Quanzhou City implements a solid and stabilized economic package policy and measure implementation plan.

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.06.16

Recently, the Quanzhou Municipal People's Government issued the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the State Council and Fujian Province's Policy and Measures for the State Council and Fujian Province". On the morning of June 15th, the Press Office of the Quanzhou Municipal People's Government held a press conference on implementing a solid policy and measures for the economy and stability of the economy. Quanzhou Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Municipal Commerce Bureau, and Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau have introduced to you the relevant situation of the "Implementation Plan" And answer the reporter's question. Liao Liangjie, director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, reported the formulation of the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the State Council and the Implementation of the State Council and Fujian Province's Policy and Measures for the Economic Package. " Details are as follows--

Quanzhou insisted on "opening the door and sprinting." On January 11, he took the lead in the province to introduce a series of policies and measures. At the beginning of the New Year in the lunar calendar in February, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government held a conference on the development of the entire civic economy to release the "1+1+13" policy "Gift Pack" for supporting the "1+1+13" policy (a total of 6 billion yuan of funds for enterprises in the two levels of the city and counties). From January to February, the city's major economic indicators were higher than the expected goals of the year.

On March 13, the new crown epidemic in Quanzhou City, the municipal party committee and the municipal government decisively took measures, and the epidemic was quickly controlled. On March 31, the "Several Policies and Measures of Quanzhou Fully Resisting the Enterprise to Inspection of the People's Republic of China Promoting People's Life Promoting and Promoting the development of the people's livelihood" was introduced. From 9 aspects of epidemic prevention and control, financial and tax support, and corporate burden reduction, they fully promoted the comprehensive recovery of the economic and social. At the same time, supporting assistance measures are introduced in the aspects of industry, commerce, finance, finance, employment, and support for market entities, helping enterprises in order to resume labor and re -production, and have issued special policies for Fengze and Jinjiang, which have a greater impact on the epidemic. Various policies have comprehensively developed, and quickly realized resumption of work in mid -April, and basically resumed normal production and living order at the end of April.

The "Implementation Plan" includes 69 policies and measures in 7 aspects.

Click to view the full text of the embodiment: Quanzhou releases 69 measures for steady growth

The press conference also answered the following questions

Chen Chuanfang, chief engineer of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, introduced Quanzhou's measures in stabilizing the industrial economy and the supply chain of the industrial chain. Details are as follows--

In terms of stabilizing the industrial economy: First, it supports enterprises to increase capital and expand production. Focus on supporting digital green technical reform projects and industrial (industrial) park standardization infrastructure construction projects in the provincial key technical reform project library, and the fixed asset financing of eligible provincial key technical transformation projects. Annual) Give a maximum of 3%discount subsidy. In order to continue to help enterprises reduce financing costs, municipal finances will give another 1%discount support on the basis of provincial -level discounts next year (that is, 2023). The second is to support enterprises to connect with national special funds. For projects that have obtained the national manufacturing transformation and upgrade special fund and the national SME development special fund financing, based on the provincial financial award, the municipal finance will give up the supporting reward at 1: 1, and the company can enjoy up to 2 million yuan award of 2 million yuan. Essence The third is to support enterprises to carry out intelligent transformation. For projects from the national and provincial intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, the one -time and 500,000 yuan rewards were given to the national and provincial intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories. For projects that have been rated by the national intelligent manufacturing excellent scenes, a scene will be awarded 200,000 yuan award, and the company can enjoy up to 600,000 yuan awards; for projects that have been rated with excellent provincial intelligent manufacturing scenes, a scene will be given 100,000 yuan at a time Reward, enterprises can enjoy a maximum of 300,000 yuan. In terms of stable industrial chain supply chain: First, implement the "whitelist" system of key industrial chain supply chain enterprises. Recommend to update the "Whitening List" enterprise to the provincial -level supply chain to the province in a timely manner, carry out weekly monitoring work for 25 ministries and 178 provincial "white list" enterprises, establish corporate issues and requests coordinated solutions, and help enterprises solve them to solve them. The problem of blocking points and pain points to ensure that the supply chain of the industrial chain is running smoothly. The second is to cultivate the industrial chain echelon. Implement the local contribution of incremental awards, and encourage counties (cities, districts) to lead enterprises, specialized new "giant" enterprises, and provincial specialized SMEs. The average number of local economic contributions in the three years is the base, and the annual new local economic contribution part of the classification is given to the annual new local economic contribution. The third is to ensure corporate energy supply. Establish and improve the tracking system of the coal daily newspaper, increase the dynamic monitoring of the coal depository of coal power plants in major main force, and ensure that the factory's memory coal is provided for more than 15 days of power generation. Effectively do a good job of signing the medium- and long -term contracts of the main coal -fired power plant coal to ensure the full coverage of the long -term contract for the annual consumption of electric coal.

