New capitals adjust risk levels

Author:Love to see headlines Time:2022.07.27

Hongxing News Network, July 27th. On July 26th, the announcement of the announcement of adjusting the risk zone of the Xintu District of Chengdu, the new capital to adjust the risk level, the content of the notice is as follows:

Notice on adjusting the risk zone of the Xindu District Epidemium in Chengdu

According to the current needs of the epidemic prevention and control work in our district, in accordance with the "New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Prevention Plan (Ninth Edition)" in accordance with the State Council's response to the new type of coronary virus pneumonia. The decision of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control:

From 03:00 on July 26, 2022, the risk level of 2 risk levels in the Bund of Shiban Beach Street, Xindu District, Chengdu will be adjusted from low risk to high risk. The risk level of 3 buildings (including the bottom layer) is adjusted from low risk to medium risk.

From 18:00 on July 26, 2022, the risk level of Pauli Bauhinia, Sanhe Street, Sanhe Street, Xintu District, Chengdu has been adjusted from low risk to high risk. The risk level of other buildings (including the bottom) is adjusted from low risk to medium risk.

From July 27, 2022, the control measures of risk -controlled areas of risk zones will be managed in accordance with the low -risk zone after the management and control of risk areas.

The adjustment of the risk area of ​​the new metropolitan area is detailed.


New Coronatte Pneumonia Pneumonia, Xindu District, Chengdu

Epidemic Prevention and Control Command

July 26, 2022

Affiliated table:

New Metropolis District's latest risk zone delineation

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(Source of this article: Published by Xindu)

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