Jiangsu introduced 12 measures to promote the preservation of foreign trade and stability. In the first half of the year, Jiangsu's foreign trade operation was better than the country.

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.07.26

On July 25, the Jiangsu Provincial Government held a press conference on "Promoting Several Measures for Promoting Foreign Trade Preservation and Stability" to interpret the "Several Measures on Promoting the Promotion of Stability of Foreign Trade Preservation and Stability" issued by the Jiangsu Provincial Government Office on July 12. The "Several Measures" proposes 12 specific measures from four aspects of promoting the preservation of foreign trade, helping foreign trade enterprises to catch orders, stabilize the supply chain of the foreign trade industry chain, and increase financial and taxation financial support. It is worth noting that the foreign trade operation in Jiangsu in the first half of the year is better than the country and expectations.

The picture shows the conference site

Twelve measures in the four aspects promote the development of foreign trade

"Jiangsu is a large economic province and a large foreign trade province. The contribution rate of economic growth in the country exceeds 10%. The dependence of foreign trade has been maintained at more than 40%for a long time. It is of great significance to stabilize the stability of foreign trade." At the press conference, the head of the department introduced that the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government attached great importance to the introduction of a new round of foreign trade policy documents. More than 20 departments and units including the Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Transportation, the Provincial Taxation Bureau, and Nanjing Customs were finally formed.

In combination with the actual situation of Jiangsu, comprehensively refine and implement the spirit of the state -of -the -world documents, and in response to the outstanding difficulties facing the current foreign trade development, "Several Measures" will be promoted by promoting the foreign trade field, helping foreign trade enterprises to grasp the market to expand the market, and stabilize the supply of the foreign trade industry chain supply. Twelve specific measures are proposed in four aspects, including chain and increased fiscal and tax finance support.

Measures include promoting the maintenance of foreign trade. It mainly includes two measures: full service to ensure the production and operation of foreign economic and trade enterprises and vigorously promote the smooth flow of foreign trade logistics. Among them, the measures are clearly implemented in accordance with the regulations to implement the tax refund within 3 working days for enterprises with good tax refund and credit. The transportation is smooth.

Help foreign trade enterprises grasping orders to expand the market. It mainly includes four measures such as supporting enterprise offline online integration of international markets, expanding second -hand car export business, accelerating the development of cross -border e -commerce, and improving the development of market procurement trade. Among them, regarding the cross -border e -commerce, the measures mentioned that the branding development of cross -border e -commerce enterprises was promoted, and cross -border e -commerce brands were actively included in the international well -known international brands in Jiangsu Province's key cultivation and development of Jiangsu Province.

Stabilize the supply chain of the foreign trade industry chain. It mainly includes two measures: strengthening the construction of import promotion carrier platforms, support for bonded maintenance, and re -manufacturing business. Strive for the innovation demonstration zone of the new country's import trade promotion, focus on supporting high -quality SME trade enterprises such as specialized specialty, and strive to double the number of pilot entrepreneurs and pilot business at the end of 2022.

Increase fiscal and taxation financial support. It mainly includes four measures such as increasing the support of export credit insurance, increasing import and export credit support, improving the exchange rate management capabilities of small and medium -sized micro -enterprise industry, and optimizing the cross -border trade RMB settlement environment. Support bank institutions for foreign trade enterprises that have good development prospects but temporarily trapped, do not blindly raise loans, draw loans, disconnect loans, and loans to meet the needs of corporate reasonable capital; Orders provide convenient financial services; in 2022, China Import and Export Bank Jiangsu Branch's foreign trade industry loan growth rate is not less than 12%.

In the first half of the year, Jiangsu's foreign trade operation was better than the whole country

At the press conference, Zhou Xiaoyang announced the development of foreign trade in Jiangsu Province in the first half of the year. Since the beginning of this year, due to factors such as the surrounding epidemic and the Ukraine crisis, the pressure on the stable growth of foreign trade in Jiangsu Province has increased, and the difficulty of operating foreign trade enterprises has intensified. The Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce, together with the relevant departments, is steadily in the head and steadily.

From January to June this year, the province of Jiangsu's province cumulatively imported and exported 2635.68 billion yuan, which was 10.0%year-on-year, an increase of 0.6 percentage points higher than the national average; of which, exports were 1661.97 billion yuan, an increase of 12.3%; imports 973.71 billion yuan, an increase of 6.2 %. Cumulative imports and exports, exports, and imports have reached a record high of the same period.

In the first half of the year, Jiangsu Foreign Trade achieved steady quality and quality. The trade structure continues to optimize, and the proportion of four accounted for all: private enterprises account for 38.7%, an increase of 1.8 percentage points, and the stimulating effect is more significant. General trade accounts for 57.2%, an increase of 0.5 percentage points, and the support effect is more prominent: for emerging markets: emerging markets Exports accounted for 50.5%, more than half for the first time, an increase of 2 percentage points, and the market layout became more diverse; regional development was more balanced, and the proportion of Soviet and North Jiangsu increased by 0.8 percentage points.

Talking about the challenges facing Jiangsu's foreign trade in the second half of the year, Zhou Xiaoyang admits: "Enterprises still face many difficulties such as insufficient orders, poor logistics, and rising comprehensive costs. Cross -border e -commerce, market procurement trade, overseas warehouse and other new formats and new modes have been integrated and developed, helping the digital transformation of traditional foreign trade enterprises. In terms of continuous optimization of the development of foreign trade, the role of provincial foreign trade and foreign -funded coordination mechanisms, key foreign projects, and key export enterprises work, in -depth analysis of the situation of key areas, key industries, and enterprises, dynamically track enterprise orders, production and operation, project construction, etc. Happening.

"Cross -border e -commerce+China -EU trains" explore the new road

At the press conference, Hu Kehong, chief engineer of Nanjing Customs, introduced that in recent years, Nanjing Customs can enjoy simplified declarations and lists of lists of cross -border e -commerce comprehensive test areas in 13 districts and cities in Jiangsu in 13 districts and cities in Jiangsu. , Convenient transfer, innovative return supervision and other convenient measures. Nanjing Customs has also deepened reforms and actively promoted various business innovations, such as promoting the centralized regulatory model of returns and centralized returns to effectively unblock the "last mile" of cross -border e -commerce retail import business. "Nanjing Customs to ship the 'e -commerce special lines', and use the Chinese and European trains' logistics advantages to create a cross -border e -commerce' golden channel ', offset some pressure caused by the rise in logistics costs caused by the epidemic." Hu Kehong introduced.

A batch of innovative applications are continuing to improve the level of smart supervision of customs. Hu Kehong said that the development of cross -border logistics auxiliary management systems, introducing the entire package sorting, and changing the traditional model of scanning code one by one, the efficiency is greatly improved, and basically "leave the country on the day of the day of the export goods".

In terms of market procurement, enterprises in 47 ports in Shanghai, Ningbo, and other countries. The logistics channels such as truck flights and China -EU trains are exported to reduce logistics costs about 1,000 yuan per container. At present, the procurement trade goods in Nanjing Customs Customs have reached 156 countries and regions around the world.

Yangtze Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Xu Yan

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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