Catch 83 suspects!Huangpu Public Security launched a unified and unified operation of summer night public security inspections

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.26

According to the national public security organs summer night public security inspections and defense and defense centralized unified operation arrangements, in order to promote the "hundred -day action" in the summer public security strikes, the Huangpu District Branch of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau organized a summer night public security inspection announcement from July 22 to 24 Actions to prevent centralized unified operations, severely crack down on investigating and dealt with current illegal and criminal activities, timely eliminate hidden dangers of various types of security risks, make every effort to maintain the safety and stability of the social overall social situation in the region, and continuously improve the security and satisfaction of the people.

Strict prevention and control! 3400+ night guards tied to Ping

During the three -day unified operation, Huangpu Police dispatched a total of 1979 policemen and 620 vehicles, and organized 1483 people to organize group defense groups. Check 63 times, check 2123 vehicles, 107 ships, 5466 inspectors, comprehensively implement various measures for patrol management and control of social face, continue to carry out the "see the police, see the police light, see the police car", and continue to enhance the society Face deterrence and control, fully squeeze the space of illegal crimes, timely eliminate hidden dangers of public security, and make every effort to create a good atmosphere to protect the "fireworks on the world".

Thunder attack! Captured 83 suspects involved in the case

Huangpu Police insisted on fighting early, showing up, and severely cracking down on various illegal crimes. During the operation, 83 suspects of various types of illegal criminals were arrested (3 of them were fugitives), and 61 cases were cracked (13 theft cases and 9 fraud cases). It is worth more than 3 million yuan; destroy a underground casino, capture 23 suspects involving gambling, and seize 15,000 yuan in gambling funds and a batch of gambling gear.

The traffic police brigade has set up 11 special drunk driving rectification points, 8 key traffic illegal acting points, a total of 18 illegal acts of driving motor vehicles, 10 drunk driving motor vehicles, and 6 to disturb the people.

Expenses! Police of key parts

The Huangpu Police combines the current social security situation, aiming at the characteristics of summer public security and the laws of the case, paying close attention to key parts, key areas, and time periods, adhere to the use of the police, and strengthen the intensive places of night personnel such as commercial squares, night markets, and supper. Inspection and patrols, as well as key road sections and waters, during the period, a total of 1,451 various places were inspected, 207 key parts were inspected, and 295 safety hazards were investigated and rectified, creating a more secure and stable social environment for the people in the jurisdiction.

Strengthen publicity, inspect and declare defense!

During the unified operation, Huangpu Police gave full play to the role of the Police Police Propaganda, organized the entire police to go deep into the masses, and strengthened the person in charge of the place, operating owners and consumers during safety inspection and patrol prevention, and guided the masses to pay attention to public security Safety and maintain a good social environment together. At the same time, focusing on cracking down on the key content of pension fraud and anti -fraud, anti -fraud, refusal of drunk driving and other security knowledge will be promoted simultaneously, and the awareness and prevention capabilities of the masses in the region will be effectively enhanced. During the period, a total of 107 announcements were set up, more than 4,774 publicity materials were distributed, and 103 publicity videos were broadcast.

Text, Picture/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Articles of Association Correspondent: Huangpu Political and Law Video/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Articles of Association Correspondent: Huangpu Political and Law Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Zhang Yu

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