Hangzhou Qiaos Street organizes the "New Fashion Category · New Fashion · Party Member Demonstrate Me" Practice "

Author:Zhonghong.com News Time:2022.07.25

Show Qiao Si Xin's face, lead the new style of garbage classification, and take the great environment of "Beautiful Hangzhou" the overall environmental improvement and great improvement of long -term management. The leading role of demonstration is to fully help Qiaos Street to achieve the goals of the provincial and cities at all levels in 2022, strive to create a provincial demonstration town street in garbage classification, and promote the construction of beautiful cities and towns.


On July 14, Qiaos Street carried out "new fashion of garbage classification, party members demonstrated me to do it first" and Qiaos Street created the launching ceremony of the provincial demonstration town streets of garbage classification. The village secretaries, the in charge of the garbage classification, the representative of the volunteer volunteers of the garbage classification party, and other relevant departments of Qiaos Street attended the launching ceremony.

The meeting comprehensively summarized the development of the garbage classification work and work results of Qiaos Street in the first half of the year, emphasizing the focus and direction of the work of the provincial demonstration town street in the second half of the year. Under the requirements of the operation mechanism, the position platform is efficient and powerful, and the role of party members is fully exerted ", guide and mobilize departments at all levels to marked advanced, check and supplement, further condense ideas, work hard to help the garbage classification work at a deeper level and higher level to help the garbage classification work Promoting the implementation of the village community "competition", "competition", "prize", and "penalties" models to promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of garbage classification, and create a golden business card for the classification of Qiaosi garbage.

The meeting clearly pointed out that the classification of village community garbage should not only consolidate the foundation, compact responsibilities, strengthen the refined management of the village community, strictly investigate, realize the waste of garbage, accurate release, civilized classification, and pay attention to the management of efficiency, and continuously improve the garbage. Category quality.

Representatives of party members of garbage classification party members call on the speech of garbage classification initiative to call for party members to lead by example, solidly promote garbage classification work, popularize the knowledge of garbage classification, regularly designate the knowledge of garbage classification, and drive more residents to actively participate in the creation of provincial levels to create a provincial level Demonstration town street activities.

The garbage classification must not only improve awareness, but also put it into action. After the launching ceremony, the volunteers of party members also experienced interest activities such as the garbage classification knowledge promotion and interactive area of ​​the garbage classification propaganda area on the spot, the garbage classification circle, the garbage classification flying chess, the garbage classification large turntable and other interesting activities. The atmosphere is active.

"Such activities not only let us understand the garbage classification, but also allow us to maintain a pleasant mood in the process of participating in garbage classification." Residents participated in the activities and also increased the sense of garbage classification in the event.


At the same time, the volunteers of party members took the purpose of serving the residents to put the garbage classification volunteer into action. In the Hanghai Road Community Sunshine Green Yayuan Community, party members volunteers will jointly provide fixed -point services to the general public through the on -site connection. Face -to -face field guidance and other activities, popularize the knowledge of garbage classification to residents with a point, implement a normalized mission mechanism, and help the construction of beautiful cities and towns.

At the event site, party members volunteers and comprehensive law enforcement guarantee personnel also went deep into the community, strictly in accordance with the management requirements of "duty and duty", and strengthening supervision and guidance on garbage investment points, storage points, and "three teams". In -depth guidance of the management of garbage classification, improve the management system, comprehensively improve the awareness of garbage classification of the majority of residents, further guide residents to develop good habits, enhance the degree of social civilization, and effectively create contributions to the beautiful towns of Qiaos Street.

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