th is the twelfth "World Hepatitis Day". The Zhoukou Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a world hepatitis day propaganda event with the theme of "Prevention and treatment of hepatitis" in front of Zhoukou Special Disease Hospital. Professionals of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention patiently answered the health issues that the masses cared about, and distributed a publicity manual to propagate the concepts of anti -, controllable, and cure for viral hepatitis, eliminating the concerns of the masses' "talk about liver changes" and achieved good results.

The Zhoukou Museum has recently held a small interpreter training course. Twelve interpreters who have passed training and assessment have started to provide explanation services to the audience at the museum from the 27th of this month.

Zhoukou Tongtang Red Collection is "Zhoukou Youth Patriotic Education Base" and "Zhoukou Patriotic Education Demonstration Base". Since its establishment, the museum has received tens of thousands of people visiting the masses, including the masses from other provinces and cities, as well as enterprises and institutions, school party organizations, and school students to study revolutionary history and receive traditional education.

Since the beginning of this year, Shenqiu County has built leisure book houses in leisure and entertainment places such as Queen Garden Park, Thousand Character -themed Parks, and build smart book houses and reading in intensive places such as urban areas, large supermarkets and other dense places. As of now, more than 570 places such as mass cultural bookstores, smart book houses and reading bars in the county.

Hot Search in the province

On July 27, the Henan Provincial Bureau of Statistics announced the added value of the Henan sub -industry sub -industry in the first half of 2022. According to the unified accounting results of the regional GDP, the preliminary accounting of Henan Province's GDP in the first half of 2022 was 3075.72 billion yuan, which was calculated at an unchanged price of 3.1%year -on -year, of which 1.7%in the second quarter.

Henan will be legislated for cyber security: "button" can be fined up to 100,000 yuan.

On the afternoon of July 27, with two prestressed concrete T structures, the rotor beam with a weight of 17,000 tons synchronized the "gorgeous turn" and accurate docking in the air, marking the first highway across Henan Province, which was undertaken by the 4th Bureau of China Railway. The successful rotation of the railway beam laid a solid foundation for the smooth opening of the high -speed project.

At 6:52 on July 28th, a white off -road vehicle traffic accident in Zhangjiagang Road, Waiyang County escaped, causing 29 people to be injured. Among them, the three people were severely injured (1 person died of ineffective rescue), and 26 people were mild and slightly abundant. At present, the two levels of the city and counties have dispatched medical resources, and the expert group is implemented. At all costs, the wounded will be treated at all costs to ensure the health and safety of the people's lives to the greatest efforts.

At present, the driver Liu Moumou (male, 33 years old, Han nationality, Wuquan town in Wuyang County) has been controlled, and the public security organs are investigating and handling.

Kaifeng Xiangfu officially informed "Invoicing the Teacher Recruitment Interview": After reviewing, it was found that individual candidates' performance statistics were wrong. Jiang Moumou, Peng Moumou, and Nie Moumou, who showed "absence of tests", participated in the written test. At present, no candidates who do not meet the interview conditions have been found to enter the interview.


In the past few days, the inspection team of the Ministry of Public Security has settled in and conducted special inspections on the "Hundred Days of Action" in summer public security in various places. At the same time, the Director of the Public Security Department of many provinces took the lead in unannounced visits and inspections on the streets to supervise the work of summer and night.

The Ministry of Education reminds candidates and parents that when applying for college or receiving a notice from colleges, they must check the schools, verify volunteers, and check admission.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development issued a notice to decide to collect and select some cities to carry out pilot construction, and promote the transformation of the construction industry to digital design and intelligent construction.The full -time positions of 82,000 cities in the country are open to college graduates, of which 25,000 positions are specially recruited for college graduates.

State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine: More than 70 % of my country's county -level regions have set up public Chinese medicine hospitals.

When many people encounter setbacks, they often say, "If what happened, this is not the case now." But time cannot flow back, and no one can change the past.Only by grasping the present is the best answer to the past.If there is no life, I hope you will not entangle the past and not afraid of the future.Good morning!

Source: Zhoukou Daily WeChat

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