Henan is hot to South!The biggest and strongest high temperature is coming this year!

Author:Top news Time:2022.06.16


High -temperature warning continues to be released! The highest temperature in 10 provinces, including Henan, Shaanxi will exceed 37 ° C

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high -temperature yellow warning at 06:00 on June 16: It is expected that during the day of June 16, high temperature weather above 35 ° C in southern North China, Huanghuai, and eastern part of Northwest China, and southern Xinjiang Basin will appear. Among them, southern Hebei, south of Shanxi, most of Henan, western Shandong, northern Anhui, northern Hubei, southeast Shaanxi, and western Inner Mongolia, central Ningxia, southern Xinjiang Basin and other places have the highest temperature of 37 ℃ ~ 40 ℃, and the local area can reach 40 Over ℃.

The high temperature process also has certain extremes. The highest temperature in the parts in central Inner Mongolia, central Henan, and western Shandong may approach or even more than June. The high temperature intensity and duration of some places are rare during the same period. Please pay attention to heatstroke, try to avoid going out at noon at noon.

From June 15th to 22nd, the highest temperature in parts of 12 provinces and regions in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei reached 38 ° C.China ’s weather launched a high -temperature punch calendar in large cities, and Zhengzhou was“ full of diligence ”.On June 16th (today) Zhengzhou may have the first 40 ° C this year, and the highest temperature will continue to be above 38 ° C in the next 6 days.


Source: China Weather

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