Xiao Jinshu, the General Accountant of the Municipal Finance Bureau, answered how to effectively implement various fiscal and tax policies and measures, especially the tax reduction policy to help enterprises through difficulties. Details are as follows--

The first is to accelerate the implementation of combined tax support policies to stimulate the vitality of the market subject. From January to May, the city had a tax refund of about 5 billion yuan, involving 3213 households in the market, of which 2.585 billion yuan in April and 1.872 billion yuan in May. 34.5%of 100 million yuan), accounting for 45.7%of tax revenue (9.755 billion yuan), tax refund is unprecedented. At present, large -scale tax refunds, tax cuts also put tremendous pressure on municipal and county finances. In order to alleviate the financial difficulties at the grassroots level, Quanzhou City has won two batches of support for the implementation of tax cuts at the grassroots level and 2.913 billion yuan in the transfer of key people's livelihood transfer, and has been fully resolved to the counties (cities, districts). The second is to strengthen policies such as finance and finance, employment, and work hard. In March, in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic, the first time the sixth phase of the sixth phase of small, medium and micro enterprises, the special loan of 10 billion yuan in small, medium and micro enterprises, and increasing the efficiency and increased efficiency and tilted to Quanzhou to help Quanzhou's 1349 companies get a loan of over 5.7 billion yuan ( He is the first in the province). Recently, the seventh issue of 10 billion yuan will be launched soon. The top grid uses the policy of stabilizing the stabilization of unemployment insurance to return the policy of stabilizing the job, issue a one -time reserved training subsidy, and increase the efforts to stabilize the job. It is expected that the city will return the subsidy of 120 million yuan in unemployment insurance. Training subsidies are 250 million yuan, and will be benefited to 50,000 companies. Zheng Qiang, deputy director of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, introduced the new measures in the employment of stabilizing post in the "Implementation Plan". Details are as follows--

The first is to expand policy coverage. The three social insurance premiums of the basic endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, and work injury insurance of enterprises have been expanded from 5 special trapped industries to 22 industries. The second is to improve the standards of stabilization. In the early stage, the proportion of small and medium -sized enterprises that insisted on not laying off layoffs and less layoffs increased from 60%to 90%, and the proportion of large -scale enterprises that did not lay off and laid off a large -scale enterprise were increased from 30%to 50%. Enterprises relieved and employed stable. The third is to encourage enterprises to expand. Policies and measures to encourage enterprises to absorb college graduates employment. For enterprises to recruit college graduates who have graduated year, sign labor contracts and participate in unemployment insurance, they will issue one -time expansion subsidies to enterprises at a standard of 1500 yuan per person.

Chen Shaoxiong, deputy director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, introduced important measures to support and guarantee support and guarantee in economic stable growth in the Municipal Transportation Bureau. Details are as follows--

The first is to fully ensure the unblocked comprehensive traffic network. At present, the city's highway networks have remained unblocked, and bus stations, port docks, railway stations, airports, etc. are operated normally. In early June, the average daily traffic of the highway entrances in Quanzhou area was 427,000 vehicles, accounting for 21.4%of the province. The second is to ensure that the traffic investment is high. This year, the investment plan of the transportation fixed assets of Quanzhou City is 15 billion yuan, and the annual investment scale is the largest since the 13th Five -Year Plan. In the first five months, the city's transportation system overcame the impact of the epidemic, and completed an investment of 6.46 billion yuan, accounting for 43.1%of the annual plan, and the current progress was increased by 13.7%over the same period last year. The third is to ensure the efficient operation of the transportation industry. On the one hand, it has strengthened the industry's support. This year, 15 batches of financing for financing for "quick reception", involving 113 transportation companies with a amount of 380 million yuan. On the other hand, to ensure the stability and orderly transportation services, a large number of epidemic -free transportation companies have been created throughout the city, which will provide more solid service guarantees for emergency transportation, stable supply chain, public travel, and industrial development.

Wan Wenwei, deputy director of the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, introduced the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau to further mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers' grain planting. Details are as follows--

The first is to increase the reward of Yamada Reinstallation Grain. Reduce the subsidy threshold, and the contract (撂) deserted land continuous fillet or centralized scale of 20 acres and above, and plant grain crops for more than one season, and adjust to the contractual throw (撂) deserted cultivated land continuous or concentrated scale of 10 acres and above. For more than one season of grain crops every year; increase the award for the complement of the prize, and the first year based on the reward area of ​​1,200 yuan per mu, the second year and the third year will make up 300 yuan. The second is to increase the policy of new bean -scale planting awards. Complete soybean production tasks, increase farmers' enthusiasm for planting soybean soybeans, and give 300 yuan per acre for farmers (agricultural business entities) with a scale of more than 20 acres. The third is to support the promotion of "five new" of grain and oil crops. For the agricultural operating entities with more than 100 acres of grain and oil crops such as rice, sweet potatoes, corn, peanuts and other grain and oil crops, it subsidizes 30,000 yuan per piece to subsidize the construction of farmland infrastructure, technical training, and "five new" introduction. Fourth, the results of grain production work are significantly rewarded. Townships and villages with remarkable results in the production of grain production. Each township reward 30,000 yuan, and each village is rewarded with a reward of 20,000 yuan. The fifth is to issue actual grain subsidies on time. Before the end of July, the second batch of funds of farmers in actual grain farmers were issued to the actual grain planting body. Sixth is to further improve the policy of planting food. Based on the completion of the central and provincial policy agricultural insurance tasks, innovate the food planting insurance with local characteristics, and strive to maintain the coverage of rice planting insurance above 80 %. Seventh, vigorously carry out high -quality farmers training. Improve the skills of farmers (agricultural and rural people) production, management, marketing and other skills, and 21,000 people in 2022.

