Shijiazhuang City Public Security Organs to fight insurance fraud crime special actions to obtain staged results

Author:Yan Zhao Evening News Time:2022.06.16

On the morning of June 15, the Shijiazhuang Municipal Government News Office held a press conference to report the results achieved by the special operations of the Shijiazhuang City Public Security Organs to crack down on insurance fraud crimes.

Shijiazhuang City Public Security Organ

Special action to combat insurance fraud crimes

Staged results

In recent years, with the rapid development of my country's economy, the public's insurance awareness has gradually increased, the insurance industry has shown jump development, and the risk of insurance fraud crimes has gradually emerged. According to the data provided by the Hebei Provincial Insurance Industry Association, the Hebei Provincial Insurance Industry Association has accumulated a total of more than 1,500 suspected insurance fraud clues to the public security organs. Insurance fraud shows a gang, professionalization, industrialization, and cross -regional crime trend, anti -insurance The fraud situation is severe.

Therefore, on January 18, 2022, the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau jointly launched a special operation to combat insurance fraud in the province. The continuous efforts of the month have been cracked by a number of insurance fraud cases and achieved staged results.

Since the operation, the city's public security organs have resolutely implemented the municipal party committee and the municipal government to win the decision -making arrangements for the "three tough battles", actively practiced "the party's point of point, the people's needs, the police respond", strictly follow the provincial and municipalities, municipalities, and municipalities. The established step path of the bureau firmly focuses on the characteristics of the situation of insurance fraud, highlights the source of grasping, adheres to the punch, and severely cracks down on insurance fraud illegal behaviors. The first is to strengthen strike deterrence. Relying on the resources such as the Banking Regulatory Supervision Department, insurance company, and police data, comprehensively use a variety of means, conduct in -depth data analysis and judgment, timely chant and push the clues of insurance fraud cases, and continuously enhance the work quality of cracking down on insurance fraud. As of now, there are 77 cases of insurance fraud in the city, and 5 professional criminal gangs have been successfully killed. 86 criminal suspects have been arrested, with more than 22 million yuan involved in the case and 3.7 million yuan in pursuit of stolen stolenum. Effectively curb the high incidence of insurance fraud crimes, purify the development environment of the insurance industry, and maintain the stability of the city's economic and social order. The second is to establish a collaborative mechanism. Take the initiative to connect the Banking and Insurance Supervision Department, actively establish a communication and collaboration mechanism for cracking down on insurance fraud, make every effort to open up the high -efficiency connectivity channels of "guaranteeing the police" and "incident" to further strengthen the effect of police insurance linkage strikes; Carry out discussions and exchanges, in -depth research and discussing the in -depth reasons and countermeasures of insurance fraud, so that police insurance docking, joint, regularization, and institutionalization are promoted to promote the formation of normal and long -term collaboration mechanisms. The third is extensive publicity and education. Actively invite experts in the industry to carry out exchanges and training, organize the city's economic investigation police to understand and master the main methods, crackdown skills, and typical cases of current insurance fraud to further enhance the accuracy and accuracy of cracking down on insurance fraud; make full use of various news media and online platforms, For the society, a letter to the society, "A letter to cracking down on insurance fraud to the general public", took the initiative to go to the community to carry out street propaganda 16 times, and continue to create a strong atmosphere of "national knowledge fraud and anti -fraud".

The city's public security organs detected a series of fraud cases in special actions, and also summarized some common insurance fraud methods.

(1) Utilizing second -hand luxury cars, buying high vehicle insurance, the vehicle is damaged by intentional wading, or replaced with old and even scrapped parts, intentionally created a collision accident on the road, and then claimed the insurance company to the insurance company. Police used the insurance company's claims data to analyze, detecting 5 such cases, captured 7 people involved, and pursued more than 900,000 yuan.

Typical case: Pei Mouyang was suspected of insurance fraud cases. On July 11, 2021, Pei Mouyang (male, 30 years old, people in Luancheng District) drove a Tesla sedan on the east side of Zhuoda Sun City, Luancheng District, Shijiazhuang City. Property & insurance companies are 385,200 yuan.

