103 118 monitoring equipment!It's about to start!

Author:Live broadcast Rizhao Time:2022.07.24

Rizhao Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detach

Announcement of transportation technology monitoring equipment

In order to further strengthen road traffic safety management and effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of road traffic accidents, the traffic police detachment of the Rizhao Public Security Bureau in accordance with the "People's Republic of China Road Traffic Safety Law", "Regulations on the Procedures for the Procedures for Road Traffic Safety Illegal Behavior", and other laws and regulations.Give public announcements for new and reused 103 transportation technology monitoring equipment. Now the following equipment will be publicized. After 5 working days from the date of publicity, relevant traffic violations will be managed in accordance with the law. Please ask the majority of traffic participantsConsciously abide by road traffic laws and regulations, and jointly maintain a good road traffic environment.

Attachment: New traffic technology monitoring equipment publicity form

Traffic Police Detachment of Rizhao Public Security Bureau

July 24, 2022


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