Optimistic children!Mom off at Hangzhou, the child was left to the high -speed rail to Nanjing

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.27

According to@荔 News, recently, the police of Nanjing South Railway Station received the police that a 14 -year -old boy and his family on the car were disappeared.It turned out that the child's mother told the child to get off at Hangzhou East Station after getting on the car, and then took office in the carriage.But after arriving at the station, my mother got out of the car but did not find the child.The police asked that the child was full of passengers when he got out of the car. He couldn't walk back to his mother and did not dare to get out of the car, so he went all the way to Nanjing South.Fortunately, with the help of the police and the trainer, the mother and son finally met.

Source:@来 来

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