The launch of the landscape project of the northern part of Songya Lake Park, the landscape of the landscape project of the water landscape project

Author:Changsha County Rong Media Cen Time:2022.07.26

Recently, the construction of the near -water landscape project in the northern garden of Songya Lake Park was launched. The project is planned to plant more than 170 ponds on the south side of the wetland garden landscape. While creating a beautiful waterfront line landscape, wild animals such as birds and other wild animals are created. Provide a good habitat, promote the improvement of the image of the city, and realize the harmonious symbiosis of man and nature.

Songya Hubei Garden "Wetland Garden" overlooks the picture

Engineering renderings

According to the project construction staff, the near -water landscape project covers an area of ​​about 6,000 square meters, mainly planting a green tree species of about 400 meters in the wetland garden water area of ​​about 20 meters. In addition to the necessary operations, shrubs, such as "free development" and "weeds", actively create a original ecosystem that is far from the population and suitable for birds. While exerting practical functions, Ichi also has strong ornamental. Its trunk is straight and upright, the tree is beautiful and beautiful, and different colors change with the seasons. Choir, the autumn and winter color is colorful, and the forests are dyed.

It is understood that in recent years, with the continuous increase and diversified work measures of the wetland environmental protection of Songya Lake Park, the biodiversity of the park has become increasingly rich, 216 kinds of wetland plants, 117 wetland vertebrates, and the water quality of the pilot area has reached the surface on the surface Three types of water standards, Songya Lake is increasingly becoming a urban ecological barrier and an important research base. In the later period, with the continuous advancement of the construction process of Songya Lake Ecological New City, Songya Lake Park has also ushered in the construction opportunities for quality improvement and files. A number of supporting facilities construction and quality improvement transformation projects are being launched. The plan is gradually promoted, while actively practicing the development concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains" development concept, the Songya Lake Ecological New City Development Center continues to improve the management capabilities and service levels of the park, enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, satisfaction, and satisfaction. Essence

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