The aircraft aviation test helped to inspect the full coverage of the prohibited spatula poison in Liulin County

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.07.27

Huanghe News Network Luliang News (Hao Shuping) In order to severely crack down on illegal plants such as illegal planting poppies and other drugs, the anti -drug brigade and the auxiliary police officers of the Liulin County and the police stations are in the spring and summer.The principle of not letting go of a village, one household, and one seedlings ", the horses continuously penetrate the key parts of the deserted mountains, fields, fields, family courtyards, forest orchards, abandoned courtyards and other key parts."Carpet" inspection.

The anti -drug brigade combined with the "100 -day action" in combining the current summer public security strikes, and recently organized a third -party Beijing Tianxingchuang American Air Club Co., Ltd. to comprehensively organize and carry out aircraft forbidden toxic drugs in the county.No drugs of drugs were found during the operation.

In this way, through the close combination of air and ground, the three -dimensional prevention and control system of "heaven and underground" jointly crack down on illegal planting drugs, so that the original plants of drugs are hidden, ensuring the "zero planting, zero yield of zero -planting, zero yield in the county's drugs in the county"".

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