The man smashed each other's vehicle after he was stunned, and the police reported it!

Author:DV scene Time:2022.07.24


The Internet passed "After the accident of the men all the way to the Men of the Beijing -Tibet Highway

Damage to the other's vehicle "

Heated discussion

July 23

Beijing Chaoyang Police released a report

In response to the "Beijing -Tibet High Speed Men's Furious Men to damage the other vehicle after an accident," the network passed down, it was found that at 13:20 on July 22, 2022, near the Beijing -Beach Bridge in the Beijing -Tibet Expressway, Lu Mou (Male, 47 years old) Driving the lane in violation of the regulations, scratching accidents, and then dismissed the other driver, smashed and destroyed the other vehicle's reflector, multiple windows glass, and caused the other's arm to be scratched.At present, Lu Mou has been criminally detained by the Chaoyang Public Security Bureau according to law, and the case is under further work.

Source: Ping An Beijing Chaoyang, Global Times, please contact this public account if there is any infringement.

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