Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission: Support local "insurance delivery" work

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.29

China News Service, July 28. According to the website of the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission on the 28th, on July 25, the China Banking Regulatory Commission held a symposium and disciplinary inspection and supervision (TV telephone) symposium for the full system in mid -2022. Good "guarantee to the property" work to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

The meeting also pointed out that it is necessary to steadily promote the reform of the banking insurance industry. Support local governments to issue special debt to supplement SMB capital. Promote the reform of the Agricultural Credit Society. Promote the implementation of support policies and measures for non -performing loan disposal of small and medium -sized banks. Cooperate with the prevention and resolution of hidden debt risks of local governments. Resolutely crack down on illegal financial activities.

The meeting requested that the stable macroeconomic market should be placed in a more prominent position, better play the role of financial counter -cyclical regulation, and fully implement the policy measures for stabilizing the economy. Strengthen the stability of enterprises, and take the initiative to do a good job of continuing financing arrangements for enterprises such as catering, accommodation, cultural tourism, transportation, and transportation. Strengthen small and micro financial services. Carry out special rectification of corporate chaos. Guide to increase financial support for infrastructure construction projects. Focus on supporting new citizens to live in peace and promoting innovative financial products and services. Expand the coverage of export credit insurance. Steady implementation of the opening of the financial industry.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the shortcomings of supervision. Continue to strengthen the supervision of corporate governance, strengthen the audit review of shareholders 'qualifications and the supervision constraints of shareholders' behavior. Urges local financial institutions to cultivate localities and strengthen community and county financial services. Accelerate the construction of big data platforms and improve the level of digitalization of regulatory digitalization. Focus on optimizing the supervisory collaborative mechanism.

The meeting also requires that the powerful forces that have always maintained financial corruption are often there, and the issue of regulatory corruption behind high -risk small and medium -sized bank insurance institutions is seriously investigated and dealt with. (Zhongxin Finance)

(Source: China News Network)

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