Men boast that they can take everyone to make money on the gambling website, "sucking gold" 270,000

Author:Righteous network Time:2022.07.25

[Men boast that you can take everyone to bet on the gambling website to make money "sucking gold" 270,000] During the European Cup in 2021, Hu Blade can take everyone to bet on the gambling website to make money, attracting many gambling to Hu Mou's betting on his generation.However, Hu Mou did not bet on it at all. Instead, he settled the transfer of transfer funds to settle himself. Within a month, he collected more than 270,000 yuan in gambling funds and 10,000 yuan in illegal profits.A few days ago, a public prosecution was filed by the Xiangshan County Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province. The court sentenced the defendant Hu for eight months in prison for gambling and fined 20,000 yuan.

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