Guo Hao: Let "Ping An Dream" take into reality

Author:Luliang Radio and TV Station Time:2022.06.15

Guo Hao is the instructor of the Yangquan Qu Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Xiaoyi City. Since joining the work, he has always kept in mind the oath of the alert, adhered to the original intention of serving the people, took the responsibility of the shoulders, and handled the people's affairs. In 14 years, he insisted on ordinary posts. In May this year, he was awarded the title of "Model of the People in Public Security Organs".

In 2014, Guo Hao came to the Xinyi Police Station of Xiaoyi City as the deputy director. From a grass -roots policeman to the position of deputy director, the change of identity also brought new challenges. In front of him is a key area of ​​13.8 square kilometers and a permanent population of 120,000 people. Public safety in the jurisdiction, the contradictions and disputes between the neighbors need to worry about it.

[At the same time] Guo Hao, the instructor of the Yangquan Qu Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Xiaoyi City: At that time, the situation in the area was indeed very complicated. Very big.

In order to find out the situation in the jurisdiction quickly, Guo Hao and his colleagues repeatedly investigated key places in the area, repeatedly sorted out the chaos of law and order, and formed a new platform for police and civilians to contact the community police on the basis of fully investigating and visiting. The QR code information of the community police in the area is uniformly publicized to realize "scan code on the spot and contact on the spot".

[At the same time] Citizen Bai Shuai Shuai: This platform is very convenient. As long as you sweep, you can connect the specific police. Whether it is dealing with transactions, there is something to ask for help, and even the suggestions and suggestions can be directly feedback. It is very timely.

Simple things are done immediately, and complex things are limited to timely. This is the request of Guo Hao for business. Relying on the "code police" platform, the efficiency of the masses has been further improved, which has greatly facilitated the lives of residents in the jurisdiction and shortening the distance between the police and the masses.

[At the same time] Guo Hao, the instructor of the Yangquan Qu Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Xiaoyi City: The most concerned about the people is actually a trivial matter around them. The trivial cases are done and resolved. The sense of security and happiness of ordinary people has risen.

While running a good thing around the masses, Guo Hao used the "micro service" platform to innovate to extend a new way of safeguarding the community. Through the evaluation of more than 60 "volunteer patrols" and "public security volunteers" in the taxi driver team, organizing various shopping malls to protect the information of the security forces, forming a working pattern of police -civilian linkage, and effectively maintaining public security in the jurisdiction.

[At the same time] Taxi driver Naidong Sheng: When we are driving on the street, we find some security clues and problems. We will pass it to the group when we take a shot. And a sense of accomplishment.

The police force is limited and the people's power is endless. With the joint efforts of the police and the people, the social security of Xinyi District continued to maintain a good situation of "two drops and one liter", and the happiness of residents continued to improve. Guo Hao won the trust of the people with his hard work.

[At the same time] Citizen Wang Jinying: Special thanks to Police Officer Guo, such a good police officer, regarded others as their own affairs, and did their best to do it for us.

In the fourteenth year of the police career, Guo Hao took on the grassroots work, but was also a member of the thousands of foundation police. He resolved the people and urgent civilians to make him the "guardian god" of the masses, but in the family role, he could only make choices.

[At the same time] Guo Hao's wife Ren Hongchao: He is usually too busy. He is full of work in work. He often said that this is his mission. What I can do is to support him silently behind him to prevent him from distracting.

When putting on the police uniform, Guo Hao had a "safe dream" in his heart. Ten years of persistence made his dreams entering the reality, illuminating the jurisdiction, letting fairness and justice be within reach, and let Wanjia's lights always be safe.

[At the same time] Guo Hao, the instructor of the Yangquan Qu Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Xiaoyi City: I am a police officer of a grass -roots police station. The things that the masses are anxious are our work. Only by serving the people with love can the people be worthy of the glorious title of "People's Police".

In the past 14 years, Guo Hao has participated in more than 300 criminal cases, captured more than 1,90 criminal suspects, investigated and dealt with more than 700 public security cases, and presided over 1,100 conflicts and disputes to recover more than 500,000 yuan in economic losses for the masses.He has successively established a second -class and three -class merit 3 times, and has won the title of "Outstanding People's Police in the Provincial" and "Outstanding People's Police of Luliang City".In May this year, he won the title of "Model of Love the People in the National Public Security Organ".Reporter: Li Ziye

Broadcast: Wang Hongwang Zhu Xiaobo

Edit: Ren Huinan Wang Ning

Trial: Geng Ruishan Zhang Yingying


New Media Editor: Geng Yanpeng

New Media Technology: Cui Wei

New media review: Zhang Yanan

New media producer: Geng Ruishan Zheng Fangmin

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