The three major imprints of the A -share market for ten years of growth

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.26

In the eyes of investors, A shares in the past ten years have grown rapidly, leaving some profound marks. Here we choose the three of them:

The first mark was that the number of investors exceeded 200 million.

"There are more than 200 million investors in the stock market, making important contributions to the service of high -quality development." Li Chao, vice chairman of the CSRC Li Chao in June at the "China Ten Years" series theme press conference.

On February 25, 2022, China's settlement was solemnly released. Since it has exceeded 150 million in March 2019, the number of investors has continued to increase, and it has reached 200.87 million on February 25. This is the first time that the number of investors in my country's securities market has exceeded the 200 million mark. As of the end of May this year, the number of non -natural investors was 485,900. At the end of 2015, the number of investors was only 99.1053 million, and the number of non -natural investors was 283,800. An important reason behind it is the enhancement of RMB assets. Data show that as of the end of May this year, the value of domestic professional institutional investors and foreign -funded holdings accounted for 22.8%, an increase of 6.9 percentage points from 2016.

Another data reveals that the investor structure is optimized: in 2021, the proportion of individual investors' transactions dropped to less than 70%for the first time. This reflects the long -term value investment, long -term investment, and rational investment concepts advocated by the regulatory level.

The second mark is "A -share into Mo".

On June 1, 2018, A shares were officially included in the related index of Morgan Stanley Capital (MSCI). This is an important step in the internationalization of the A -share market.

Starting from the first evaluation in 2014, to the end of 2018, it reflects the professional and rigor of MSCI when absorbing new elements. It reflects the staged results of the China Capital Market's sharp reform and positive progress.

In the early morning of September 8, 2019, the S & P Dow Jones Index was officially announced in the list of A shares. At this point, the three major international index companies MSCI, FTSE Russell, and S & P Dow Jones are all included in A shares.

Subsequently, the proportion of A shares into the international well -known index continued to increase, and its positive role was obvious: bring incremental funds, foreign capital maintained net inflows for many years, optimizing investor structure, and deepening value investment concepts. There is also an impact on domestic institutions and investors, allowing them to move towards a more international direction.

As of the end of May this year, overseas investors held 3252.9 billion yuan in domestic listed stocks, an increase of 3.9 times over the end of 2014; 5.0%of the total market value of A -share circulation, an increase of 2.9 percentage points from the end of 2014.

The third mark is that the market value of the science and technology board exceeds 5 trillion yuan.

On July 22, 2019, the 259 -day science and technology board was planned to officially open the market on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Two years later, on July 30, 2021, data from the Shanghai Stock Exchange showed that the total market value of the science and technology board exceeded 5 trillion yuan, reaching 5012.123 billion yuan. This is an important mark in the growth process of the science and technology board and even the A -share market, and it is also an important moment for the capital market to help China's economic transformation and upgrading.

In addition to the market value, as a "new" sector, there are many marks worth remembering: on June 13 this year, the third anniversary of the opening of the science and technology board, excellent transcripts: 428 listed companies, IPO fundraising of more than 610 billion yuan Yuan. Among these listed companies, 149 new -generation information technology companies, accounting for 35%, 87 biomedical companies and 81 high -end equipment companies, accounting for nearly 20%. The "hard technology" features of the science and technology board can be seen.

We believe that on the way to the growth of A shares, there are still many marks waiting for records in the future. For example, a technology company that leads the world's trend, every step towards the world's largest capital market. (Yan Yue)

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