The power of a flower -the development of the peony industry in Heze City

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.07.27

Flowers can be rewarded, rooted in medicine, seed oil squeezing oil, stamen tea, petal lipstick ...

In Heze, the peony of Guo Tianxiang has derived many specialty products. The peony industry and regional characteristics are inherent to benefit the people.

Starting from a "one flower" to develop a single development tour to the bigger industry chain. Today, Heze has become the world's largest peony planting area, the most complete variety, and the longest industrial chain cultivation, scientific research, processing, export and viewing core areas. The city is dominated by the peony industry and created the Peony Provincial Agricultural High -tech Industry Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Peony Provincial Agricultural High Zone). Refinement processing, the integration of peony industry, and the Circular Economic Demonstration Zone of the Peony Industry.

"This is currently the only peony product in China that has obtained health food batch numbers. The transformation of peony seed oil from new resource foods to health food." In the exhibition hall of Heze Yaoshun Peony Biotechnology Co., Ltd. A bottle of peony seed oil soft capsules introduced to reporters that the peony seed oil soft capsules declared by Yao Shun Peony passed the approval and obtained the domestic health food registration certificate of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Management, which played a milestone role in the development of the peony industry.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Peony Provincial Agricultural High Zone, our city will improve the scientific research incentive mechanism and enhance the industrial research and development capabilities as the top priority, and vigorously cultivate enterprises' research and development and scientific and technological innovation capabilities. At present, the Peony Provincial Agricultural High Zone has 700 acres of peony standardized planting bases, gathered 52 peony deep processing enterprises, of which there are 9 national high -tech enterprises, 1 national key enterprise, and 18 provincial leading enterprises.

After years of development, Yao Shun Peony has developed into a leading enterprise in the deep processing industry of peony products at home and abroad. It has more than 140 product types, covering many fields such as health products, cosmetics, and special dietary foods. "The whole body of peony is treasure. We have established the circular economic model of the peony industry chain. A peony will get the most sufficient development and utilization here without any waste." Xu Qiang said.

Based on the resource endowment and industrial foundation, our city is a good articles to achieve different competition and misplaced development.

In the peony provincial -level agricultural high district, in addition to the peony deep processing enterprises, peony planting enterprises have also developed rapidly. Heze peony and peony fresh cut flowers are popular in the flowers market across the country.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, flower consumption has also drove the "flower economy" rapidly. As an important nationwide peony and peony planting and production bases, while vigorously developing the peony industry, our city is based on the advantages of local resources and actively promotes the growth of the peony fresh cut flower industry. Cultural symbols, the "Shandong Daison" in consumers across the country has gradually enjoyed the major flower markets.

Shandong Shengshi Flower Smart Agricultural Co., Ltd. has 1200 acres of peony planting bases, with more than 8 million peony and peony fresh cutting flowers annually. Paeonia products are listed on the market in major cities across the country. In May each year, the season of peony harvest is full of joy of bumper harvest. Workers shuttle in the fields and carefully select peony flowers that are about to bloom. Adopting the "Company+Base+Farmers" model, the company has driven many villagers to increase their income and become rich. At present, the planting area of ​​Heze Paeonia is about 30,000 mu. This year, it is estimated that the fresh cut flowers in the market have exceeded 60 million, accounting for more than 50%of the national market, becoming the largest production base in the country in the country.

The Peony Provincial Agricultural High Zone officially approved the construction on January 29 this year. The park takes the peony industry as the leading industry, focusing on the construction of "one heart, Belt, two parks, and five districts" to further highlight the characteristics of the industry, build complementary functions, benefit benefits The modern new industrial system with close connection and industrial chain penetrates the modern peony industry cluster, which is mainly based on the four major industries of seedling breeding, flower cultivation, deep processing, and cultural tourism.

At present, the detailed development plan of the core area of ​​the Peony Provincial Agricultural High Zone is being prepared. Key projects such as the urban -rural cold chain logistics construction project of Heze Gao District and the Chinese Peony Culture Heritage Innovation Industrial Park are actively promoting. The peony and deep processing chain are further stable. The main engine of the high -quality development of the peony industry.

After five years of construction, the park will build a model area for the National Peony Science and Technology Innovation Center, the National Peony Processing Export Demonstration Base, the National Peony Industrial Chain Development Demonstration Zone and the deep integration of Shandong Provincial Industry City. The four major industrial clusters, including deep processing and cultural tourism, form a new pattern of park development in the park with distinctive characteristics, integration of primary, two, and three industries, advanced development models, and significant demonstration effects.

Heze peony cultivation has a long history, began in Sui, prosperous in the Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties. At present, there are 9 major colors, 10 large flower types, and 1280 varieties, which are the world's largest peony production, breeding and export bases. In 2021, the city's peony industry output value reached 9.8 billion yuan, with more than 100,000 employees.

Based on the resource endowment, Heze came out of the development of peony industrialization mainly based on watching peony, oil peony and medicinal peony. From a flower to the entire industry chain of the peony, the three -dimensional comprehensive development is achieved, allowing Caozhou peony to "bloom" out of the gorgeous industry flowers.

Heze Newspaper All Media Reporter Zhang Xiao

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