Zhengzhou observed 5307 Yundi Lightning in one day ...

Author:Top news Time:2022.07.27

The strong convection weather in Zhengzhou City the day before yesterday left a very deep impression on the general public. Whether it is the shape of the cloud, the color of the sky, and the frequency of lightning, there are different convective weather. On July 27, the Henan Provincial Meteorological Bureau analyzed the cause of the strong weather.

In addition, the meteorological department also responded and explained the phenomenon of the Dahe Daily · Yu video reporter and many citizens' lightning shots by the lightning shot by the Lightning Power in Zhengzhou Central Plains.

Zhengzhou Meteorological Observatory monitored the radar back wave on the same day

The cause is a biāo line weather process, affected by the eastward shift of the western wind short wave slot

According to the analysis, the cause of the formation of the strong flow weather is mainly due to the influence of the band -shaped medium -scale convection system generated by the east -movement of the western wind short wave trough. Before the process, the effects of warm and humidity and clear clouds in the southwest of the auxiliary high edge, the heating and humidity of Henan and the surrounding area were obvious, and rich water vapor and unstable energy accumulated in the atmosphere.

As the high -altitude tank is carried on the eastward movement of cold air, the vertical instability of the upper atmosphere is strengthened, and there is a strong development development in the south of Shanxi, and a strong cold front is formed on the ground. With the eastward movement of Leng Feng, the new convection generation was continuously triggered in the western Henan, and it was developed into a line in central Henan, bringing thunderstorms, short -term heavy precipitation, hail and other strong convective weather to Henan.

The term line is not common. Analysis of the Meteorological Observatory of Henan Province, it is a thunderstorm group arranged into a line (with). From the time, it can be regarded as a "aircraft carrier" that is strong in the flowing weather. This is a catastrophic weather system with huge destructive power.

The characteristics of the line are small and the history of life is shorter. Its width is about 20-50 kilometers, and the length is generally tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. The maintenance time ranges from several hours to ten hours.

The energy carried by the line lines is huge, and the strong convection weather may be very diverse. There may be thunderstorms, short -term heavy rainfall, hail, and sometimes tornado. These strong -pairing weather may appear alone, or several accompanies.

Lightning hit Central Plains Fuxi

Monitoring Zhengzhou observed the cloud ground Lightning 5307 times to hit the Central Plains Fuxi is the cloud ground lightning

Everyone was impressed, in addition to heavy rainfall that day, there were more shocking lightning.

According to the monitoring of the Lightning Monitoring System of Henan Province, from 12:00 on July 25 to 12:00, the province monitored a total of 62,401 clouds and lightning, and the high -value zone of the lightning density was mainly distributed in Nanyang, Xinyang, Luoyang and Zhengzhou. Among them, Zhengzhou City observes 5307 clouds.

According to the introduction, lightning is a natural phenomenon, which is mainly divided into cloud lightning and cloud -ground lightning. Because the distribution of the internal charge of the cloud group has the characteristics of the heterogeneous charges, when the potential difference between the charging area of ​​the heterogeneity reaches a certain degree, the air will be cut to form discharge, generating lightning or interpersonal lightning in the cloud.

When the amount of charge in the cloud group is enough, the ground near the cloud group will sense a large amount of heterogeneous charge, especially on the building, metal or land transfer and other objects that highlight the ground. At the time, cloud discharge phenomena will be formed, and cloud -ground lightning will occur.

On the evening of the 25th, many Zhengzhou citizens, including the Dahe Daily · Yu video reporter, took the lightning to hit the Fap Tower of Zhengzhou Central Plains. This is a typical cloud land lightning, but generally does not cause damage to the complete buildings of lightning protection devices.

The meteorological department recommends that high -rise buildings should install lightning protection devices in accordance with national standards, and relevant owner units and high -rise buildings shall do a good job of lightning defense work in accordance with national laws and regulations, and select the testing agencies holding the corresponding qualification level to regularly carry out lightning protection devices for lightning protection devices Detection and daily inspections and maintenance to ensure that lightning protection devices can play a normal role.

When will Zhengzhou's rain start today? 4 pm to 5 pm is the main time of rainfall

There is still rain today, and the rain is heavy. Many people care about when the rain in Zhengzhou starts, when the end is over, and work and schedule.

The reporter of the Dahe Daily · Henan Video has just learned from the Zhengzhou Meteorological Observatory that due to the eastward shift of the low slot of the middle latitude, there is a middle to heavy rain this afternoon to the night, local heavy rains, uneven distribution of rainfall, and short -term heavy precipitation during thunderstorms., Thunderbolt and other strong convective weather.

The cumulative precipitation is 10 to 40 mm, the local is 50-70 mm, and the maximum rain is 30 to 50 mm.The main rainfall period is from 16:00 on the 27th to 5:00 on 28th.

From the perspective of the whole province, today from day and night, there are small rain and thunderstorms in the province. Among them, north of the Yellow River and northern Sanmenxia, northern Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Shangqiu, Pingdingshan, Xuchang, Luohe, Zhoukou, Zhumadian countyThere are heavy rain or rainstorm, local heavy rain, and are accompanied by strong convection weather such as short -term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, hail and other strong flowing weather.


Source: Dahe Daily · Yu Video Reporter Liu Ruichao

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