The sound of wind and rain is frequent. This summer, there is only TA's voice ...

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.06.15

■ Black Cicada in Xiamen.

Since the summer, the wind and rain are frequent, only a kind of sound unique to the summer- "know". Recently, attentive citizens raised doubts: At this time in previous years, there was a cicada outside the window. Why did you have no movement this year? Is it because of the rain? According to relevant experts, the "unearthed" after the rain was rained, and it was actually temperature on them.

Before being unearthed, the energy reserves need to be delayed by the temperature affected by the temperature

According to the reporter from the Xiamen Climate Change Monitoring Center, the average temperature in May this year was 21.5 ° C, which is 1.9 ° C lower than the annual (23.4 ° C), which is significantly lower. Route. In May, the precipitation was 277.6 mm, which was 62.3%more than the annual (171.0 mm), which was significantly more than 20 days.

Regarding the citizen's questions, Wang Guodong, a professor at the School of Aquatic University of Fisheries University, explained that cicadas to postpone "debut" were even more significant. "If the temperature is high, especially after the rain, the cicada is the easiest to" unearthed '. "He said, because the soil was soft and cicada easily climbed out after the rain. On the contrary, if the drought, the soil is very hard, it is not good for the cicada "unearthed".

Although cicadas live underground, they can also perceive the temperature of the outside world. Cicada is a nymph underground. The only task of climbing out of the ground is to reproduce offspring, so a certain energy reserves need to be performed underground to develop, and energy reserves are related to temperature. The same variety of cicadas, living in the south for two or three years, may have three or four years in the north.

What loves to "sing" is that the male cicada emits a tweet to attract female cicada mating

Municipal Greening Center Senior Engineer Xing Zhenjia said that the most common cicada in Xiamen is called Black Cicada, and generally there are adult thumbs. You can still see 蟪蛄, gray, smaller, and about such wide fingers near the mountain park. In addition, there are grass cicadas, cicada, etc. outside the island.

Different varieties of cicadas and patterns are different, and their calls are different. The black cicada was tweeting throughout the day, and the crying sound continued for a long time. Female cicadas will not sing. The male cicadas love to sing. Their abdomen has a loud voice that can continuously make loud sounds and attract female cicadas to mate. When the temperature at night is lower than 24 ° C, the cicada generally does not sing, and the ability to move with the lightness will also decrease, so it is not easy to hear cicadas at night. But some places, especially the area of ​​the mountain, can hear cicadas when there is a lot of light at night.

Although it is a pest, it is not highly harmful to physical and noise reduction should not be chemically controlled

Ji Zhenjia said that because the cicada sucks the juice, it is a pest from the perspective of the crop, but in fact it is not high in harm. At present, Xiamen does not have a case of tree death caused by cicadas' sap for trees. This year, cicadas have been unearthed late, so cicada will be relatively concentrated in the next period of time, and it may be more noisy.

The life of cicada adults is generally a few days to ten days. From the perspective of a healthy ecology, it does not need to be treated. If chemical prevention methods such as spraying drugs may not only affect other insects and pets, but also are not conducive to more sensitive bronchies. I really feel that the noise of the people can choose physical noise reduction, such as wearing earplugs, closing doors and windows, etc.

In recent years, in order to solve the cicada to disturb the people, there are many good ways. For example, Haicang Green Garden New Town New City Community has organized a unique "Fun Catch" competition. The cicada was reduced.

(Text/Xiamen Evening News reporter Dai Yitu/Cheng Yizhen)

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