In the first half of the year, Huizhou Industrial Investment and Periodic industrial added value increased in the province first

Author:Today Time:2022.07.27

Recently, Huizhou's economic "transcript" in the first half of the year was released, and the development of the industrial economy was quite eye -catching-

In the first half of the year, the value -added of the second industry was 13.1267 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3%year -on -year; the added value of industries above designated size was 114.196 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%; industrial investment increased rapidly, an increase of 51.7%. It is particularly eye -catching that in the first half of the year, Huizhou's industrial investment growth and the growth rate of industrial added value in the regulations ranked first in the province.

Behind the grades is the strong toughness and continuous stability of Huizhou's industrial economy.

Stable industrial growth, stabilizing the economic market, steadily promoting industrial transformation and upgrading ... In the first half of the year, the context of Huizhou's industrial economic development highlight the word "steady", efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, implement a policy of stabilizing the economy The chain is effective, and the real gold and silver help the company to relieve the difficulties.

Today, Huizhou, who has been to the "trillion industrial city", is seizing major opportunities for "double districts" and two cooperative zones to build new industrial strong cities.

Delta achieved outstanding results in the field of intelligent driving. Huizhou Daily reporter Tang Yuxian Zhang Yiming

Guardian chain

One item heavy policy gives the enterprise "Xinxin Wan"

During the Spring Festival this year, due to an emergency epidemic, the supplier of Desaixi was unable to supply it. The supply of 200,000 display screens was directly related to the continuous production of 8 car manufacturers such as GAC. With the assistance of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and other departments, Disaixi has successfully achieved stable production protection.

"In the first half of this year, the epidemic in East China and Northeast China in the heavy town of the automotive industry brought a certain impact on Disaixway, but with the strong support and coordination of the Huizhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, we successfully solved the problem of poor supply chain and maintained it. Good growth trend. "Jiang Jie, chairman and president of Desai Group, admitted that Huizhou's strong measures to maintain the stable chain gave enterprises to eat" reassinual pills ".

This is a microcosm of Huizhou with pragmatic measures to help enterprises maintain the stability chain and achieve industrial growth. In the face of the impact of the epidemic, Huizhou established a special class for the prevention and control of the epidemic and industrial stability, established a corporate appeal to respond to a closed -loop management mechanism, quickly collect all kinds of demands of enterprises, implement rapid handling processing, and establish a key enterprise liaison system, adopt on -site service services , Accurate docking and other "one -to -one" service methods to coordinate and solve problems such as corporate epidemic prevention, labor, raw material supply and other problems.

my country ’s first“ dual -frequency 5G+Industrial Internet ”smart refinery construction project was completed and put into operation in China Shipping Oil Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

——If policy support is more powerful. Tax reduction and fee reduction, financing promotion, supply -saving and stable price ... Focusing on industrial steady growth, since this year, the city has successively introduced a series of stable growth policies and measures, including "Huizhou to further support several policies for the development of small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. "Measures", "Huizhou City Promoting the Stable Economic Growth Action Plan", "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Implementation of the Economic Police Policies and Measures of Huizhou City", and other heavy policies, etc. The chain supply chain stimulates the vitality of the market.

—— Work measures are more pragmatic. Online and offline multi -channel industrial chain supply and demand docking meetings, give full play to the leading role of the leading "chain owner" enterprises in terms of industrial chain support and collaboration, through the establishment of the docking platform of the main enterprise with upstream and downstream supply chain companies to promote industry docking Further enhanced the toughness and competitiveness of the advantageous industrial chain, and promote the integration and development of large and medium -sized enterprises.

In the workshop, the machine roars; at the project site, the construction of the construction is hot ... In the first half of the year, the industrial operations were steadily advanced, and the supply chain of the industrial chain was stable. Key backbone enterprises, key nodes in the industrial chain, and the "whitelist" enterprise of the industrial chain supply chain "whitelist" enterprises run smoothly, consolidating the "cockpit stone" of industrial production.

Data show that in the first half of the year, the added value of industries above designated size was 114.196 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%, ranking first in the province. In the 34 industries produced in the 34 industries, the growth rate of 73.5%, and the value -added growth rate of 12 industries increased compared to the first quarter.

At the same time, the pillar industry supports obvious support. The electronics industry increased by 6.3%; the petrochemical energy industry increased by 13.8%, of which the petrochemical industry increased by 23.1%and the new material manufacturing industry increased by 2.0%; the life and health manufacturing industry increased by 6.5%. The added value increased by 6.1 percentage points. From the perspective of products, the output of over half of the major industrial products has increased. Among them, chemical drugs, medical instruments, equipment and instruments, and LCD screens increased by 41.2%, 28.1%, and 19%, respectively.

The construction of ExMobil Huizhou ethylene project is fast -horse and whip. Data map


Real gold and silver support market entities to stabilize the economic market

Industry is the "cockpit stone" of economic development. It stabilizes the macroeconomic market. The industry shoulder major responsibilities. Faced with the current complex and changing domestic and foreign situation, on the one hand, the city has increased industrial investment and exerts the support role of investment and project construction. On the one hand, it continues to help enterprises to relieve difficulties. True gold and silver support market entities and stabilize the economic market.