Jian Guohong, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, introduced how to speed up consumption recovery after the epidemic, and prosper the consumer market. Details are as follows--

The first is to hold a series of consumer activities. From the end of June to the end of the year, the "Aiquan · Da Yue Shopping" series of "love Quanzhou · Da Yue Shopping" is held by the government -enterprise United, the city and county synchronization, the manufacturing enterprise and platform, the integration of online and offline, and the linkage of the cultural and business travel. The provincial promotional policies such as "Yue Shopping" rely on platforms such as UnionPay Cloud Flash Payments to issue various business travel coupons for automobile home appliances, home building materials, and catering accommodation. Implement the Quanzhou Youpin Digital Promotion Project, use product digital marketing, offline special exhibitions, merchants to make interest promotions, live broadcasts and other goods, and promote food, daily necessities, clothing, shoes, building materials, ceramics, crafts, machinery and equipment, electronic information information, electronic information information , Bags, agricultural products, etc. dock with various e -commerce platforms, or use their own platforms to promote sales, increase the market share of local products, unblock industrial cycles, market cycles, promote employment and entrepreneurship, and accelerate consumption replenishment and potential release. The second is to continue to expand car consumption. From May to October, instructing Licheng, Development Zone, Jinjiang and other places to jointly automobile industry associations and online car purchase platforms, organized consumer activities such as "Haise Quanzhou Automobile Festival", and focused on consumers who purchased new cars in Quanzhou City. Subsidies of more than 3,000 yuan. In the future, Anxi, Dehua, Yongchun and other places will continue to organize a series of "car to go to the countryside to benefit the people" series of consumption activities, further stimulate the potential of rural car consumption, and implement the policy of mining taxes for passenger cars to further reduce the cost of car purchase. Lin Yuxin, deputy director of the Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, introduced the "combination boxing" of the financial department in strengthening financial security support and helping to stabilize the economic market. Details are as follows--

Improve policy targetability and focus on credit support in key areas. The first is to play the role of monetary policy guidance. With a good re-loan and re-discount quota, from January to May, the city has provided 10.185 billion yuan of re-loan and discount funds. Recently, the city has received the support of 2.2 billion yuan in re-loan quotas. The second is to play the role of government financing guarantee. The upper limit of the batch guarantee compensation compensation was increased from 5%to 10%, deepening the "silver -sharing" cooperation, and strived to exceed 8 billion yuan at the end of the year. The guarantee premium rate is reduced by fiscal subsidies to less than 0.5%. Since March, a total of about 12 million yuan is reduced. The third is to play the role of financing platform. Promote small and micro enterprises "code on -loan" through traffic models, and increase the proportion of small and micro enterprises' first loans and credit loans. Establish a "government-bank-enterprise burden" financing docking mechanism, push the financing needs of enterprises to banks and guarantee agencies month by month, and promote the implementation of docking. From April to May, the financing has been promoted by 2.6 billion yuan. Improve the inclusive measures and focus on the development of market entities. The first is to promote the landing of "bailout loans" to help enterprises. At the provincial level, the seventh phase of the provincial "relief loan" is about to start. Entrepreneurs with financing demand are welcome to log in to the "Gold Cloud Cloud" platform registration application. Since the establishment of the provincial "relief loan", Quanzhou has launched a scale of 21.667 billion yuan, accounting Save 34.3%. At the municipal level, Fengze District and Jinjiang City, which are more serious this year, have a special loan of 3 billion yuan in service industry relief. The second is to increase the extension of the implementation of the principal and interest. Since the "0313" epidemic in Quanzhou, 5,328 enterprises and individuals have extended the principal and interest of 34.4 billion yuan. Improve service effectiveness, focus on direct financing to improve quality and efficiency. The first is to broaden the listing of listing financing at home and abroad. This year, one company has been listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The second is to broaden debt financing channels. This year, 45 non -financial corporate bonds have been issued this year, and the financing amount exceeds 32 billion yuan. Only private company panda bonds. The third is to expand the equity financing channels. Establish a multi -level industrial fund system construction. At present, there are 16 government investment funds in the city and county.

Disclaimer: This article is the original manuscript. The copyright belongs to the Quanzhou Evening Newspaper. Please contact the background to authorize.

Source: Quanzhou Tong Client Reporter: Zhuang Dandan, Chen Xiaoyang text/picture editor: Zheng Ruiqing review: Jiang Xiaoyuan

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