Six chickens in the villagers' homes were stolen, and the thieves were actually elementary school classmates

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.15

Jimu Journalist Liang Chuansong

Correspondent Zhang Jing

When Mao Moumou, a man in Hubei, went to the steep wall village to ride a three -wheeled electric car in the evening, he heard a chicken cry, and started a crooked thought and stole a nest of 6 chickens. When the police took Mao Moumou at the scene of the crime, they were recognized as elementary school classmates. On June 14, the suspected theft suspect Mao Moumou was detained by the police in accordance with the law.

Jimu reporters learned that on the morning of May 22, Dong Mou, a villager of Jinniu Village, Jinniu Town, Daeye City, was going to go to work. Check out that the chicken coil was opened in the backyard, and the six chickens in the hen nest were stolen. Essence Although Dong thought, although he was not valuable, he was very angry and thought about it again and again. He went to the Taurus police station on May 25 to report to the police.

After Chen Lifeng, the police officer of the Taurus Police Station, rushed to the scene and retrieved the surveillance video in front of Dong's house and found that at 9 pm on May 21, a man walked around Dongjiawan for more than an hour and was suspicious.

Although the video was not very clear, the police checked the line and found that after a man in his 60s stole the chickens of Dong's family, he drove a green three -wheeled electric car to the direction of Xinbei Street. According to video information, the police expanded the scope of investigation.

After grasping the clues, the police quickly rushed to Mao Moumou to capture it.

It turned out that Mao Moumou, 67, was a native of the township next to the next door. Although he was two townships, he was adjacent to Dongjiawan. According to his confession, at 9 o'clock that night, when he rode a three -wheeled electric car and rushed to Dongjiawan, the surrounding Jinniu Village, he heard a chicken cry on the way and approached the back door. The house swept the chicken house. After doing it, Mao Moumou was sent to the son of Xinbei Street to hide with a sack with a sack, and got 300 yuan for the stolen money obtained from the vegetable market the next morning.

Mao Moumou thought that he would not be found at night, and he was caught by the police so soon.

When identifying the scene of the crime, the owner found that the thief Mao Moumou was actually his elementary school classmate.

On June 14, Mao Moumou had been administratively detained by the Daemean police in accordance with the law for suspected theft. At present, the case is still under investigation.

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