Since the beginning of this year, a number of industrial projects such as Ex Mobilicon Huizhou Ethylene, Hengli (Huizhou) PTA main project, Zhengwei Huizhou New Material Industrial Park, Yimei Lithium Power Battery, etc. are strong, "3+7 "The construction of industrial parks has continued to increase investment, which not only builds a more core competitive" 2+1 "modern industrial cluster and builds a new type of industrial strong city, and adds new impetus to the rapid growth of investment. Statistics show that in the first half of this year, the city's industrial investment increased by 51.7%, which was 12.8 percentage points higher than the same period last year. Essence

The construction of large projects only strives for the day and night, setting off a wave of project attacks; large enterprises have full horsepower, accelerating the internationalization layout, realizing anti -trend growth, and laid the "main tone" of Huizhou's industrial economy in the first half of the year.

On June 8th, the second phase of the second phase of the Disaixi Intelligent Connected Huinan Industrial Park was officially started. This is the project renderings.

For the majority of small and medium -sized enterprises, the government's series of "real gold and silver" rescue measures have brought more "gains" to enterprises, and more firmly developing and growing confidence. Since the beginning of this year, the city has actively implemented the national and provincial policies for helping enterprises and promptly introduced supporting measures to help enterprises solve difficult problems in production and operations, stabilize expectations and strong confidences, and help market players to face difficulties. Provide strong support for the stable economic and social operation of the city.

"A package of relief policy has brought a lot of help to our companies," said Chen Lijun, director of the Foreign Affairs Department of Guangdong Weilin Technology Co., Ltd. Weilin Technology is one of the provincial -level "specialized new" SMEs in our city. This year, it is ready to sprint and declare a national specialized new "little giant" enterprise. Chen Lijun introduced that last year the company achieved approximately 400 million yuan in revenue and continued to grow against the trend this year. It is expected that the annual revenue is expected to achieve 600 million yuan.

The implementation of a package of policies is good or not, the key depends on the "sense of gain" of the company. Yao Hongding, general manager of Huizhou Simi Technology Co., Ltd., is deeply touched by this: "tax reduction and exemption, the subsidy of the" small election ", and the return of stabilization, etc. This year, the company can save about 300,000 yuan. The development of small and medium -sized enterprises under the impact of the epidemic is very helpful. "Yao Hongding told reporters that the company's development momentum is rapid. Declars to the provincial "specialized new" SMEs.

China Sea Oil Huizhou Petrochemical Site. Data map


"2+1" modern industrial cluster competitiveness has continued to improve

Entering the provincial "Specialty New" SME Huazhou Shinko Motor Co., Ltd., which is located in the Daya Bay Area, the advanced automated motor production line makes people shine. Zhong Jinfu, the general manager of the company, said, "Thanks to the application of automation equipment, a production line can produce 20,000 Taiwanese madas a day."

In the Daya Bay Petrochemical District not far from this, my country's first "dual -frequency 5G+Industrial Internet" intelligent refinery construction project was completed and put into use in CITIC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. China Oil has achieved the update and iteration of traditional refinery production methods through digital technology. It has established a intelligent and digital new refinery in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area. The automatic collection rate of production data exceeds 98%. In 97%, the cost of monitoring of factory decreased by 30%, the incidence of production accidents was reduced by 80%, and the efficiency and decision -making accuracy greatly increased.

In Tianda Plastic Products (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., a row of excreted machines roar, and plastic products such as dining plates, knives and forks, jars, and other plastic products are continuously produced. "The daily raw materials must be used for 70 or eighty tons, and more than a dozen products are exported to foreign markets." Wang Fang, general manager of the company.

On May 20th, Zhengwei (Huizhou) New Material Industrial Park Germany's West Mark CR3500 Lianlian Rolling Production Line Hanging was lifted, and a 25 -ton vertical furnace was successfully lifted once.

At present, Huizhou's industrial structure is optimizing and upgrading. Enterprises have accelerated to digital, network, intelligent transformation and upgrading. Technological transformation and equipment update are in full swing. Enhancement ...

These changes can be seen from a set of data: Data shows that in the first half of this year, the city's advanced manufacturing investment increased by 70%, the investment in high -tech manufacturing increased by 66.2%, and the investment in industrial technology reform increased by 22.7%; The value increased by 11.7%, accounting for 66.5%of the industrial added value of the city above the scale; the added value of high -tech manufacturing industries increased by 8.8%, accounting for 41%of the industrial added value above the city, and the industrial economic quality and efficiency were further increased.

From enterprises to industry, to the park, Huizhou has steadily promoted the transformation and upgrading of industrial development, improvement of quality and efficiency, and continuous improvement in competitiveness. In the results of the 2021 national new industrialized industrial demonstration base reported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently, the city's "Electronic Information (Mobile Intelligent Terminal) · Zhongkai High -tech Industrial Development Zone" and "Petrochemical Chemical and Synthetic Materials) · Da Ya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone "Double Double Obtaining the" Four -Star "demonstration base.

● Huizhou Daily reporter Xie Baoshu

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