The "Entrepreneurship Anhui Action Plan" was released and proposed 22 specific measures of "1+7" target

Author:Hefei Evening News Time:2022.07.28

A few days ago, the Provincial Government issued the "Animal Action Plan for Entrepreneurship" and proposed "22 Anhui Innovation" to solve the problems encountered by the entrepreneurial entity in the process of entrepreneurship. On the morning of July 27, the Provincial Government News Office held a press conference to introduce the relevant situation of the "Entrepreneurship Anhui Action Plan". This plan proposes a total goal and 7 categories of targets, and strives to make entrepreneurship a fashion vitality and image business card in Anhui, and Anhui becomes a hot spot for various types of talents.

Article 22 to help entrepreneurs Anhui

At the press conference, the head of the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department introduced that the "Entrepreneurship Anhui Action Plan" is based on Anhui, looking at the world, and giving full play to the advantages of dense science and education resources, rich human resources, broad market space, etc. , Put forward 1 total goal and 7 category.

One general goal is "a new pattern with first -class entrepreneurial environment, active entrepreneurial subjects, entrepreneurial results, and strong entrepreneurial atmosphere of entrepreneurship." The target of the 7 category is "adding more than 1 million new market entities each year; about 1,000 new enterprises in provincial and municipal specialized specialty; more than 100,000 entrepreneurs such as college graduates, returnees, and retired soldiers, support scientific research More than 10,000 entrepreneurs and other entrepreneurs; more than 100 innovation and entrepreneurial incubation carriers at or above the provincial level; more than 100,000 people in starting entrepreneurial training; more than 100 billion yuan of inclusive small and micro enterprises; The cities in the district meet the national entrepreneurial city standards. "

Focusing on the "1+7" goal, the "Entrepreneurship Anhui Action Plan" proposes 22 specific measures from 6 aspects, including key areas, entrepreneurial entities, entrepreneurial platforms, training systems, financial support and entrepreneurial services.

Comprehensively improve the entrepreneurial ability of entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship ability is a key factor in entrepreneurship. Whether a entrepreneurial project can succeed depends largely on the ability and quality of entrepreneurs. How to improve the entrepreneurial entrepreneurial ability?

Wang Wei introduced that our province will cultivate high -level entrepreneurial education service institutions, aim at the forefront of the world, and build a high -level construction of the University of Science and Technology of China. Select and identify a number of provincial entrepreneurial research institutes, provincial entrepreneurial instructor studios, recruit a number of "dreams" entrepreneurial mentors to create a demonstration zone of entrepreneurial services.

For different groups, our province will carry out subsidies for entrepreneurial training, "Entrepreneurship Anhui Training Camp Project" and "Future New Enterprise Special Training Camp" to help expand their horizons and enhance decision -making, operation and management capabilities.

In addition, our province will hold an entrepreneurial Anhui contest. If the award -winning enterprise settled in Anhui, it will give the upper support policies such as a maximum of 1 million yuan. Implementing enterprises to accelerate the growth of the "Thousands of Miles", enhance the visibility of the capital market of the new "little giant" enterprise in Anhui, and push 20 companies to connect with the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange each year.

Give play to the role of "catalyst" of capital

Entrepreneurship must be inseparable from the support of funds, and capital plays a catalytic role in innovation and entrepreneurship. Cheng Gang, deputy director of the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, told reporters that the "Entrepreneurship Anhui Action" uses financial support as a key support for guidance and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. For more than 10 billion yuan, the goal of issuing more than 6 billion yuan in entrepreneurial discount loans, starting from multiple angles such as angel funds, wind investment venture capital, investment and loan linkage, etc., and effectively play the role of "catalyst" and "adhesive" of capital.

In addition, our province will promote the online processing of entrepreneurial guarantee loans. Individuals and small and micro enterprises can apply for a maximum of 500,000 yuan and 3 million yuan, respectively, and give discounted in accordance with regulations. Encourage local governments to establish a "talent loan" risk compensation mechanism, and the loan amount of high -level talent startup enterprises can reach up to 50 million yuan.

He Zhou Hong reporter Zhou Hong

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