(2) Create false traffic accidents to cheat insurance. It is mainly to replace the vehicle scrapped parts and components, after a unilateral accident, re -forge the accidents of the two parties, create false accidents by using a shooting manner, or the insurance scope of the insurance scope. Through in -depth and comprehensive research and judgment, the police detected 7 such cases, captured 10 people involved, and pursued more than 30,000 yuan in chaoser.

Typical case: Wu Moujun was suspected of insurance fraud cases. At 16 o'clock on April 13, 2022, Wu Moujun (male, 38 years old, Lingshou County) drove a second -hand Volkswagen to Shijiazhongzhongjing Village, Y551 Township Road, Lingshou County, Shijiazhuang City. It was ignited between the engine compartment battery and the insurance box and stopped after continuing 200 meters, causing the vehicle to be completely burned. Wu Moujun deceived the insurance deposit of 120,000 yuan in the insurance company.

(3) The vehicle repair plant uses convenience to "steal the beam and change columns" for deception. The main reason is that the vehicle repair plant uses the vehicle manufacturing accidents that others are repairing to expand the damage to deceive the insurance premium. In addition, there are some staff of the car repair practitioners colluding with the staff of the insurance company and the public estimate company to deliberately raise the vehicle loss. The municipal public security organs paid close attention to the repair shop involved, and in -depth suspicious clues, a total of 8 cases of such cases were detected, 39 people involved were arrested, and more than 1.4 million yuan was charged with stolen stolenum.

Typical case: 3.21 Extraordinary insurance fraud gang case.

(4) After a traffic accident without a license or drunk driving, the liability for avoiding insurance contracts is avoided through other people's top bags, and insurance benefits are cheated. The municipal public security organs have detected 11 cases of such cases through screening suspicious data and other means, arrested 21 personnel involved, and pursuing more than 83 yuan. Typical cases: Pang Mouze, Wang Moukuan and others were suspected of insurance fraud. In the early morning of November 7, 2021, Pang Mouze (male, 30 years old, from Yuhua District) drove a car after a traffic accident on the intersection of Qinling Street and Yuhua East Road in High -tech District, Shijiazhuang City. , 30 years old, Yuhua District) contact Zhao (male, 29 years old, from Yuhua District), Zhao Moumou instructed Pang Mouze and Wang Moukuan to replace Pang Mouze reported to the insurance company that a traffic accident occurred in a driver's car. The insurance company was deceived to withdraw insurance benefits of 257,000 yuan.

In addition, in response to the criminal behavior of falsifying certification materials or concealing the actual situation, the criminal behavior of criminal insurance, life insurance compensation or social security center pension, the public security organs have also collected evidence in various parties. , Chase the losses of 150,000 yuan.

Typical case: Du Mouzhi was suspected of insurance fraud cases. Du Mouzhi (male, 64 years old, Zanhuang County) starting in April 2012, through false household registration and false certification materials, in the name of Zanhuang County staff in Zanhuang County, Zanhuang County Commercial Bureau has basically handled the urban employees. Pension insurance and began to enjoy basic pensions. By the time of the incident, they cheated 155,000 pensions.

Next, the public security organs will continue to strengthen the construction of relevant mechanisms and systems, improve the coordination of public security organs, Banking Insurance Supervisors, and insurance companies, and continue to maintain a strict and high -pressure situation of illegal behavior of insurance fraud. Essence

3.21 Investigation of the Grand Insurance Fraud Gang

In March 2022, the Shijiazhuang City Public Security Bureau had mastered a group of suspects suspected of insurance fraud after analysis and judgment and investigation and evidence collection. The Public Security Bureau of the market designated the Xinhua Branch to investigate the case. After further research and judgment, a large series of fraudulent criminal gangs have been locking in the city for many years.

In the early morning of April 26, 2022, under the unified organization of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Comrade Li Jianfeng, the deputy head of Xinhua District, the party committee secretary of the branch bureau, and the director of the branch, mobilized the full police, organized 250 police force to conduct relevant police sectors to carry out centralized network collection operations Successfully captured 42 suspects of illegal criminals in the city.

