Wolong District: Persist in targeting the force, and work hard on the deepening of the rectification

Author:Wolong poverty alleviation Time:2022.07.25

In order to comprehensively implement the results of the "look back" targeted rectification work and the results of the results of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation, the Wolong District will be grasped and implemented in a timely manner. At the above rate, all employees work together to achieve early discovery, early resolution, early rectification, early zero, and zero. In the investigation of the problem, the "bottom" and the rectification zero "bottom" to ensure that the "look back" work organization is square, the implementation is strong, and the implementation is effective.

Plan the deployment, and the direction is not offset. The Wolong District quickly held the "look back" targeted rectification work promotion meeting to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Action Action of" Better Looking back "targeted rectification of poverty alleviation results". The special action leadership group and work class composed of commander and related industry departments organized more than 10 business training meetings of the village branch secretary, Baocun cadres, and the first secretary of the village in the district to conduct the work of "looking back". Explanation and deployment. It is required to conduct a "pull -up" investigation in the villages and villages in various towns, insist on investigating and. Change completely.

Pay close attention to implementation, see the true chapter. Each township and township scenic spots are established with the members of the township team as the team leader, the first secretary, the responsible person, and the members of the village "two committees" team as the team members' investigation and visiting team. Key households such as households must arrive. The principles of petitioners, disabled people, and special difficulties must be visited. Policies such as anti -poverty monitoring, "two -don't worry about three guarantees" and safe drinking water, industrial employment assistance, etc. In terms of inspection content, the village conducts a "pull -up" investigation by households, and establishes a three -level ledger for households, villages, and towns for the problems that sort out the problems. Look at "targeted rectification to lay a solid foundation.

Governance of the high position, rectification has achieved results. The main persons in charge of each township and towns adopt the form of not greeting, uncertain time, and indefinite routes, and go deep into villages to inspect villages to consolidate the results of the "look back" targeted rectification work and help the responsible person in their duties and assistance. At the same time, on -site handling and rectification on the spot and discovery problems were conducted on the spot. The district and rural revitalization bureau organized a special inspection team to go to the township (scenic spots) to check the village levels since 2021, provincial, and municipal feedback rectification accounts, verifying the implementation of rectification, and promoting the consolidation of poverty alleviation results with high -quality problems. The project standard task is high -quality.

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