India's first domestic aircraft carrier "Vikrant" delivered to the Navy

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.29

Xinhua News Agency, New Delhi, July 28 (Reporter Hu Xiaoming) The Indian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on the 28th that India's first domestic aircraft carrier "Vikrant" was delivered by the Kachin Shipyard in the south to the Navy.

The statement said that the overall localization rate of the aircraft carrier reached 76%.With the delivery of the "Vikrant", India has become one of the minority countries with the ability to design and build aircraft carriers.

According to the statement, the "Vikrant" will soon enter the Navy's service and will be equipped with 30 aircraft, including the MiG-29K fighter, the card-31 air warning helicopter, MH-60R multi-purpose helicopter, and the advanced light type made in India manufacturedHelicopter and light fighter.

The design of the "Vikrant" began in 1999 and officially launched in August 2013.The ship is designed by the Indian Naval Design Bureau, and the Kachin Shipyard is responsible for construction.The captain is about 260 meters, 60 meters wide, and a displacement of about 40,000 tons. It can be equipped with about 30 carrier -based aircraft, with a maximum speed of 28 knots, and a continuous sailing 8,000 nautical miles.

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