"Wild" programmer in the town

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.07.24

Chuanguan News reporter Tang Zewen/Photo

On the weekend, on the weekend, in a bathroom building materials product store in Fuhu Town, south of Nanchong City, on the laptop of the owner Qiu Dachuan, the line code was skillfully entered by him.

Qiu Dachuan has two identities. One is the owner of this bathroom building materials store. It can have 300,000 yuan in sales each year and the profit is more than 100,000 yuan.

Another status, in his own words, is called "wild" programmer. "Haha, not a regular army, nor the birth of a science class, but this is my ideal," he said.

At present, five small programs in his hands have been developed and launched on WeChat, one of which has the largest amount, and the number of users is close to 50,000.

The "wild" programmer is growing quietly in the town.

Qiu Dachuan is writing a small program

The cause of the program:

Just to help my mother find a pharmacy

"Born in 1986, the standard middle -aged people." A few years ago, Qiu Dachuan ended his working career from Beijing and returned to Fuhu Town to open this building materials store.

In his opinion, this is a more "comfortable" choice. "Beijing's life pressure is too great. Opening a small shop that belongs to its own, the income is not much low, but the comfort of the day has increased a lot."

During the discourse, someone went to the shop to buy a kitchen cooker. He immediately got up and skillfully introduced the characteristics of various products to the guests. The guests left, and he immediately returned to his seat and buried his own applet.

"When there is no one in the store, there are mostly, and it's also idle. It is better to do something to do." He said.

The reason why he wanted to do is because he had done a few years of editing in an IT magazine in Beijing, and this job allowed him to learn some programming knowledge. "In the eyes of amateur players, I can still not work in front of professional players, which is why I call myself a 'wild' programmer."

And what really made him interesting was a previous experience of his mother.

At the end of March this year, the mother who worked in Zhejiang needed to buy medicine, but she did not use the mobile phone map app, and finally had to ask her son for help. The mother and son had a long time to communicate through the video, and then found a pharmacy with less than 200 meters away.

"Can you develop a small program, can the elderly find the location through voice recognition and guidance?"

If you say it, he will turn on the computer and develop a small program called "nearby search" through the map interface opened by WeChat.

In this applet, input objects such as "pharmacies" and "bus stops" are input through voice input. The interface immediately displays the corresponding places around the surrounding area. The user only needs to click on the phone icon to call directly to consult.

With this applet, his mother never worried about finding a place. "As long as you can use WeChat, you can use it, which is very friendly to the elderly." Qiu Dachuan said.

Seeing the applet he wrote can really work, he excitedly sent the experience to Douban. What he did not expect was that this article called "So, I developed a small program for my mother" was on Douban. "More than 2,000 likes, more than 1,000 collections, and have been put on Douban's boot screen." Even if it has passed for a long time, now, he is still very excited.

This strengthens his determination to make applets.

The future of writing the program:

To solve the needs of the town and get out of a "wild" road

In the next time, as soon as he was free, Qiu Dachuan sat in the shop, and fingertips quickly tapped on the laptop keyboard.

"The logic of writing the program is actually very simple, that is, if ... ..., the complex procedures are composed of countless such grass -roots logic." Qiu Daguan's idol is Jobs, "he recommended everyone to learn to write writing and writing Program, this can exercise a person's logical thinking ability. "

After the "search nearby" small program was hot, his enthusiasm for writing the program was high. In less than half a year, more than 10 small programs were written, and 5 of them were finally online.

These applets are closely related to his life. For example, a small program for trademark recognition is that he wants to help his building materials business. "In the small town, there are too many cottage brands. If you change the letter, you will come to change the color. He pretend to be a regular brand." He developed this program through Baidu's open data interface. The user only needs to scan the trademark, and the program can identify whether this is a genuine trademark based on the font, icon, color, spacing and other parameters.

Among the five small programs, the highest use is a typing practice program. "My friends in the town will not type with the keyboard. I developed this program to help him practice. I did not expect that the use of the use was very high after going online, and the number of users was close to 50,000."

He said that using this applet can learn to typing in a week.

Types of typing exercises developed by Qiu Dachuan

Although he is full of enthusiasm for the development of mini -programs, a more practical problem also makes him a headache -how to monetize?

"I am a native town youth, I know what it is needed here. If you want to monetize, the development of the program still needs to surround the needs of the town." He said.

At present, he is developing a ordering process for the decoration and installation master. "There are no large cities like Chengdu, there are many work, and there are many masters." As a practitioner in this industry, he knows the blocking point of the decoration of the town: the connection between customers and masters, most of them rely on friends to introduce. An open platform.

"Large Internet companies engaged in this field are also difficult to penetrate into the town and village. Then I will do it." He now thinks that if it is done, let the decoration master pay the monthly fee, 5 yuan a month, you can just 5 yuan a month.Essence"There are many masters settled in, and if you can settle in the surrounding towns, it will also be a good income," he said.The development of applets is not as complicated as traditional procedures, but Qiu Dachuan is still proud of his career."Compared with the regular army of programmers, although my programming level is not as good as them, I need to develop, operate, and promote myself. The programmer, product manager, and public relations work have been done. The comprehensive ability may be stronger."

He also set a small goal for himself: you can earn 5,000 yuan per month by applet."At that time, I might turn off my shop, devote myself to the development of the program, and walk out of my own 'wild' programmer."

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