Village revitalize Beichen | Zhou Honglei, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the District Committee, deeply rooted in Qingguang Town for investigation

Author:Internet information Beichen Time:2022.07.27

On July 26, Zhou Honglei, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the District Committee, went deep into Qingguang Town to investigate and learn more about the work of party building to promote rural revitalization. Part of the responsible comrades of the district party committee, the main responsible comrades of Qingguang Town and the District Agricultural and Rural Committee attended the participation.


Zhou Honglei, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the District Party Committee

In the conference room of Qingguang Town, Zhou Honglei carefully listened to the town's economic and social development and reported reports on the revitalization of rural construction in the town, and fully affirmed the construction of rural grassroots party organizations and the integration of industrial integration of the first, second and tertiary industries.

Subsequently, Zhou Honglei came to Hanjiashu Village, Qingguang Town to understand the situation of village party organization construction, collective economic development, reserve talent training, and special cultural tourism project planning and development.

Zhou Honglei pointed out that comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is the general starting point for the "agriculture and rural" work in the new era. It is necessary to deeply understand the significance of grasping party building and promoting rural revitalization, solidly promote the standardization of party building at the grassroots level, and carry out in -depth "Chen Xing Man Talk". Squatting research, continuously improving the quality of rural party building work, and providing strong organizational guarantees for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. It is necessary to give full play to the role of "one -shoulder" head and geese, actively mobilize the "two committees" team of the village team, the sense of mobility and sense of responsibility, and lead the village cadres to take the initiative to think about things, officers, and achievements. Farmers' backbone team.

Zhou Honglei emphasized that it is necessary to continue to strengthen the collective economy of the village, make good use of the advantages of the suburbs, dig deep into the village resources, find out the positioning of industrial development, innovate and broaden their ideas, so that people have no self and me. Hanjiashu Village should make good use of the existing advantages, promote the integration and development of the first, secondary and tertiary industries, and strive to become a typical model of Tianjin rural rejuvenation, the typical typical cultural tourism industry in the suburbs, and the typical transformation of industrial parks.

Zhou Honglei emphasized that it is necessary to attach great importance to the construction of rural talents and reserve teams, explore the employment and entrepreneurial mechanism of graduates from local universities in the villagers, and use emotions, institutions, and post education. Passion and enthusiasm let young people go back to their hometown, love their hometown, and build their hometown.

◆ Edit: Ma Junying Xu Haoran

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