This "hiding" unique district under the river embankment ushered in the "red good butler"

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.15

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client June 15 (Reporter Leng Jinghua Correspondent Cao Kai) This is an old building built by the demolition of the demolition under the Hanjiang embankment. The location is remote. When you go out, you can only fly the wires and electric vehicles when you go out. The charging can only fly the wire ... But now, the corridor here is refreshing and bright, there are beautiful flower beds and casual seats downstairs, the face recognition of people, and a new smart electric bicycle parking shed Essence On June 15, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily learned that it was such a remote unique community that had undergone tremendous changes after entering the red property -Anju Industrial Property. Speaking of the current life, residents in the community say "good"!

In order to solve the needs of residents after entering the market, the red property has built a newly -charged electric bicycle parking shed. Reporter Leng Jinghua Photo

No. 21, Sanxin Village, Hanyang, a single district located under the Hanjiang embankment and lived in 76 residents. Residents said that here was a place where the navigation map could not be located.

Liu Xuan, the grid of the Hanqin Community, introduced that the Sanxin Village Community was built in 2003 and was built by the employees of the former Hanyang brick tile factory nearby. The geographical location of the community is remote, close to the Hanjiang embankment, and there is no property management in the front community in the front of the red property. The biggest problem is that the environmental sanitation is messy, weeds are piled up, and the corridor is full of debris.

"It's too biased here. There wasn't even a vegetable field nearby. The bicycle was more than half an hour to go to the nearest street to find a vegetable market to buy vegetables." Du Xiaoai, a resident who lived in 2 units, said that he was riding an electric bicycle to buy vegetables. There are more and more people, and new problems come again: the phenomenon of flying lines in the community is particularly common, like "spider silk", which is very unsafe.

Du Xiaoai introduced that after the red property company entered the market, the first thing was to create a newly charged smart electric bicycle parking shed to stop all the electric bicycles in the community. Without these electric bicycles that dragged lines, it looks clean and tidy, and it is particularly convenient. "

The resident Chen Hanhua introduced that the green belts downstairs in the previous unit were weeds and mud. The rain and sewage exuded, and the ground of the entire community was mud water. In summer, the dirty pits attracted mosquitoes to fly over the sky. Dare to stand by people. "After the red property entered the field, it hardly used the weed green belt, cleaned the corridor garbage, and planted the deworming Ophiopogon in the flower bed. There was a new leisure chair next to the flower bed. Now neighbors love Go downstairs. "

The residents gathered at the casual seats downstairs to chat comfortably. Reporter Leng Jinghua Photo

"In order to solve these difficulties and demands of residents as soon as possible, the community insisted on 'touching, Zhou Zhou, and Yueyue Comment', and took the property to collect the opinions of residents in advance." Liu Xuan, director of the grid, introduced that after the red property entered the market, it was based on The opinions of residents collected in the early stage have taken the actual management measures in a targeted manner, which greatly improves the residential experience.

Wang Qiong, the person in charge of Anju Xingye Property Company, introduced that the red property is to do the old communities in the community managed by professional services. "Keeping greening" provides residents with more comprehensive and diverse services, and gradually starts to charge property fees to enhance the blood production function of red property. At the same time, it will implement the "one street and one product" plan in 124 old communities in 6 streets in Hanyang District to allow each one to allow each one There are highlights in the streets, highlights in the community, and increasing the happiness of residents.

[Edit: Hou Fangyu]

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