As of now, Xinhua Branch has adopted criminal compulsory measures to 31 criminal suspects, involving three gangs. From 2014 to 2019, the three gangs relying on the automobile repair plant, using gang members to collide with each other, intentionally manufacture accidents, and place false scenes to deceive 18 insurance companies' insurance benefits. After verification, the amount of Zheng, Zhang, and Cui Mou's gang involved 1.191 million yuan, Ge Gang's current amount of 54,000 yuan, and Guo's gang involved in the case of 96,000 yuan. In addition, the task force was arrested for the remaining 10 criminal suspects. At present, it has been chased by 500,000 yuan, and the follow -up work of the case is under further investigation.

A reporter asked

Question 1: The significance of the special action of fighting insurance fraud crimes and what are the focus of the next step?

Zhang Yuntao, the captain of the Economic Investigation Division of Shijiazhuang City Public Security Bureau:

This year is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the year of Shijiazhuang's total economy and the support of the support of curve overtaking. In order to ensure that there are great achievements in the year of support and a big breakthrough, the municipal party committee and municipal government have decided to use the prominent problems of the business environment throughout the city, the rectification of violations of laws and discipline and violations in the real estate sector, and the "three tough battles" involved in illegal fundraising and disposal. Essence

The special operation of cracking down on insurance fraud crimes is an important part of the "three tough battles" of the prominent business environment. The special operation of cracking down insurance fraud crimes cracked a group of major insurance fraud cases such as professionalization and gangs, destroyed a number of source criminal gangs, effectively curb the high incidence of insurance fraud crimes, purified the development environment of the insurance industry in our city, It has maintained the stability of the city's economic and social order, laid the foundation for winning the "three tough battles", and escorted the city's high -quality development of the city.

The special operation of cracking down on insurance fraud has achieved a certain result. In the next step, we will continue to maintain a high pressure on insurance fraud crimes. The first is to severely crack down on insurance fraud criminal gangs that are associated with professionalization, industrialization, and collusion internal and external, and keep an eye on car repair shops, appraisal agencies, public enterprises, agent malicious complaints such as "black agencies" and other key units and people who hurt scalpels and insurance claimsmen. , Lawyers and other key groups, dig deep into the black industry chain behind the crime; the second is to severely crack down on monopoly wounded customers, virtual increasing disability levels, colluding with appraisal agencies, medical institutions, and lawsuits to carry out human injury and fraud cases; Third, fraudulent cases such as cracking down on lies, intentional manufacturing accidents, expanding losses, fiction and tampering with the factors of insurance accidents.

Question 2: Can you introduce in detail what are the main criminal methods of criminal suspects in the 3.21 Extraordinary Insurance Fraud Gang and what are the impacts on ordinary people?

Wang Yudong, deputy director of Xinhua Branch of Shijiazhuang City Public Security Bureau:

3.21 Insurance fraud cases involved in the accident, there are unilateral accidents, two accidents, and trilateral accidents. Among them, there are three types of accidents. Relatives and friends use their own names and actively control the vehicle to deliberately create false accidents by pickers (2) deliberately creating real impact type false traffic accidents. We will make false accidents intentionally in a real impact. (3) intentional creation of false unilateral accidents. Generally, the on -site section is selected on the spot. Select the more sturdy impacts, stubborn vehicles, or chosen to implement water flooding unilateral accidents in heavy rain, or choose to damage vehicles or choose to damaged vehicles in heavy rain. Damaged the vehicle seriously and cheated more insurance companies. In this case, many people have shown driving books at the scene of the accident of their real driving vehicles for the "help" mentality, and fictional driver information is fictional. Some people also want to repair or maintain the vehicle for free to repair or maintain the insurance claims. In the end, the law was violated and constituted illegal crimes. For ordinary people, we must have legal awareness, so we must not be greedy for small losses and do not become the accomplices of criminals.

Source | Shijiazhuang released

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