Chengyang Story | Han Yatao —— Use the true love service to get the passenger’s satisfaction and smile

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily New Time:2022.06.15

Han Yatao, born in 1990, is handsome and kind, with a kind personality, with a smile on his face, and passengers and colleagues like him very much. In January 2017, Han Yatao entered the Chengyang Bus Co., Ltd., Chengyang Bus Co., Ltd., and became a flight attendant on bus 372. Has praise; in March 2022, he transferred to work as a repairman. The activity became a big boy in the hearts of the old people.

"At first I thought the flight attendant's work was very simple, that is, selling tickets, reminding passengers to arrive at the station, but after the real work, I felt that it was not easy, and it also made me more awe of this ordinary post." Han Yatao said. The bus line 372 departs from Chengyang Xifu Town. It passes through five large sets such as Xiazhuang and Licun and a number of bustling business districts. It arrives at Taitung Road, North District, and the passenger flow is very large. It is inevitable that accidents will occur. Han Yatao remembered that shortly after work, he encountered a "tricky" incident.

One day he drove to Licun Park with the car. A boy who took a car alone in the car suddenly fainted. He hurried forward to find out that the boy looked pale and his eyes were closed. Due to the first encounter, he encountered this situation and lack of experience. Han Yatao didn't know what to do for a while. "Fortunately, there was a big brother in the car very experienced. He speculated that the boy was fainted with hypoglycemia. Let me find water and sugar to feed him first. With his help, the boy slowly relieved. It was a little bit off. From this time, I realized that the flight attendant was not only as simple as selling tickets, but also proficient in safety first aid knowledge and cope with various emergencies. "From then on, Han Yatao has been working hard to learn Various first -aid knowledge, and have a citizen box on the car, including umbrellas, plastic bags, convenient hooks, and urgent medicines, etc., and are always given to those in need.

During his work, Han Yatao studied hard and studied hard, always remembered safety in his heart, and strived to be a qualified "bus doctor".

A total of 128 stations on the 372 road, at least four hours to drive a circle. Due to the long time, in order not to delay the departure time, before the car is out, Han Yatao dare not drink a drop of water to reduce the number of times to go to the toilet and ensure that the bus is guaranteed. Can be reached on time. In his work, he always pays attention to every passenger and try his best to solve their needs. When he encountered an elderly man who was inconvenient to move during driving, and students with bulky luggage, he would get off the car to help or take the handle. He treated every passenger with sincerity and love, and with a smile closer to the passenger's distance, letting warmth surrounds ten meters. "Because I have been running at the night shuttle, the time is very fixed, the passengers on the car are relatively fixed, and I have been familiar with each other for a long time. Some passengers know that I do n’t eat in time, and I often bring me some food. I am particularly moved. This is the recognition of me by passengers and the motivation I persist. "Han Yatao said.

Earlier this year, the 372 -way "someone selling tickets" was changed to "unmanned tickets". After the route adjustment, Han Yatao was transferred to the maintenance position. For him, this was a new post. He knew that the bus maintenance was related to the safety of each passenger. He always remembered the word "safety" in his heart, and he dared not to have a slightest relaxation. During his studies, he asked the master, and he could always see him in the workshop ditch that he fiddled with the parts and tools in the book; each technical meeting always saw him crowded in the forefront and listened intently ... Relying on his unremitting efforts He quickly grew into a qualified bus maintenance worker to sweat for bus technology guarantee work and passenger safety travel.

During the epidemic, Han Yatao took the initiative to ask for the prevention and control of the company and the community epidemic.

As an excellent bus youth, Han Yatao also took the initiative to join the company's "Light of Fireflies" volunteer service team to participate in volunteer service activities; during the epidemic, he took the initiative to participate in the prevention and control of the company and the community's new crown pneumonia. And the site to disinfect, and he has his figure at the community card point, temperature measurement, inspection, etc. In March of this year, he took the initiative to sign up as an epidemic prevention volunteer. Contribute youth for the prevention and control of the epidemic. "No matter in any position, I will do my best to do my best, live up to myself," Han Yatao said.

Peninsula all media reporter Ge Mengjie

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