Shucheng, Anhui: The new pattern of the grassroots social governance with the party building

Author:Anhui County Rong Channel Time:2022.07.27

Since the beginning of this year, under the correct leadership of the county party committee and county government, Shanqi Town, Shucheng County, Shucheng County, Liu'an City, Anhui Province has always focused on the central work, and has always adhered to the improvement of the level of promoting grassroots governance as party building, and continuously promoted the grassroots from traditional management to modern governance to modern governance. Change, use solid painting to develop new scrolls in harmony and stability.

The picture shows the mass cultural show in Meifang Village, Shanqi Town

"Small Grid" activation of grassroots governance innovation points

Through the in -depth implementation of grid management, in accordance with the principles of "crisscross, drying, seamless coverage, and dynamic adjustment", 17 administrative villages and streets in Shanqi Town have established grid teams to select a group of villagers and outstanding party members. As a representative, 166 grid staff set up a grid, using the grid as the basic unit, gathering and integrating resources, setting up a person to determine the responsibility, and promoting the refined grassroots service management. Through the grid staff regularly to visit the visit, comprehensively grasp the village conditions, reflect public opinion in a timely manner, solve problems quickly, effectively resolve contradictions, promote the interaction of grass -roots information interaction, further enhance the level of grid management and service capabilities, and gradually form a style and grid in the network. The working pattern of the linkage between the Chinese people and people in the middle of the grid, and the management of the grid -based management has opened up the "nerve endings" of grass -roots governance.

The picture shows the experience of the two committees of Yangling Village to study Fengqiao experience

"People commenting on things" to build a grassroots governance support point

The innovative setting of Shanqi Town sets the "people's evaluation of the statement". Through the daily statement and statement, actively handle the needs of the masses to need, hope, urgency, thought, what they want, and to be difficult to solve the people. Essence Two villagers in Pangye Village in Shanqi Town have disputes due to their homesteads. The two parties have their own words and do not give each other. After learning about this, the Party Branch of Pangye Village organized party members and the masses to discuss countermeasures as soon as possible, adopting a reasonable and compatible way, and to resolve contradictions and disputes through "speaking, rational, discussion, handling, evaluation". The parties sat together to say that policies, reasoning, and morality. After many communication and negotiation, they finally reached an agreement. Through the "people's evaluation of the matter", the people's conditions were connected to the "through traffic", and the "Lianxin Bridge" was set up, which enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grass -roots party organizations, enhanced grassroots governance capabilities, and achieved remarkable results.

The picture shows "Send the Opera into Wancun" and walks into Longshan Village, Mountain Seven Town

Cultural leadership to grasp the key points of grass -roots governance

Shanqi Town highlights the leading role of filial piety culture, and takes township style civilization as the starting point. Based on the reality of the villages, the village regulations are formulated to form a "commitment" that everyone agreed and complied with together. At the same time, pay attention to the excavation and cultivation of cultural capabilities such as the rich leader, the backbone of literature and art, and Xinxiangxian, and to educate the masses with the cultural moral power of the people around them, lead the morality of upward, filial piety, and love. Together, condense the hearts of the people, unite strength together, and form a strong synergy of conspiracy development.

Source: Hu Haojun, Hu Haojun, Hu Haojun, Shucheng County, Zhu Xianru

Edit: Ang Yuhao

Review: Zhu Jianghui Gongling Banner

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