The "Shenzhen Shekou -Guangzhou Xunxin" portfolio is officially opened. The Greater Bay Area Port Point has reached 21 | Rongtong Greater Bay Area

Author:Crystal report Time:2022.07.25

"Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Port" adds new members. The reporter learned from the transportation department a few days ago that recently, containers loaded with fragrance and aluminum rolls in Guangzhou Capital Pier through the port mode to handle customs clearance. After the ship is rejuvenated to the Shenzhen Port Shekou container pier, it is transported to foreign countries. The first transport 1 standard box. The move marked the official opening of "Shenzhen Shekou -Guangzhou Xunxin" portfolio.

▲ A few days ago, the customs supervisory "Shenzhen Shekou -Guangzhou 滘 Heart" first voting portfolio cargo. (Image source: Website of the General Administration of Customs, Wang Hanbo/Photo)

Guangzhou Panxin is the sixth portal of Shenzhen Port after the opening of five group ports in the South China Sea North Village, Zhaoqing Sanrong, Yunfu Xingang, Dongguan Shilong, and Guangzhou Xintang. As of now, Shenzhen Port has opened 21 ports in eight cities including Dongguan, Huizhou, Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Zhaoqing, Yunfu, and Guangzhou. Shenzhen Port completed the operation of 113,000 benchmarks through the portfolio model, exceeding the annual transportation volume completed through the port mode last year!

In order to enhance the international competitiveness of the port group of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau, together with Shenzhen Customs, actively coordinated port enterprises in various places, replicated and promoted the "Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Port" project, encouraged port companies to add more new more new companies In the port point of the portfolio, further expand the coverage of the Greater Bay Area portfolio port, and promote the integrated cooperative development of the port group of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.

The reporter learned that at present, the development of water transfer in Shenzhen Port has become an important way to collect and export goods in the port group of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area. The opening of the "Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Port" has significantly improved the efficiency of the import and export of water transfer containers and saving logistics costs. At the same time, the combined port project effectively expands the supply of Shenzhen Port's supply, and the convenience of customs clearance has attracted more inland ports to import and export through Shenzhen and Hong Kong, providing new growth points for the increase in the throughput of Shenzhen Port containers, which is conducive to further increase in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The international liner route consolidates the status of Shenzhen Port's fourth largest container hub and helps Shenzhen to build a global marine central city.

According to the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" plan of Shenzhen Transportation, Shenzhen will strive to build the core engine city of the Greater Bay Area that leads to the development of traffic. Improve the coordinated development model of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area hub, and build a regional core engine city supported by rail transit as the main body, road and water passenger transport. In the next step, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau will continue to promote the port project, expand the coverage of coverage, promote the increase in the volume of port boxes in port ports, optimize the port collection method, and promote the coordinated development of port cities.

Source | Jingbao APP

Reporter: Ma Jiyuan

Edit: Chen Zhangwei

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