Shifeng District: Employees, summer delivery is cool

Author:Zhuzhou Published Time:2022.07.28

The staff sent a coolness to the frontline employees. Correspondence

In the hot summer, the heat is unbearable. In the past few days, the Shifeng District Federation of Trade Unions continued to carry out the "Employees, Sending Cool in the Summer" activity, and sent care to employees who fought at high temperatures at high temperatures. Refreshing supplies for the heat of more than 10,000 yuan.

What is the production situation of the enterprise? Have you implemented measures to protect high -temperature weather labor? In addition to the in -depth work site of urban management and sanitation, the staff who insisted on working at the front -line employees who insisted on working at high temperatures gave the heat -preventing cooling items such as mung bean, sugar, and Huoxiangzhengqi water. The physical and mental health of employees in the weather has made employees truly feel the care of the union organization.

Source/Zhuzhou Daily reporter/Zhou Zeaemong Correspondent/Tan Hongting Zhang Weina


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