Organize the storage division: I am looking through the encyclopedia of the world

Author:Look at the think tank Time:2022.07.24

"From 9 am to 6 pm, I was almost not rest except for lunch. From the customer's house that day, the fourth toe of my right foot was numb." This is Liu Fangfang's first time to go to the customer's house for finishing and storage work. "Later, I went to the hospital to see the medicine that relieves nerves for nearly five months."

Liu Fangfang, 42, has been a media public relations for seventeen years. One and a half years ago, she began to try to organize the storage artist. "I started to pay attention to the industry four or five years ago. At that time, the operation of the public relations company was stable, and everyone wanted to find a new outlet." Liu Fangfang bluntly said: "I am not so noble, to say this is to make money. "

Wen | Wang Lichen

This article is reproduced from the WeChat public account "The country is through the traffic" (ID: Wednesdaynews). It does not mean watching think tank viewpoints.


Why are there very few practitioners in the 100 billion market?

At the beginning of 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security added a "organic" work under the profession of "housekeeping". This once -niche industry gradually became popular. Data released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security at the beginning of last year showed that over 40 % of practitioners exceeded 100,000 yuan in annual income, and the demand for occupational positions in the next two years was nearly 20,000, and the growth momentum was strong.

For a while, the tweets of "the threshold for finishing the storage division is low, and the monthly income of 100,000 is not a dream" was overwhelming. However, in Liu Fangfang's view, "the overall income gap in the consolidation of the storage industry is relatively large."

Liu Fangfang introduced that he was just a finishing division who stacked clothes for storage. He could only earn 300 to 400 yuan in nine hours a day. It can be organized according to customer habits to organize the kitchen, living room, and bedroom space, and one day's income can be more than 1,000 yuan. Upgrade to vocational training lecturers, income will be more considerable.

In addition to the large income gap and finding customer resources difficulties, it is also a common problem facing this industry. "When I really entered this industry, I found that it is easy to learn to make a storage, but it is difficult to find customer resources. Those who do not work and have no education enter the industry. After finishing the study, it is difficult to earn so much money."

Affected by consumers' cognition, the unit price of the customer is higher than the cleaning and housekeeping services. At present, there are very few people who work in the storage and storage industry in full -time. Most of them are part -time.


Every time the house is a challenge

All year round of public relations experience has provided support for Liu Fangfang's expansion of customer resources. Directors, Internet celebrities, company executives, ordinary white -collar workers, etc. are the objects she has served by her households.

"There is a story behind the experience of getting out of the household." For Liu Fangfang, each customer has its own characteristics, and each time the household is a challenge. "Although thousands of possibilities will be listed in training classes, they often find that there is no application at customers' homes."

"Once a net red moved to Beijing, there were a lot of clothes. There were two layers of clothes in the four -story villa. I was responsible for helping her organize unpacking sports pants, first disassembled the packaging and then summarized. Disassemble more than two hundred and almost the same pure black sports pants. "

Waking up the next day, Liu Fangfang found that his right arm could not be lifted, and went to the hospital to diagnose as synovitis. Liu Fangfang smiled bitterly: "I really disassembled too much."

The small employee living in the rental house was also the object of Liu Fangfang's service. "Have you seen more than 3,000 bottles of nail polish? Half -faced face is full of pimples. The doctor said it was mite allergies. "

Even so, Liu Fangfang still insisted on working as a household service. In her opinion, every customer has his own story.

"I chatted with the little girl while sorting out the nail polish that day. She said that she didn't buy a brand -name bag or a brand -name clothing, so she rely on buying nail polish to balance her heart. In Beijing, which is flowing, nail polish is her comfort. "Liu Fangfang was touched with his heart.

Although her body is tired, this job can still make her happy. "From the messy to neat process, it is super healed for me." In the year and a half of joining the industry, there were nearly 90 customers served by Liu Fangfang. "Sometimes I really want to open a public account and record what happened with customers, and it will definitely be hot."


"Through the encyclopedia of life"

Although he had made an in -depth research on the professional storage artist before entering the industry, Liu Fangfang's perception of the industry after joining the industry still changed hugely.

"It can be said that it is disruptive." Liu Fangfang said: "I didn't invite a storage man to pack things at home, but after entering the industry, I found that it was really necessary."

In her opinion, many customers are chaotic at home, not lazy, or they will not clean up. "The storage artist is not just neat, but a deeper level is to pursue humanity."

The storage artists should make differentiated customization based on the customer's living actions and habits. "What we are pursuing is not absolutely neat, but we must respect the laziness of human nature, and look for balance in the middle. This is also a place that is different from housekeeping cleaning in this industry."

In addition to the recognition of the industry after entering the industry, Liu Fangfang also saw more noodles in the world from her customers. "If I do n’t do the storage division, I may not be able to understand some experiences and stories for a lifetime."

Liu Fangfang once organized a storage for the general agent of the Asian region. The customer talked to her how to circulate the famous watch in the world and how to do distribution agents all over the world."They can give you a lot of industry trends, and these are not found in the book. They are too fresh, more like encyclopedia on earth."

Different customers brought Liu Fangfang's different life experience. Liu Fangfang always joked with her team in front of the house: "What kind of story will this time?"

In addition to the consolidation of the household, Liu Fangfang now goes to kindergarten and school as long as he has time to tell the children for the free public lessons and taught them. Teach their desks to divide them in several districts, what kind of items should be placed on each district, etc.Essence"From the perspective of children's cognition, it is meaningful to learn to finish storage."

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